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时间:2023-05-21 19:43:28 推荐作文 我要投稿




英文作文 篇1

  Miss Canada Natalie Glebova was crowned Miss Universe 20xx in Bangkok on Tuesday at the climax of a beauty pageant that once again managed to stumble into controversy.

  Glebova, a 23-year-old motivational speaker from Toronto, succeeded last year's winner, Australian Jennifer Hawkins, after the usual evening gown and swimsuit parades that pull in TV viewers worldwide but outrage feminists and traditionalists .

  Even though hotly tipped for the title, the final announcement appeared to stun Glebova, who moved to Canada from her native Russia only 11 years ago.

  "This is all happening too fast and it's unreal. It's slowly starting to sink in," she told reporters moments after being crowned with the glittering, diamond-encrusted Miss Universe tiara.

  Dressed in a long white evening dress, she hugged her parents on stage and then praised her new homeland for giving her and her family the chance to start a new life.

  "When we came 11 years ago, we came with nothing, and now we've got so much," she said.

  In all, 81 beauties from Albania to Zambia made it to Thailand, riding elephants, touring temples and rollicking on tsunami-hit beaches in the run-up to Tuesday's finale.

  In the middle of the show, the conference hall fell silent for a minute in memory of the more than 228,000 dead or missing from the Dec. 26 Indian Ocean tsunami. Nearly 5,400 of the victims were in Thailand.

英文作文 篇2

  我们班来了个“大家伙 “耳听为虚,眼见为实!”瞧,那不就是我们班新来的“大家伙”——等离子多媒体吗?它可是我们老师上课的好帮手哦! 一个银灰色的多功能讲台,里面竟然安装着一台电脑,真是神奇,一个正方形的中央控制器嵌在桌面中间,拉开多功能讲台左面的拉手,里面竟然藏着一个白色的实物展示台,别提多奇怪了!这套多媒体的显示器是一个高50厘米,宽45厘米的49寸的等离子电视,一个黑得发亮的外壳外面还套着一个水晶似的履膜框,真是气派! 它不但外观精致,内部构造新颖,还挺实用,大大提高了我们上课的效率。记得有一次学一篇课文《圆明园的毁灭》,我无论如何也想象不出圆明园被毁灭之前是怎么样的,所以觉得这篇课文也没什么意思。谁知上课时裘老师神秘地打开了它,不一会儿,大屏幕上竟然出现了一幅幅美丽的画面:有金碧辉煌的殿堂、玲珑剔透的亭台楼阁、富丽堂皇的.宫廷、仙境般的蓬莱瑶台同学们看得一次又一次地张大了嘴巴!当然学课文也变得津津有味,甚至到了下课还意犹未尽呢!本来

  不喜欢上语文课的同学,现在也天天盼望上语文课,期待着这个“大家伙”的精彩亮相。 当然那个实物展示台也能发挥不小的功能。在欣赏同学写的优秀作文的时候,老师会用到它;在展示班上同学的书法作品的时候会用到它;数学老师也经常会用它跟我们讲解一些关于图形的数学问题我们班的“大家伙”犹如一位“大神仙”让我们感到神奇。

英文作文 篇3

  On the morning of April fool's day, the air is fresh and the sun is soft, and everything on the earth presents a vibrant scene.

  The monkey is reading a book in his home, and when he reads the story of the weasel giving a New Year to the chicken, he thinks, "hey! Today happens to be the annual April fool's day, why don't I take this opportunity to make a joke with my best friend, the phoenix chicken? If I dress up as a weasel, it will be very interesting to send some locusts to phoenix chickens. If you do what you say, do it. The lemur took out the makeup box, and dressed up in the mirror. Well, it was like, it looked at its own masterpiece in the mirror and danced with joy.

  Then, the monkey went to the store and bought a box of locusts, and went straight to the phoenix chicken house on a motorcycle. Phoenix chicken is watching cartoon at home, hear the brakes of motorcycle, turn the head to see is the evil "weasel" come, frighten hurriedly shut the door. But the weasel squeezed through the door and said, "dear phoenix, don't do this! I have come to give you the locusts you love to eat. He sat down on the sofa of phoenix chicken house, picked up the drinks on the table, took the TV remote and changed a sports channel. The phoenix chicken angry ground say: "who don't know the weasel is a sly bad guy, you come to my home today, must be uneasy kind, I won't believe you, you quickly go!" "The weasel" laughed and said, "I am a different and kind weasel." Phoenix chicken doesn't want to listen to it so much nonsense, decided to call 110 police. "The weasel" pressed his hairy hand to his hand and said, "why!" Phoenix chicken looked at the "weasel" look, thought: yi! This look, this sound how so familiar, must be the adjustment of the monkey.

  The phoenix chicken decided to make a plan, then said: "since you are the good" weasel ", help me to clean the house!" "The weasel" had to bite his head and say, "all right!" Phoenix chicken to fly into the yard using a mobile phone to give it a good friends -- strong ox, tiger, dynamic horse power, happy pigs, elves rabbits, one big dragon called and said: "my family to a strange weasel, you come to save me!"

  After a while, the "weasel" was so tired that he forgot his identity. He took the scarf and the mask off and threw it on the sofa beside him. All this was hidden in the courtyard of the phoenix chicken to see in the eye, thought: adjust the skin monkey! I see how you end up today. You're not looking for a crime?

  It wasn't long before the friends came and tried to teach the weasel a good lesson, when they found out that it was the monkey. Phoenix chicken and good friends are really crying and laughing, what can you do with the monkey? "This is April fool's day, I'm just joking with the phoenix chicken." But I didn't expect... "Everyone said to the monkey," but you're making too big a joke!" Phoenix chicken in the round field say: "calculate, calculate, I also don't be angry with it, today everybody is rare free to gather together, we together in April fool's day to have a big dinner!"

  There was a burst of laughter in the little room of the phoenix chicken house, where everyone spent an unusual April fool's day.

英文作文 篇4

  My father is a severe person, since I go to school, he always keeps an eye on my study. He keeps contact with my teacher, so as to get to know my newest situation. Sometimes I feel a lot of pressure, I want to do best all the time. But I know my father loves me, he just wants to cultivate me as the excellent student. I will try my best.


英文作文 篇5

  Recently I spent over three hours looking, reading and enjoying the exhibits at the National Palace Museum located in the suburbs. Many local and foreign visitors go there daily to take pictures outside and spend endless hours inside.

  No cameras are allowed inside, but you can buy you can buy colored slides of the exhibits in the gift shop downstairs. There is a very large collection of beautiful jades.

  Also, there is an ancient bronze vessel exhibit. Some of the exhibits are changed regularly for special collections such as porcelain and silk paintings.

  My attention was mainly in the room with the wall-size slide show describing some archeological discoveries from pre-history tine. Also, the oracle bones' exhibit was very good; there seemed to be an endless amount of rare, beautiful, interesting, and fascinating things.

英文作文 篇6

  On Sunday, our family came to visit Shanghai science museum. Shanghai science and Technology Museum is located in Pudong Century Park side, East West High low, the other is ASL of the Shanghai science and technology development, and combine with tortuous process of the development of science and technology. Science and Technology Museum covers an area of 6.8 square meters, with a total construction area of 98 thousand square meters, with a total investment of 1 billion 755 million yuan, its construction scale is large, display content is wide, science and technology content is high, ranking first in Shanghai cultural projects. Shanghai science and Technology Museum divides the world Pavilion, the life hall, the wisdom hall, the creation hall and the Future Museum 5 main pavilions. The first phase opened up 5 Exhibition: "earth quest" and "biodiversity" and "wisdom" and "children's science and Technology Park, audio-visual paradise".

  A large number of light, sound and electricity technology are applied in each exhibition area, so that the audience can listen, see and practice. We start from the west to the East, the first to enter the biological Vientiane exhibition, the exhibition is mysterious, simulate the tropical rain forest in Xishuangbanna. Insect garden, Butterfly Valley, microbial Museum, amphibians and reptiles, to find the garden park gene, is located in the "high and low, of every hue in the jungle". Unexpectedly, deep crust exploration exhibition, was also so interesting. It guides you deep into the strata to see the formation of coal, oil and gas, and to appreciate it personally. Experience the eruption of volcano and the effect of earthquake. Audio visual paradise is refreshing. In the film and television complex, people stand on the walking board and walk slowly, but in the TV of the head, they show the scene of the tightrope walking above the mountains and the air. In a few steps, it's an unreal studio". With digital audio technology, combine the images and backgrounds of visitors, and that's what it really is. Here we are again...... Time passed so quickly that I left Shanghai science and Technology Museum reluctantly.






英文作文素材: Myhappyweekend04-11




