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时间:2017-11-14 编辑:锐佳 手机版

  Unit 1


  all walks of life take up various be made up of try one’s best gain knowledge be involved in at the end of impact on all through one’s life operate on the difference between life and death in good order work out have a large audience follow trends


  五种基本句型,时态(8种) 写作:连词的运用 (课本P12-14) 练习:练习册,时态练习卷子

  Unit 2


  come from train belong to be satisfied with be regarded as be remembered as one after another by the time… master turn down not…but… accept /receive alone /lonely It takes sb … to do sth imagine become /be used to doing sth be used to sth./doing sth. used to do sth. all over the world leave sb with sth a great number of learn from can’t help but do sth / can’t help doing sth admire lie on one’s back


  被动语态(有练习卷子) 练习

  1.Do you feel ______ when you are ______ at home?

  A.      alone, alone B.      lonely, lonely C.      alone, lonely D.     lonely, alone

  2.Though he is living a poor life, he ______ all the offers from others.

  A.      turned off B.      turned down C.      turned up D.     turned away

  3.When the class is over, the students went out of the classroom ______.

  A.      each other B.      one after another C.      one another D.     one after the other

  4.Whenever we see his funny face, we ______ laughing.

  A.      can’t help B.      can’t help but C.      can’t but D.     can’t

  5.After I ______ an invitation to his party, I told him that I was glad to ______ it.

  A.      received, accepted B.      received, accept C.      accepted, received D.     accepted, receive

  6.Everyone ______ him for his fine sense of humor.

  A.      admires B.      regards C.      satisfies D.     involves

  7.I am not ______ with myself, though the result of the exam is ______.

  A.      satisfied, satisfied B.      satisfying, satisfying C.      satisfied, satisfying D.     satisfying, satisfied

  8.The man ______ I lent money was a cheat.

  A.      whom B.      to who C.      to whom D.     who

  9.The pen ______ the boy was writing was broken.

  A.      with that  B. which C. with whichD. that

  Unit 3


  manners opportunity think /say to oneself come into one’s head shame exchange sth for sth/ exchange sth with sb pay attention to sth./sb/doing sth. feel like doing sth. in return (for sth) cue for sb to do sth; cue for sth/to do sth leave sb alone force sth.on sb. indicate what if launch into personal matters=private affairs stick to sth./doing sth. raise rather than chat with comment on on the right track attentively offer

  语法:不定式 (有练习卷子) 写作:状语从句 (课本P43-45) (有练习卷子) 练习:

  1.I crossed the street in order to avoid ____ him, but he saw me and came running towards me.

  A. to meet    B. meeting    C. meet D. to meeting

  2.Plastic is widely used ____ a large number of necessities, such as cups, basins, bags. Now people are used ____ plastics.

  A. to make, to using      B. to making, to using    C. to making, to use      D. to make, to use

  3.He didn’t tell any one of us the reason ______ he would leave before the meeting was finished.

  A. that   B. which        C. why  D. of which

  4.--- I have received an invitation card for their evening party. --- ______, but I won’t accept it. --- If you don’t, _______.

  A. So I have, neither will I B. So have I, neither will me C. So I have, neither will me       D. So have I, neither will I

  5.Will you like to join us on Sunday in visiting the house ____ the great writer, LuXun, used to live?

  A. why  B. on which  C. whenD. where

  6.How can you ______ his rude attitudes towards you? He is your son instead of your father.

  A. tend  B. stand C. meet D. embrace

  7.What he said is _____ to you, but I don’t believe him.

  A. changeable        B. able   C. acceptableD. fashionable

  8.The English and the American are both ______ peoples.

  A. spoken-English  B. English-spoken   C. speaking-English       D. English-speaking

  9.I’ll never forget the days ______ we spent together working in the factory.

  A. /     B. what C. whenD. on which

  Unit 4


  national vary / various fall in /on celebrate traditionally observe major decorate /decoration bright deliver tradition gather around be connected with Christmas Eve hang(区别hanged; hung) Be disappointed about/at sth; be disappointed in/with sb/sth be disappointed to do sth/that… have … off


  动名词(有练习卷) 写作:宾语从句 (练习卷)


  1. Usually the Mid-Autumn Festival ______ October.

  A. fall on B. fall in C. falls on D. falls in

  2. The teachers always ______ us to work hard.

  A. encourage B. involve C. courage D. favor

  3. China Daily is a(n) _______ newspaper.

  A. international B. national C. local D. native

  4. It costs 100 yuan to have our room ______.

  A. decided      B. decorated          C. delivered           D. discovered

  5. From next week on, we will have one month ______ school for winter vocation.

  A. out B. off C. of D. away

  6. I don’t like the way ______ you speak to her.

  A. the way B. the way which C. the way in that D. the way of which

  7. A lot of people were singing Christmas, ______ children.

  A. many of them were B. many of them are C. many of which were D. many of whom were

  8. I want to buy such a book ______ you showed me the other day.

  A. what B. as C. like D. which

  Unit 5


  guard (guard against) next to does 表示强调 not only…but (also) be made to do be raised to do be trained to do track in addition to sth./ doing sth. in a way keep sb. company rely on sense of smell tell things apart overcome a lot of difficulties (overcame, overcome) cover a distance of turn up not…but… be infected with be passed on symptom be certain to do remain carry a disease

  语法:句子结构;宾语从句 练习:

  1.In his spare time, Mr. White likes watching birds in addition _____ stamps.

  A. to collectingB. to collect C. collect D. in collecting

  2. All the students like the way ____ professor Li gives her lessons.

  A. in that B. which C. that  D. with which

  3. If a person is bitten by a dog, he may ______ rabies.

  A. infect  B. infect with  C. be infected by D. be infected with

  4. What a pity! The rain prevented our school sports meet ______.

  A. to holdB. to be heldC. being heldD. from holding

  5. Jane ____ realize that learning English in senior high school was quite different from that in junior high school.

  A. comes to B. got to  C. get to  D. became

  6. The old lady burst into tears _____ she found that the dog had traveled back through the Rocky Mountains in the depths of winter.

  A. for the moment  B. the moment whenC. at the moment D. the moment

  7. He wanted to join the army but was ______ because of his poor health.

  A. turned offB. turned downC. turned upD. turned out

  8.I often thought f my childhood _____ I lived on a farm.

  A. which B. where C. when  D. that

  9. It was twenty years ago ______ he joined the army.

  A. then B. when  C. sinceD. that

  10.______ that I don’t want to go, ______ that I have no time.

  A. Not only…but also B. Neither…norC. Either…or  D. Not…but

  Unit 6


  find it hard to do sth put… into words keep doing sth means express feelings other than deal with humorous / humor describe /description unfortunately out of punish / punishment out of the question out of question for the moment at (the) least / most in addition to sth./doing sth. pastime improve / improvement technique / technology people of all ages character range from… to… tickle the imagination bring… to justice replace give way to.. die /dead/ death remain amuse


  定语从句:介词提前,who, whom, that, which, whose 写作:写通知(P91-92) 练习

  1. Cartoons and comic strips are used to ______ human feelings.

  A. expect B. express C. expect D. explain

  2. The prices of the shoes ______ $20 to $200.

  A. arrange B. cover C. range D. rise

  3. He became so famous that all people spoke ______ of his works.

  A. high B. highly C. badly D. well

  4. Barbie---a ______ doll with blue eyes, has become very popular among children.

  A. golden-hair B. golden-haired C. golden-hairs D. golden-hair

  5. A new bike is ______ ---we can’t afford it.

  A. out of question B. out of the question C. no problem D. out of no question

  6. He hoped to reach his goal by peaceful ______.

  A. ways B. means C. mean D. ways

  7. ______ the improvement of working conditions, workers can work more efficiently.

  A. As B. In C. With D. Under

  8. The customer didn’t go back home ______ the manager agreed to apologize.

  A. when B. before C. until D. unless

  9. ______ the time he was 6, the boy ______ 3000 English words.

  A. At, learned B. On, had learned C. By, had learned D. By, would learn

  10. He couldn’t help ______ the cleaning because he was busy with his study.

  A. do                B. doing              C. to doing            D. in doing