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  青春寄语的英文作文和翻译 1


  Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of pink cheeks, red lips and flexible knees; it is a matter of will, a quality of imagination, a vigor of the emotion;it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.

  Youth means a dispositional control of courage over cowardice, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20. Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals.

  Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.

  Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human beings heart the looking forward to wonder, the endless child-like appetite of whats next and the joy of the game of living. In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: so long as it is receiving messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from God, you are young.

  When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old, even at 20, but as long as your aerials are up to catch waves of optimism, there is hope you may die young at 80.


  青春不是人生的一个时期,而是一种心境、,青春不是 指粉红色的面颊、红润的嘴唇和灵活的膝盖,而是指坚强的`意志、丰富的想象和激越的情感。青春是生命深处的一泓清泉。




  青春寄语的英文作文和翻译 2

  I sing about youth, youth has vitality, youth has vitality, it is youth that drives us to strive.

  Youth is infinitely beautiful, it is infinitely good, but this beautiful period brings us infinite motivation to strive. It is this era of motivation that brings us noble spirit, and it is this lofty goal that allows us to move forward with this goal. This youth brings us a beautiful life. Youth has vitality, youth is crazy. In the time of youth, we are all infinite in strength. I sing of youth. Youth is the time when we have great achievements, and it is this stage that makes our lives colorful and meaningful. We sing about youth, which brings us infinite joy and better work. Youth is the golden stage of life. It is this stage that brings us goals in our lives, which can motivate us to live. The source of motivation is those beautiful things, and everything we encounter at this moment is happy to survive. We are all lucky ones in life, because with youth, we are destined not to fail. Because we have capital, we are destined to succeed. Every night is a time for learning. Dont waste your time. The evening study is spent in silence, and there is nothing to disturb us at this moment. It is time for us to acquire knowledge and beautiful things, and such influence influences us. Your appeal to youth is infinite. Infinite youth creates infinite beauty, and infinite beauty exercises us towards the path of success.

  I sing of youth, which brings about the creation of a better future.



  青春是无限美好的,青春无限好,只是这 美好的时期带来我们们奋斗的无限动力,是这样的动力时代,带给我们崇高的精神,是这样的高大的目标,让我们这目标,前行,这青春带来了我们生活的美好。青春有活力,青春疯狂。青春的时光里我们都是无限力量的,我歌唱青春,青春是我们大有作为的时候,是这个阶段,让我们生活的多姿多彩让我们的生活有重大意义。我们歌唱青春,青春给我们带来的是无限欢乐,和更好的工作,青春是生活中的黄金阶段。是这样的阶段给我们的生活带来了目标,这个目标能让我们生活的有动力,动力的来源就是那些美好的事物,我们这个时刻遇到的什么都是乐于生存的。都是生活中的幸运者,因为我们有青春,就注定不会失败。因为我们有资本,就注定会成功,没个夜晚都是学习的时刻,不要虚度年华。晚上的`学习是在安静中度过的,这个时刻没有任何东西打扰,这个时刻是我们得到知识,得到美好事物是时候,这样的影响力影响着我们,青春你的号召力是无限的。无限的青春创造了无限的美好,无限的美好锻炼了我们走向成功的道路。


  青春寄语的英文作文和翻译 3

  I often see many people reminiscing about their youth, but as someone in their prime, my understanding is not thorough enough. If I could start for my youth from now on, without leaving any regrets, wouldnt there be no future regrets.

  But I never understand why so many people always say that green onions are precious, and there are always people who want me to cherish them well.

  I have a brother who has graduated for several years. I used to be filled with emotions because of a few youthful movies. But when I watched together, I only felt happy and sad.

  Perhaps I havent grown up yet, but I dont know how to grow up either. I often wonder, what does the adult world look like? Is it even harder than me now, so I always miss my childhood.

  Actually, when I saw my brothers dazed expression, I knew it. He will also be happy or sad in the past because of some insignificant things. Just over time, with more experiences, not only has happiness become difficult, but also regret has become more abundant. Growing up is inevitable, and regrets may not necessarily be bad.

  So, for me, theres no need to think about growing up. Growing up will eventually come, what we cant understand now, and what we will gradually understand in the future, theres no need to cling to it. Living in the days of youth, just feel our youth to the fullest. As for the rest, let it be left to the future.

  The ignorant and ignorant years are called youth.









  青春寄语的英文作文和翻译 4

  When I was a child, if I suffered a little injustice, tears would fall like small raindrops. As I grow up, sometimes tears cant help but fall.

  When we arrived at the home of our long lost classmate, Feng and Shi still had a bright expression on their faces. However, after the TV drama "Drifting Swallow" began, we all remained silent, especially when Xiaoyans grandmother was taken away and she was desperately crying and chasing behind, all three of us were gone. They looked at each other and smiled awkwardly again.

  At around 8 oclock in the evening, a pen pal from afar called, and I gave her a "hello". She burst into tears, openly and violently. I asked her what happened, but she cried so hard that she couldnt say a word. I couldnt think of any way to comfort her, so I had to listen quietly to her cry. Later, when the crying subsided, I stopped asking her the reason for crying and only said, "Go to bed early!"

  At 11 oclock, the phone rang again. She is still there, but she no longer cries. "Thank you!" She said, "There wasnt much going on originally. It was just that my parents had a few arguments and I felt very uncomfortable, so I called you. Unexpectedly, as soon as I heard your voice, I couldnt control myself. Just now, I talked to my parents separately, and they reconciled. I really want to thank you!" She smiled again.

  I was deeply moved to hear that the happiness of youth is so simple! No need to do anything, in this season of wanting to cry, as long as someone is willing to listen to their own confession, it will be very satisfying.







  青春寄语的英文作文和翻译 5

  The sky at the age of sixteen is a song waiting to be composed, a kingdom of dreams, and an unknown outcome. Sixteen years old is a period of experiencing wind, rain, hardships, and obstacles. We cannot be afraid. Let us lift our heads and face them bravely, and let our confidence conquer them. So, what is the season at the age of sixteen? The season of sixteen is spring. The plan for a year lies in spring. In the long years of life, this is just the beginning stage. Just like sowing seeds, we students need to seriously lay a solid foundation for learning. Accompanied by the rising sun, the birds sing and the swallows dance; Accompanied by the initial blooming of buds, birds chirp and flowers fragrance. I set sail and continued on a long journey.

  The season of sixteen is summer. This is the scorching day, with scorching sun and clear sky for thousands of miles. Cicada chirping disturbed my thoughts, and complex problems consumed all my energy before I could fully solve them. It seemed to be a storm, which made me feel cool and relaxed. The season of sixteen is autumn. Autumn is the season of abundant harvest and the best time to achieve fruitful results. Just as we go through exams time and time again, we should be careful in answering questions and try to answer as perfectly as possible. Even if we have a plan in mind, we should not take it lightly.

  The autumn wind sweeps away the fallen leaves, its time for us to fill in the gaps. Some basic knowledge needs to be deeply rooted, while other seemingly incomprehensible problems must also be solved. Only in this way can we have a bountiful harvest.





  青春寄语的英文作文和翻译 6

  Youth is such a beautiful word! We are in a golden period full of youthful vitality and the most upward trend, full of passion and charm.

  The palpitations of youth, the arrogance of dreams, the collision of emotions, the longing for happiness, and the bitterness of confusion.

  Youth - the palpitations of the heart

  At the age of fifteen or sixteen, we are like born yak calves, full of curiosity about this society. We shed our childish thoughts, fearfully and eagerly explore this society, and experience our body and mind.

  On that day, the temperature was just right, and the lazy and scattered sunlight cast a halo over the young man looking out from the window. The corners of his mouth and sweet smile were so quiet and pure. The palpitations in my heart made me love the temperament that emerged from the mud but remained untainted, and I understood the purity in my soul.

  Youth - the wild imagination of dreams

  Eagles grow wings to soar in the vast sky; We strive to showcase our talents on our own stage. In our youth, we are full of passion, and our fantasies about dreams never stop. We dream of becoming astronauts and thriving in the universe; We dream of becoming the heroic soldiers and defending our country; We dream of becoming the most eye-catching host, bringing the latest practical national affairs to the people; We dream of becoming "angels in white" who save lives and heal the wounded; Our dream is to become a teacher who knows that the spring silkworms will die, and the wax torch will turn into ashes before tears dry. The fantasies of dreams are endless, and the pursuit of dreams in youth never stops.









  青春寄语的英文作文和翻译 7

  Youth blooms freely like a flower in the morning sun; Youth is like a painting, holding a pen of wisdom to write like flowing water; Youth is like a song, facing difficulties with excitement and vigor all the way. In this picturesque age, oh youth, so you are here.

  In the rings of memory, time seems like a thief. Unconsciously taking away our most precious things makes it impossible for us to defend ourselves. Perhaps its because I cant see the future clearly, so I miss the past very much. I challenge the future with fear and unease, stumbling and still full of confidence on this thorny road. Some people say: This is youth.

  Rousseau once said, "Everyone is born equal but also in the ubiquitous shackles." Perhaps only through our own efforts and dedication can we break free from the shackles, bloom brilliant and dazzling flowers, and bear numerous fruits. As we are in our youth, we do not have the leisure of Tao Yanmings "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, leisurely seeing the southern mountains", nor the indifference of Kong Mings "indifference without clear aspirations, tranquility without far-reaching goals". "Two ears deaf to the worlds affairs, one heart reading only the books of sages" seems to be our proprietary term. Helplessly unable to resist the curiosity about the world of flowers, but forgetting that they have long been deeply immersed in it. Later knowledge and later realization, some people say: this is youth.

  Youth is like a boy chasing the wind. Despite cold eyes, ridicule, and worldly gaze, we strive forward. Leave one sentence: "Follow your own path and let others talk.".






  青春寄语的英文作文和翻译 8

  Youth is always beautiful. Its not that we have suffered too much, but that we dont know how to enjoy it. Its not that happiness is too little, but that we havent grasped it well.

  Our youth always loves to pursue dreams, liking the elegant and warm atmosphere; Likes unrestrained indulgence; I like the fashionable atmosphere. Therefore, we repeatedly seek help from our own situation and no longer accept the guidance of our parents and elders. However, we all understand the underlying meaning of these bold words: "Young people dont work hard, old people are sad," and "dont take it lightly, young people will lose their rationality."

  Spring will come, and when spring passes, flowers will bloom. However, youth only comes once. Whenever we look back and see our grandparents with sad eyes, we understand their longing for youth. During adolescence, our hearts always fluctuate like this. Some adolescent boys and girls always like immature fruits and pick them casually, even if the surface is sweet, the inside is sour. They are always willing to walk their own path, vowing eternal love before the pupa turns into a butterfly. However, teenagers should understand that their future may still be uncertain. Dont regret it from beginning to end. It can only be the lonely voice of a lone goose in the autumn wind.

  Young people should be angry and strive for strength. The most beautiful time in life will not be blown away by the wind. Grasping the midsummer of life should be a satisfactory answer to our lives. Dont regret at sunset, always have a clear conscience, especially when we still have capital, our capital is young.






  青春寄语的英文作文和翻译 9

  Hurriedly walking, suddenly, a fallen leaf drifted past me, swaying back and forth with the wind, and ultimately unwilling to fall to the ground. I was shocked, has it already been the bleak autumn? Looking around, oh, most of the leaves have already turned yellow. I seem to have smelled the cold smell of winter.

  Slowing down, I quietly savor this bleakness and loneliness, feeling a faint pain in my heart - how indifferent I am to the subtle changes of nature. Should I be grateful or sad? Am I not trying hard to keep my mind at ease?

  Am I trying to isolate myself from the outside world? In this vast campus, I only know a few people. Walking on the campus, I will never encounter a smiling face, nor will I hear the warm "hi" sounds anymore. I can only face the sun and moon every day alone. Okay, I said to myself, "Since fate makes me lonely, why should I make meaningless resistance again?"

  Day after day, I feel like my heart is sinking, and the sinking days are like a calm river flowing slowly. One day, a snow-white letter gently lay on my desk. It was a letter sent by my friend Zhicong Chat: "Since we have chosen to repeat, we must persist as always. Although we are apart, our hearts are interdependent, and we firmly believe that tomorrows sun will be even more beautiful!"

  Tears that had been suppressed for a long time slid down my cheeks, and I knew I was no longer alone. I said to myself: Autumn is a kind of sadness, but it is tragic, not just sadness; Autumn is a gust of wind, but it is not only windy and sandy, but also full of charm!







  青春寄语的英文作文和翻译 10

  Youth is a copper bell tied to our arms. Only by running non-stop can we make a pleasant sound, jingling, jingling~~


  Write a book with youth, a thick book. In the book, youth is like a pearl, allowing us to dress it up and connect it into a dazzling necklace; Youth is like colorful silk, allowing us to cut and sew into colorful clothes one by one; Youth is like a flower seed, allowing us to sow and cultivate colorful flower beds; Youth is like oil paint, allowing us to mix colors and depict beautiful scenery.

  The famous Soviet writer Gorky once said, "Take care of your youth. There is nothing more beautiful or precious than youth in the world!" Everyone has had their own youth, and many years later, those beautiful memories of youth will become eternal classics in our minds.

  Youth is like birds spreading their wings and soaring in the sky of knowledge, while youth is like fish swimming in the ideal ocean.

  Perhaps we have complained about too much pressure, or perhaps we have felt uncertain about our future, so dont be regretful. This is a gift from God, which uses youth to hone our willpower, exercise our abilities, change our personalities, and become the masters of youth.

  Youth is as magical as a dream, as fresh as poetry, as fragrant and pure as painting, and as moving as a song. Weaving the future with the threads of youth, sowing new green in the fields of hope with the sweat of youth, will surely reap a fruitful golden autumn!









  青春寄语的英文作文和翻译 11

  When it comes to youth, I cant help but wonder: what is youth? Is it a rebellion against parents? Or the boldness to try anything new? Or is it the energy that doesnt feel tired no matter how much you toss and turn? In fact, youth is such a small matter.

  In my opinion, youth exists in each and every one of us, and entering the classroom seems to immediately be infected by the overflowing breath of youth. The groups of girls were talking loudly about their favorite stars and gossip; The groups of boys playing basketball recklessly on the playground make us feel that youth is right beside us, so close and so far away.

  Perhaps adolescence is just a few cells, they are small but can make us change a lot, so although it is just a small matter, it is precious to us. Nevertheless, when it comes to writing, one does not know how to depict youth on paper. Perhaps youth is already an inexplicable thing that requires each of us to personally feel.

  Youth is like a bowl of white rice, chewed until the end, always able to taste sweetness. It not only brings us joy, but also leaves us beautiful memories.

  When we grow up and open the album of youth again, can we feel the emotions at that time? Youth is fleeting, but it can leave us with eternal joy.

  Lets enjoy this wonderful youth and experience the little thing of youth together!








  青春寄语的英文作文和翻译 12

  Y is a tree, it is baptism. The Tree of Youth should stand on high cliffs and receive the baptism of wind and rain, rather than lazily basking in the sun in a greenhouse and becoming a "little emperor". Without experiencing wind and rain, how can we see a rainbow? In the wind and rain, breathing with the cold current, washing away the impurities in our hearts, forging bronze colored skin, can we grow into towering trees. Let youth become the brightest point in the desert.

  O is a sun, full of vitality. Every days sun is new, and every day of youth should also be new. There are always new things happening and new actions, this is youth.

  U is an empty cup, wanting to be humble. There is a Zen saying: If you dont pour out all the water in your cup, how can I pour it into you? The heart of youth should be humble, so that all thoughts and wisdom can be infused into your heart. If you hold onto your knowledge and refuse to learn from others, you will always be half a cup.

  T is a person standing upright wearing a hat. That hat can symbolize some kind of honor or some kind of pressure. Whether you have received honor or faced pressure, you should straighten your spine, be an upright person, and not be overwhelmed by vanity, nor let difficulties and pressure overwhelm you.

  H is a sled, its unity. Only when people in the collective cooperate and unite upwards can they become stronger. Only when the two bottoms of a sled are running side by side can youth go higher, faster, and further.

  "Youth" is my symbol of youth - always upward, always beautiful, always striving tirelessly!








  青春寄语的英文作文和翻译 13

  The period from 16 to 25 years old is the most perfect time in life, known as adolescence. Entering adolescence indicates that a person is about to break away from the embrace of their parents and enter society.

  People should strive for strength and learn to be independent during adolescence. However, some wealthy children have wasted their precious time indulging in food, drink, entertainment, and self destruction during this great time. Little did they know that some people are working hard to improve their lives. This group of people who do not understand effort will eventually become street beggars; And those diligent people will eventually lead a prosperous life. The reason why young people dont work hard and old people feel sad is the same.

  I have watched a drama called "Beijing Youth", which tells the story of four cousins of the He family and their girlfriends returning to their youth. The older brother even gave up his job with a monthly salary of 8000 for this. They traveled from Beijing to Yantai, then to Shenzhen, and finally returned to Beijing. Along the way, they cured a neurotic patient they met on the road, deepened the relationship between the four of them and their girlfriend, and got married when they returned to Beijing. They returned to their youth just to regain the feeling they had when they were young. At this moment, we should cherish this perfect time, work hard, and lay a solid foundation for our future life.

  Youth, like a bright lamp, illuminates the direction we move forward; Youth, like a road, guides us forward; Youth, like a fire, burns our colorful youth. Let us seize this precious and fleeting time of youth, make good use of it, and not waste it. Because youth can determine our entire life!






  青春寄语的英文作文和翻译 14

  Youth, a mysterious Eden. Place our love and hate.

  The time of youth is like a shooting star, flashing by. We cannot change it, all we can change is our destiny. The road of life is long, you dont know what you will do in the future, and even our goal is just to be a good student.

  Because of my youth, I can cry and vent when I am troubled, but then think about it on the wall.

  Because of youth, I can persevere and charge forward even after failure.

  Because of my youth, I can hold onto my pillow and cry when I am sad, and then rush towards the finish line without restraint.

  Youth is a winding and thought-provoking mountain path. Every step taken is so novel, but it always encounters setbacks unexpectedly. Although the road is difficult, youth is the best shield. Youth has no obstacles that I cannot overcome. When I fall, I stand up, pat the dust off my body, and then take big steps forward.

  Stepping on the fragrance of the soil all the way, my soul drifted towards the lake like a fascination. There, wild flowers are blossoming their fragrance to their hearts content, and the ripples in circles are carrying sorrow away. The small insects in front of them, who happen to fly by, curiously scrutinize the corners around them. Not far away, several budding water lilies lay quietly in the water, as if a sleeping beauty was looking forward to the princes appearance. The oily and tender grass pounced all the way to the far end.

  Did you see it? This is the path of youth.










  青春寄语的英文作文和翻译 15

  As we enter our youth, we are ignorant and do not know how to face this flower like youth, just like the punctuation of youth.

  Youth is like a comma. It is just a new stage and turning point in life. As I walked along the forest path, I saw tall and dense trees on both sides,

  Looking at the scorching sun again, perhaps summer has arrived! Think about it, youth is like this, just bid farewell to spring and welcome summer again.

  Youth is like an ellipsis. The ellipsis in the article represents that the story is not finished and requires the readers own imagination. Youth is like this, it leaves us with imagination and requires us to continue writing this beautiful youth.

  Youth is like a colon. It seems to have been waiting for us to tell the story of youth, with surprises, sourness, and bitterness in the story. More importantly, lets taste the preciousness within it.

  Youth is like a period. Everyone hopes that their youth is complete. My mother once said to me, "Child, in the things you have experienced, never do anything that you regret. You should understand that there is no medicine for regret in the world." I have always remembered my mothers words, so I have tried my best to do everything well in my youth journey, trying my best to make it perfect. When we finish writing an article, we always add a period to tell us that the article is over, and youth is like a period, but it does not mean the end of youth.

  When we start singing the song of youth, our youth is about to begin.







  青春,像是句号。每个人都希望自己的青春是圆满的。妈妈对我说过:“孩子,在你经历的事情中,绝对不要做让自己后悔的事情。要明白,世上是没有后悔药的。”我一直记着妈妈的话,所以我在我的青春道路上尽量用心做好每一件事情,尽量让它圆满。在文章写完时,我们都会添一个句号,告诉我们文章结束了,而青春 像句号,但并不意味青春的结束。











