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时间:2024-04-10 23:00:26 金磊 推荐作文 我要投稿
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  种花的英语作文及翻译示例 1

  Spring is coming.birds are singing and flowers are blooming.

  I wanted to plant spring in my home, so i, together with my dad, went to the market and bought some flower seedlings. we prepared to plant them in the yard.when we were back home, we went into action in no time.some time later, we finished. i will patiently wait for spring to come to the yard now.




  种花的英语作文及翻译示例 2

  Spring is ing. Birds are singing and flowers are blooming. I wanted to plant spring in my home, so I, together with my dad, went to the market and bought some flower seedlings. We prepared to plant them in the yard. When we were back home, we went into action in no time. Some time later, we finished. I will

  patiently wait for spring to e to the yard now.




  种花的英语作文及翻译示例 3

  Spring is coming。Birds are singing and flowers are blooming。 I wanted to plant spring in my home, so I, together with my dad, went to the market and bought some flower seedlings。


  We prepared to plant them in the yard。 When we were back home, we went into action in no time。 Some time later, we finished。 I will patiently wait for spring to come to the yard now。


  种花的英语作文及翻译示例 4

  Spring set in early this year. Some of my neighbors began to grow flowers. There were morning glories, jasmine, cactus, and the like in their flowerpots. I wanted to have a try myself. But I had neither knowledge nor experience in such matters. Fortunately, I came across a book on plants in the library. I read the relevant chapters, which left me with the impression that any plant would grow luxuriantly if you could supply it with sufficient fertilizer and water. Of these two essential factors, fertilizer was obviously by far the more important one.


  According to what I had learnt from the hook, I sowed some seeds of morning glory in a flowerpot with a lot of fertilizer, and watered them everyday. I really took good care of them and eagerly awaited their sprouting. But,be that as it may,they just didn't come up. When half a month had elapsed,I was absolutely disappointed. I dug some of the seeds out of the soil and found they had already rotted! Why they had rotted defied my analysis. So I went to consult one of my neighbors. He told me my failure was due to my misunderstanding of the hook, and the fact was that I had overfed themwater or fertilizer may be a two-edged sword.


  I think I must draw a lesson from this failure——Never go beyond the limit even if for good purpose.


  种花的英语作文及翻译示例 5

  Spring is coming. Birds are singing and flowers are blooming. I wanted to plant spring in my home, so I, together with my dad, went to the market and bought some flower seedlings. We prepared to plant them in the yard. When we were back home, we went into action in no time. Some time later, we finished. I will patiently wait for spring to come to the yard now.


  种花的英语作文及翻译示例 6


  Grandpa likes to plant flowers very much. There are many flowers, plants and grasses in his yard, which are all cultivated by him.


  Grandpa planted a lot of flowers, including Junzilan, Canna, Chlorophytum...... Every morning, Grandpas first thing is to water, fertilize and loosen the flowers and grass. Grandpa took good care of these flowers and plants. They grew up on land, colorful and luxuriant. Grandpa smiled with satisfaction.


  In his small courtyard, the whole courtyard exudes a fragrance. Plants can absorb harmful waste gas, purify the air and beautify the environment. You see! What a plant does!


  Grandpa wants everyone to love flowers and protect our living environment!

  种花的英语作文及翻译示例 7


  I like roses. They are red and beautiful.


  I think flowers are so beautiful. Then Ill plant them! The next day I bought some seeds. I planted the seeds in the ground. I watered and fertilized the seeds. After a few weeks, the seeds germinated. After a few months, the small buds grew high. After a few months, todays roses cant help but slowly, slowly stretching their arms, one after another in full bloom.


  This is the smile of the rose tree. I look at also happy smile.

  种花的英语作文及翻译示例 8

  On the afternoon of April 23rd, after school, my mother and I made an appointment to plant flowers. Lets first tidy up the flowerpot. Then I planted the seeds and watered the fish with water. My mother said this water is the most nutritious. Finally, we marked the time and name of the flowers with labels. We planted luffa, pumpkin, sunflower, peony, and magic bean, respectively. The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning next day is to go to the backyard to observe. I look forward to it so much. Until the fifth day, the first tender bud finally appeared, and I was so excited that I shouted. Mom, come and see, the loofah has sprouted. Mom hurriedly went out to see how cute the green shoots were. In the next two days, they competed to emerge. But only the peonies and magic beans have not moved to this day. How I wish they would also come out soon.

  5 Flower Planting Essays


  4月23日下午放学,我和妈妈约好种花。我们先把花盆整理好。再把种子种下,然后浇了养鱼的水,妈妈说这水最有营养。最后我们又用标签标出了种花时间和花的名字,我们分别种了丝瓜,南瓜,向 日葵,牡丹和魔豆。接下来的`每天早晨我起床的`第一件事就是到后院观察,我好期待啊。直到第五天,终于出现了第一个嫩芽,我兴奋得大叫起来,妈妈快来看,丝瓜发芽了。妈妈急忙出老看,绿绿的 嫩芽好可爱啊。接下来的两天时间,它们争先恐后的钻出来。可只有牡丹和魔豆直到今天还没有动静我多么盼望它们也快点钻出来啊。

  种花的英语作文及翻译示例 9

  Spring has arrived, and everything is reviving. On this hopeful day, my classmates and I happily planted many beautiful flowers.

  I like flowers. They are not only beautiful, but also emit a intoxicating fragrance. Whenever I smell it, I feel the fragrance of flowers filling my entire heart.

  Yesterday afternoon, our class came together to plant flowers, and I was very happy. My classmates brought many flower seeds from their own homes, such as nail grass, starry sky, string red, and sunflowers. My classmates and I intervened in planting flowers. First, we put the prepared soil into the flowerpot, filled it up and flattened it. Then, we dug a pit in the middle of the soil, buried the flower seeds in the soil, pressed it flat with our hands, and poured some water on the soil. We planted the flowers one by one. We all laughed happily when we saw the fruits of our labor.




  昨天下午,我们班集体来种花,我特别高兴,我班的'同学从自己的家各自拿来许多花籽,有指甲草,满天星、串串红、太阳花等。我和同学们插手种花了,首先我们把准备好的土放进花盆,装满拍 平,然后在土中间挖了个坑,把花籽放进去,用土埋好,用手按平,再在土上浇上些水就还样,把花一盆盆的种好了。看到自己劳动的果实,我们都开心的笑了。

  种花的英语作文及翻译示例 10

  This morning, my mother and I went to the market to buy groceries. Suddenly, I saw an old lady selling flower seeds. I asked my mother to look quickly, and she said to me, "Do you want to buy seeds?" I nodded. My mother saw that I really wanted to buy flower seeds, so she bought me a lily seed, a bag of special soil for growing lilies, a small bag of fertilizer, and a flowerpot. I carried a lot of things and happily went home with my mother.

  When I got home, I immediately tore open the bag containing soil and poured it into the flowerpot. Then, I used a shovel to dig a small hole, put the seeds into the flowerpot, covered it with soil, and finally, I used a watering can to water the seeds. After a week, the seeds slowly sprouted, and I applied some fertilizer to them. After a few days, the seeds grew taller and taller, and I watered them again. With my careful cultivation, the seeds finally bloomed!


  今天早上,我和妈妈去菜市场买菜,突然见,我看见了一位老奶奶正在卖花种子,我叫妈妈快看,妈妈跟我说:“你是不是想买种子呀?”我点了点头,妈妈见我实在想买种花种,就给我买了 一颗百合花的花种、一袋种百合花的专用土、一小包肥料和花盆,我拿着一大堆东西,就和妈妈高高兴兴的`回家了。

  回到家,我立马就撕开了装土的`袋子,倒进了花盆里,然后我又用铲子挖个小坑,把种子放进了花盆里,盖上了土,最后我用浇水壶给种子浇水。过了一个星期,种子慢慢发芽了,我又给种子 施了一点肥,又过了几天,种子越长越高,我又给它浇了水,在我的精心培养下,种子终于开花了!

  种花的英语作文及翻译示例 11

  Yesterday was Arbor Day, and since we couldnt find a place to plant trees, my mother and I planned to plant two pots of flowers at home.

  In the morning, we arrived at the flower market, wow! There are a hundred flowers blooming and a myriad of colors, followed by bursts of floral fragrance. Its really beautiful! My mother and I chose two pots and orchid seedlings that we liked and went home.

  I first poured the two small bags of soil that I had prepared in advance into the flowerpot. After loosening and softening the soil, I used a small shovel to dig a small pit in the center of the flowerpot. Then, I carefully placed the roots of the orchid seedlings inside and filled them with soil. At this moment, my mother took a mineral water bottle, filled it with water, and poked some small holes in the bottle cap with a pin. Then, she evenly sprinkled the water on the body of the orchid seedlings, and the seedlings immediately became energetic.

  Looking at the beautiful and petite orchid seedlings, a song of "Orchid Grass" sounded in my ear: "I came from the mountains with orchid grass. Planting in a small garden, I hope the flowers bloom early..." I smiled sweetly.




  我首先把事先准备好的两小袋土倒入花盆,把土弄松弄软后,用小铲在花盆的中央挖个小坑,然后把兰花苗的`根小心地放进去,再把根部用土填平。这时妈妈拿了一个矿泉水瓶,装满水并用大头针在瓶 盖上戳了些小洞,然后把水均匀的洒在兰花苗的身上,花苗立刻精神抖擞了起来。


  种花的英语作文及翻译示例 12

  This morning, after getting up and having dinner, I thought to myself, "Spring has arrived, we should plant flowers in spring!" So, I found last years flowerpot and prepared to plant flowers.

  When planting flowers, my sister was by my side teaching me how to plant flowers: first, loosen the soil. Use a shovel to loosen the soil in the vase, so that it is easier to wrap the seeds in the soil. Secondly, plant seeds. Dig a hole in the soft soil, put the soaked seeds in it, and then cover the seeds with soil. Thirdly, watering. Put an appropriate amount of water into the flowerpot to keep the soil moist. Finally, place the flowerpot in a sunny area. I followed my sisters instructions. After finishing these tasks, I thought to myself: When will the seeds sprout? When will it bloom?

  I am looking forward to it and also very happy.



  种花的.时候,姐姐在身边教我怎样种花:第一,松土。要用铲子把花瓶里的土松一下,这样更容易把种子包在土里。第二,种种子。把松软的土挖一个坑,再把泡过的.种子放进去,然后,再用土把 种子盖上。第三,浇水。往花盆里放适量水,保持土壤湿润即可。最后,把花盆放在阳光充足的地方。我就按照姐姐的话去做了。干完这些后,我就想:种子什么时候发芽?什么时候开花呢?











