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  《了不起的盖茨比》英文读后感 1

  The Great Gatsby I read, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the well-known American writer, was published by Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press in 2004, with 225 pages.

  The book is a novel. It is a story told by Nick about a man named Gatsby. The author gives the reader a vivid love story with a tragic end. The story can be interpreted many ways. The fall of the American dream is one major theme.

  Here are the top four characters. Gatsby, the protagonist, has an obsessive love with Daisy. He struggles for her attention, for her joyance, and most importantly, for her herself. It turns out what he struggles for is only an allusion, a shadow, and a dream, just out reach of his hand. He pays “a high price for living too long with a single dream” (Fitzgerald, 200). Special attention should be paid to Nick, the narrator. He is “one of the few honest people” that we ever known in the novel (Fitzgerald, 70). Therefore, we can, first of all, trust his narration. As Daisy’s cousin and Gatsby’s neighbour, he then exists as a connection of the two. Another function he plays is that being an observer, he can evaluate and criticize our protagonist objectively. Daisy and Tom make a perfect couple. Daisy, though born a beauty, is sensual and “her voice is full of money” (Fitzgerald, 152). Then Tom, both physically and spiritually, is vulgar. Tom and Daisy lead a luxurious and profligate life.

  The following is the plot of the novel. Gatsby and Daisy loved each other. However, Gatsby was too poor to marry Daisy. He went to war in Europe. When he came back he found Daisy had married Tom. He earned substantive money illegally, and came to New York City, and bought a house, and held parties, which were luxurious out of imagination, in order to draw Daisy’s attention. Finally he knew Nick, his neighbour, was Daisy’s cousin, and came to him for help. Under Nick’s arrangement, Gatsby met Daisy five years after they parted. After Tom had learned that there was something between Gatsby and Daisy, he attacked Gatsby that the latter did drugstore business in the face of Daisy and Nick, and asked Daisy back to his arms. Later, Daisy, driving, killed Myrtle, Tom’s lover by accident. However, Tom told her husband, Wilson, that it was Gatsby who was Myrtle’s lover and killed her. Consequently Wilson shot Gatsby to death and took his own life as well. After Gatsby’s depressing funeral, Nick decided to go back to the Middle West. After all, Gatsby, Daisy, Tom and he himself were all from the Middle West.

  When The Great Gatsby was published, T. S. Eliot praised it was the first step of American novel had token since Henry James. I like this novel, which is not hard to understand but not easy to appreciate. First, it is a novel about dreams. Young men, maybe young women as well, without fortune and outlook may lack everything but dreams. Yet how their dreams will turn out to be is completely another thing. We notice in Chapter 9, Gatsby’s SCHEDULE, which is marvelously similar to Benjamin Franklin’s schedule, and then we are reminded of the American dream. That is a dream, as James Truslow Adams has remarked, “of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement” (“What is the American Dream” ). The generation of Franklin succeeded through their personal struggle. Unfortunately, this was never true to men like Gatsby, who lived in the 1920s America. Gatsby does have ambition, but he is a hero in an improper time where money is the sole criterion of success. Fitzgerald links Gatsby “with a world that no longer exist, a world that has been lost in back rush of time, a world that offers more in promise than has been realized in fact” (Lehan). It is the dream that deceives him into living with sufferings; and it is the dream that even makes him die willingly.

  Besides the decline of the American Dream, another theme of the novel, in my opinion, is that there exists no true love in a world where ruthless materialism prevails. Notwithstanding “the love Gatsby has for Daisy seems to be the only pure impulse in a corrupt world” (Lehan), his love has no opportunity to flourish. Daisy finally chooses to follow Tom, and they escape, “and let other people clean up the mess they had made” (Fitzgerald, 222). About love, Fitzgerald says through one of his characters, “There are only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy and the tired” (Fitzgerald, 95). The love between Nick and Baker, if it exists, can support this point as well.

  In terms of craftsmanship in American literature, The Great Gatsby can be said one of the most consummate. It is a work making good use of symbolism. First, the green light at the end of Daisy’s dock represents Gatsby’s hope and dream for the future. It is yet only an illusory dream which he will never reach. It is not more real than the stars in the sky. Second, the Valley of Ashes symbolizes “the moral and social decay that results from the uninhibited pursuit of wealth”. Third, the eye of Doctor T. J. Ecklebury’s in a billboard represents “God staring down upon and judging American society as moral wasteland”. Each symbol has more than one interpretation, with which I will not try to bother here.

  Then the language of The Great Gatsby deserves to be mentioned. The language is elegant and graceful, and sometimes it could be compared to a poem’s language. In one of Gatsby’s grand parties, “people disappeared, reappeared, made plans to go somewhere, and then lost each other, searched for each other, found each other a few feet away”(Fitzgerald, 44). Then when Daisy was singing with the music in a husky, rhythmic whisper, she brings out “a meaning in each word that it had never had before and would never have again” (Fitzgerald, 135). Then Gatsby “stretched out his hand desperately as if to snatch only a wisp of air …” (Fitzgerald, 191). More examples shall not be quoted. The description of views of the evening and moonlight should be specially noticed.

  In relation to our life, how shall we do with our personal dreams? Man, as he grows, becomes realistic. This process is like when we put a piece of paper into a glass of water, the paper is gradually soaked and suddenly falls into the bottom. Then it is like an artichoke flower, peels off one petal after another, and finally withers. However, without dreams, what can man hold? The Pandora’s Box opened; everything flew out, leaving only hope at the bottom. Hope, thence, stays forever for the despairing people, even when they have nothing else.

  Finally, the fiction urges me to think about what kind of life we are willing to have? All the four principle characters are from the Middle West and come to live in the East. Many in China come from the countryside and pursue the urban life. Nick never feels he is a part of the East, and if Gatsby has felt, he would not be dead. The relation between countryside and urban life deserves reconsidering, especially in the contemporary Chinese context.

  It is my pleasure to recommend this novel to my friends. Another well-known American writer, who was contemporary with Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemmingway’s words are of service, “Gatsby was a great book. I’ve read it twice in the last five years. It gets better with each reading” (Hemingway, Gregory). I would like to read it twice when time is available.

  《了不起的盖茨比》英文读后感 2

  The Great Gatsby is a significant classic in America literature and Fitzgerald is also considered as a chronicler of the “Jazz Age”. The women characters play an important role in revealing the theme of the novel. Especially the figure Daisy and the contradictions in her has aroused my interests to think carefully about the reason why she would choose that when her ideal ran into the reality.

  Daisy was once a lovely, elegant and innocent girl when she was “Daisy Fay”. Though Gatsby was a penniless lower class young man, she fell in love with him crazily and happily. While she changed and showed her darker side gradually. She noticed the importance of wealth and position, so she chose to marry to Tom Buchanan though she did not love him as much as Gatsby at that time. Besides, Daisy considered her daughter as a doll and continued playing with those guys. Even until the end, her former lover Gatsby who was wealthy and renowned then came back to her. Considering Gatsby’s illegal sources of money and his inglorious past, Daisy refused to go with Gatsby finally. What annoyed me the most is the plot that Gatsby was murdered because of the misunderstanding of Wilson while Daisy did not attend his funeral. She may have many scruples when her ideal life was disturbed by the cruel reality. Actually everyone may become confused and perplexed when we face the confliction. Also everyone has his own choice. But the point is how much we can afford when confront the result that happened after our decision.

  The slang “Make friends with local tyrant” is very popular nowadays. We ought to think about the hidden reason for its popularity after we scoff at it. With the fast development of economy, more and more people are lost themselves just like the young generation after the World War Ⅰ. Their value has been or is going to be changed completely. They don’t know what exactly right is and what exactly they are supposed to do. Some students play online games in the dormitory rather than go to the classes. Some staff has become a workaholic in order to deal with the life pressure. Some married stars betrayed their families without remembering their oath. It seems that the whole society has ran out of the regular track. So it is high time that we calmed down and reflected ourselves. What exactly is our final ideal and how could we make it a reality?

  Honestly speaking, nobody could live in the society without money. And obviously, almost everyone has been aware of the necessity of money. So no wonder people are struggling and fighting to get more money. But what if the life with plenty money is different from the life we used to dream of? As far as I’m thinking, it is definitely that life is more cruel that we thought and it is impossible that life goes as we designed. We can not own everything that we want to have. What we could do and what we could change is just ourselves. Our choices, our goals or our attitudes all have an impact on the final result. The change may be pretty small, but we ought to believe that the miracle will definitely show up as long as you stick to your ideal goal. So when your ideal is disturbed by the reality, don’t let your original step be disturbed as well. Just follow your heart and be yourself. And I believe that you will finally achieve your goal in the near future.

  《了不起的盖茨比》英文读后感 3

  At the beginning of the review, I am afraid but I need mention that I read The Great Gatzby from my paper book, not online, so it might be a little strange in the record of my reading history and also the lack of comments.

  After reading the novel, I sympathized deeply for Gatzby, who dedicated almost his whole life into pursuing Daisy, but eventually was shot down for Daisy’s fault, and also Nick, who narrate this heart-broken story to us. But I believe that all is destined, not only his success, but also his miserable, dramatic ending.

  First, Gatzby meant to be succeed, which was determined by his personality. He was such an absolute perfectionist, fairly speaking, a paranoiac, that he never accept he was inferior to others in all kinds of aspects. He scheduled his life when he was young in order to achieve his goal. He couldn’t live like Tom who dissipated his time on women, also couldn’t like Wilson live so meaninglessly, and his ambition made it impossible for him to be content with common life. After the moment he denied his poor family background, changed his name into Jay Gatzby, he either succeed, or die.

  No matter how, he will succeed. I always believe it because his characteristic promised.

  And I also believe Gatzby would fall in love with a lady with a celebrated background. Because he was a perfectionist , he must long for a charming, wealthy, graceful aristocracy. Daisy was just a representation of perfection, a concrete thing in his dream.

  However, Daisy falls far short of Gatzby’s ideal. She is beautiful and charming, but also fickle, shallow, and hypocritical. She is careless person who smashes thing up and then retreats behind her money. She allows Gatsby to take the blame for killing Myrtle ever though she herself was driving the car. Finally, rather than attend Gatsby’s funeral, Daisy and Tom move away, leaving no contact address.

  Gatzby knew exactly what kind of person she was. And the very beginning of the novel, he said “Her voice is full of money”. But how can it matter? His puzzle of life would be incomplete without Daisy, and as we know, he was such a paranoiac that never let it happen. It’s impossible for him to restart.

  Gatzby’s obsession about Daisy and Daisy’s characteristic determined the trend of plot.

  So, it is destined.

  And not only from the plot development we can say Gatzby’s fate was destined, but also from the writer himself. Technically, Gatzby wasn’t a only fictional character, but also the reflection of writer, Fitzgerald himself. He also had a complex relationship of his own. His own experience made him believe that there’s a huge gap between the “natural” rich and the ”new” rich.

  In rich boy, his another novel, he showed his attitude directly:

  Let me tell you about the very rich. They are different from you and me. They possess and enjoy early, and it does something to them, makes them soft where we are hard, and cynical where we are trustful, in a way that, unless you were born rich, it is very difficult to understand.

  They think, deep in their hearts, that they are better than we are because we had to discover the compensations and refuges of life for ourselves. Even when they enter deep into our world or sink below us, they still think that they are better than we are. They are different.

  Because of the poverty and adversity they had been through, they always cherish the first glamorous thing dropping in their life. Some of them even take it as the highest goal in life, like Gatzby who considered Daisy as his whole world. When their dream faded out gradually, they might behave like Gatzby, deceive themselves to protect their “little green light” in their heart until their hearts are beaten to pieces by reality.

  At last, I want to use the final sentence in The Great Gaztby as the end, which I consider as the most profound ending I have ever read and inspire me a lot. Gatzby’s dream was always behind him, from the moment he met Daisy and fell in love with her. So what he did was just striving hard back into the past against the current of time, like the ending says:

  So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.

  《了不起的盖茨比》英文读后感 4

  I have heard of the famous novel The Great Gatsby for many years. However, until recently have I got the time and mood to read it. As soon as I finish reading, I find my previous unwarranted assumption of it totally wrong.

  This is a story about Gatsby and his pursuit for the ‘American dreams’。 During the World War One, the poor soldier Gatsby fell in love with an upper class girl named Daisy. But due to the wide gap between them, Daisy decided to marry Tom, a man of her class, instead of Gatsby. Broken-hearted Gatsby then held the conviction that money was of the greatest importance. He strongly believed in the ‘American dreams’, which as we all know, advocates that one can achieve whatever he or she likes through continuous efforts. He strived for five years to become a millionaire and bought a villa near Daisy’s to attract her. He was too addicted to his fantasy to realize that Daisy was no longer the lovely girl she used to be. Eventually, he was killed because of her crime.

  After reading it, something reverberates in my heart. I can’t help thinking of the theme Fitzgerald trying to convey. One thing may be the lonely void of people’s spiritual world. I am deeply impressed by chapter 3, where a vivid description of a party is given. There were beautiful girls, drunk men, and boisterous crowds there, but none of them perceived the pointless of their lives and the barren of their minds. To see this phenomenon deeper, there were two circumstances underlying it. The first is the lack of dreams. Some people, especially the people of the upper class, lived an aimless life. They wasted their time and money and took an indifferent attitude towards life. They chased for temporary ecstasy but lost their identity in eternity, namely Daisy and Tom. The second is the misleading of dreams. Some others like Gatsby, bravely pursued their dreams, yet going to a diverged way unconsciously. They might mix up the concept of a richer life and a happier life, viewing a higher social state and a peaceful fulfilled life as equality. Unfortunately, when they were busy chasing their dreams, everything changed with time. When they were anxious about the to-gets, they ignored what they had already had and lost the alert to the constant changes. The excellent use of symbolization illustrates this idea perfectly. The imagery of ‘green light’ is the most important symble which occurred three times in the novel. The green-light’s obscure in the mist indicates the dim of Gatsby’s dreams.

  As far as I am concerned, this story can serve as a reminder for us. To live a meaningful life, we should carefully choose some dreams to pursue. And in the process of fulfilling our dreams, we should always be concious about what we really desire. Anyhow, only by pursuing the proper dreams can we finally get to the deep springs of happiness.

  《了不起的盖茨比》英文读后感 5

  "The great gatsby is a harbor of" American dream "in the literature writerFitzgeralds works, Fitzgerald said his own extraordinary, with his parents isdifferent also, dont even think of themselves as the son of parents, he hascome from the self Platonic idea.

  In this article, the hero that gatsby is a unique thought of the people, healso have Platonic love. He put himself as the son of god, he thought he shouldbe gods career service, his pursuit of a "vast, secular, ostentation ofbeauty", obviously 6 he imagine himself become Christs character. Seventeen, hedecided to change name, from the original James gates to jay gatsby, jay gatsbyis said to be English Jesus, God ` s boy pronunciation variation. But the ironyis that, from the moment he changed his name, he began to pursue the so-calledbeauty and kindness, also began his tragic life. He saw Daisy buchanan as hepursues the incarnation of beauty. When he saw her, he knew that she had put hisideal and his life together. He knew his heart to heart with god, must besingle-minded, never heart side wu chi. When he kissed her for the first time,"she is just like a flower bloom for him, and the embodiment of this ideal isdone." On Daisy, gatsbys dream became flesh and blood. He desire and Daisytogether to realize their dreams.

  However, Daisy cannot act as the role. She is a just a miss the bourgeoisiefor the highest goal in life, no thoughts, there is no sentiment, shallow false,bored, nothing to do. She never to realize gates than his dream to sacrificetheir own vested interests. While gatsby himself could not achieve their dreams,of course, his idea is too unreal. He and Daisys husband Tom buchanan possesswealth, the difference between two people is at least he used his wealth topursue a kind of "beauty", and try my best to get it. However, he didnt win it,finally, George 7 Wilson, is Toms mistresss husband in Daisy couple killedgatsby conspired and egged. His dream completely shattered. Gatsbys failure isthe fundamental reason is that he did the "American dream" has been out of date,his opportunity had little s dream come true.

  I felt sorry for gatsby, he is so single-minded, but in the end was hurt bytheir favorite woman. Of course he is praiseworthy in some places. He can readthe love is beautiful, and not like most people associate love and interests.But he really misled by his ideal, he did not see time and occasion, heshouldnt be on the right people also is reluctant to part with the pastmemories after married. And Daisy this person too vain, too greedy. To someextent, gates than the final fate has a lot to do with her.

  《了不起的盖茨比》英文读后感 6

  The novel described for the 20s tragedy. Gates and bids good-bye compared to and the black eyebrow coloring alizarin red love originally is the very ordinary love story. But the author makes a masterly opening move, compared to the girl which is in love treats as Gates the youth, the money and the status symbol, treats as the method pursue wealthy material life the American dream.

  Gates compares in order to pursue the black eyebrow coloring alizarin red to exhaust own sentiment and the ability and wisdom, finally ruined own life. He naively thought that, Had the money to be able to revive an old dream, redeems the love which lost.

  He was what a pity wrong. He looked at mistakenly black eyebrow coloring alizarin red this vulgar superficial woman. He looked at mistakenly on the surface the debauchery but the spiritual sky empty bored society. He lives in the illusion, is gotten rid by the black eyebrow coloring alizarin red, is desolate for the society, finally has cast the tragedy which is unable to recall. The Gates ratio is the 20s schoolmate, but also is being in love black eyebrow coloring alizarin red good friend Jordan.

  He acted as Gates to compare after the black eyebrow coloring alizarin red distinguishes the go-between which 5 years remet, the sympathy which also became which the Gates ratio to revive an old dream the criticism and he suffers kills. He although advances into to the Long Island luxurious residential district, but he already is not wilderness time which Tom represents inner world citizen, also is not worships blindly the black eyebrow coloring alizarin red which Gates compares represents to be separated from the reality the illusion world fellow traveller. He represents the American mid-west the traditional ideas and the moral criterion. He happiness illusion which loses compared to the pursue has many critical criticisms regarding Gates, regarding was fastidious the semblance but innermost feelings vulgar Tom and the black eyebrow coloring alizarin red has carried on fair whipping.

  《了不起的盖茨比》英文读后感 7

  Recently, I just finished reading the Great Gatsby book, and I feel a lot of emotion, because he is not only talking about dreams, society, but also human nature.

  In the era of everyones pursuit of the "American Dream", a person with a dream to resist seems to have touched heaven for a time, but ultimately defeated fate.

  When people fall, they end up. The American version of "seeing him rise from Zhulou, seeing his banquet guests, seeing his building collapse".

  After Gatsbys death, there was no one willing to take care of his affairs or even come to the funeral to send him to the last leg, which was in sharp contrast to the bustling scene of the party in his villa. Maybe you think you cant get anything from this person here, but will you be involved? How sad. Hypocritical human feelings and collective silence are common faults of human nature?

  His former friend said, "we should understand that when we talk about friendship, we should talk about it when we are alive, and when we are dead, there will be no friendship."

  Compared with what I get from others, maybe I value my conscience more.

  But in the Great Gatsby, each full of independent human nature is the real human nature of the world. To understand the world, we must first understand human nature. This book is already a good revelation of human nature.

  I often think of Carnegies weakness in human nature, the whole description of human nature. Say: human being is a high-level animal. In his nature, he is greedy, hateful, and infatuated with all kinds of desires, which is hard to fill, so the world suffers a lot. Just like many middle-aged people nowadays, there are old people and small people, and they still need to pay back the house loan in the middle. They dare not leave their jobs and do not dare to make any changes. There are layers of mountains on their bodies. They cant breathe. The burden is too heavy and they cant take off. After all, human beings are still social animals. They are in a complex social relationship. Its too difficult to be indifferent. They can only compromise.

  Born to be human is born to die. Human nature cant stand the test and scrutiny. All of them are the same. Human nature is not worth it, and human life is not worth it. So dont hold too much hope, think about what you want and do what you like to do. However, there are often many people who dont know what they like to do and what they want. Its sad.

  Gatsbys consistent love for Daisy, in any case, takes Daisy as the first. The most outstanding thing is to stay at Daisys house after the car accident and worry that she will be embarrassed by Tom. Gatsby recognizes his goal and insists on his pursuit in the flashy world. But I have to say that his dream, Daisy, is not worth it. She loves only herself.

  Maybe it was brainwashed by too many idol dramas and jitangwen before. They have infinite and beautiful reverie and hope for love. They think that there must be someone who loves you as much as love life. But the more they grow up, the more they find out that no, people always love themselves more than others, and they love themselves the most, especially for their little pay. They must be more rewarded than themselves, except for their parents Its funny that when I think about the deep meaning behind it, I dont think its romantic. In fact, I believe there is love in the world, but I just dont believe it will happen to us.

  However, I am still totally convinced by Gatsbys faithful pursuit of love, even though what he pursues is like the green light that is never accessible, even left behind by him.

  A lot of life is the process of chasing the green light in his heart. If Gatsby is not so persistent, he will not become Gatsby. This is in line with our real life, and its hard to keep his original mind like Gatsby, even though his dream has been Utopian.

  In fact, they are very similar to the times we live in. What should we stick to and pursue in our life? I think its worth everyone thinking about their life.

  The green light of life is often like this. Its the persistence and pure yearning for dreams that support us. When we get close, its not the same thing. But after all, we have tried our best. Although just passing by.

  《了不起的盖茨比》英文读后感 8

  Summer order. Just finished reading "the Great Gatsby", write down the feeling after reading it. To be honest, I dont really understand the meaning of it. Maybe I dont know enough about the American dream and the jazz age.

  But I still felt the infinite sadness revealed in the novel. At the beginning, I was intoxicated with gold. The lively party scene was in sharp contrast with the funeral of Gatsby that no one except the hero was willing to attend. Even Daisy, the only important person in Gatsbys heart, never sent a telegram to send a flower. How sad!

  I can only write some miniature of Gatsby and the world I saw. Gatsby is a fool who is loyal to love. He used to be a self disciplined man, but in order to get Daisy, he would not hesitate to walk outside the rules and laws to make himself rich. It seems that Daisy can choose him!

  Toms arrogance and even the people who attended the party were still full of insults to Gatsby. Daisy chose a rich and powerful man as the marriage object among many suitors (even if she didnt love him so much). The shock and alienation after hearing Gatsbys moneys coming were the choice of those hateful upper class people for that era -- money and power.

  At the end of the story, he was misunderstood and shot in his own yard. No one came to see him off. Even Daisy didnt come. In the end, wealth and love are empty dreams. How disappointing!

  Maybe Gatsby, who has dreams in his heart and has been struggling hard, is amazing!

  At the end of the novel:

  So we continue to strive forward, sailing against the current, being pushed back until we return to the past.

  Good evening, Mr. Gatsby.

  《了不起的盖茨比》英文读后感 9

  Know when to adopt this habit, and always write something after reading a book. For this did not hear less opposition voice, at that time was very upset for a while, thought I would like to write on their own things. But later in order to study, can not help but write unfamiliar, but found that the original thought that a very bad thing. A lot of things, but the fool said it was just a dream. Its better to compromise before its too early. If you dont kill, youll get the best of both worlds.

  But I always dont give up. Although I cant see the future, I can understand what I dont want. However, after watching the Great Gatsby, I had a kind of wake-up shock, shivering with cold. This book was finished on the evening of September 4, and I have been procrastinating until now. At the beginning of reading, I didnt think how good the book was. Its amazing that it can become the second best English novel in the 20th century. I would say that Gatsby, the protagonist, is stupid. First, he fell in love with a girl who paid money because she didnt have money to be rejected. Then, he tried hard to make money and became an American breakout. He wanted to reunite with her dream. But he knew that the woman who had been married was full of the voice of money, but he could not help but coax her with a mansion and a sports car. At last, he inexplicably charged the woman and was shot dead. In addition to the "I" in the novel, there was also a fat man who had stayed in his library. There was nothing else in the funeral, which was quite different from the scene when he had a banquet and the guests were full of tents. I still remember in the novel that a car of oranges came to extract juice, and the Rolls Royce sports car became a bus from 9 a.m. to midnight, which was sent to the guests, like a beautiful and erosive dream, with gold as the base. In fact, Gatsbys tragic ending is not hard to predict. What he got in exchange for money is hypocrisy. Where can he do it really. Surprisingly, Gatsby had already seen the clue, but he was willing to jump in.

  The first thing that appears in the novel is Thomas Parker danviriers saying: if you can make her happy, wear a gold hat, if you can jump high, jump for her too, until she cries out: "lover, lover with gold hat and high jump, I have to ask you!" Its exactly what Daisy, the gold digger, looks like. This is a very successful image - "her words are full of money flavor - this is the infinite charm of her voice cadence, the jingle of money, the singing of cymbals It seems that in the White Palace, the kings daughter, the golden girl... ". Daisy, in Chinese, means Daisy, a small yellow white flower that symbolizes money and emptiness. When she met Gatsby for the first time, she wore white clothes and drove a white sports car. On the surface, she was innocent and pure. It was the pure image of white clothes that became his dream that he pursued for his whole life but could never reach. In fact, Daisys heart was empty and her soul smelled of copper. Though she was often dressed in white, she wore copper buttons and a small gold pen. Her goal in life is to have fun, and love is naturally based on money. She refused Gatsbys marriage to Tom because of this. When she saw Gatsbys expensive shirts, she was so excited that she buried her face in her clothes and cried. Im afraid she mostly regretted that she didnt marry Gatsby. Superficiality, emptiness, ignorance, indifference and selfishness are the essence of daisy, and in fact the root of Gatsbys tragedy. In fact, Daisy itself is the symbol of the American dream, which not only represents Gatsbys pursuit, but also represents the spirit of the whole "Jazz Age", as well as the hypocritical values and moral standards of the bourgeoisie. Gatsbys deep yearning for the pure Daisy became his spiritual support, but the cruel reality once again hit him deeply. Thats why some people call this book a gorgeous elegy of the jazz age, "the most touching American tragedy.".

  As for the title of the Great Gatsby, forgive me for my stupidity, but I still havent read it. I just think he is not only stupid, but also pitiful. He wants to integrate into the upper class society, and he has hosted many banquets with his strong economic strength. He is also a man of the moment. But when he believed that he was going to a noble family dinner party and rushed into the inner room to change clothes and come out, he was just a car to meet him. The novel is written in the tone of "I", a third party. It also mentions that Gatsbys efforts to squeeze out Wenzous words make it more clumsy. But "I" couldnt help but look at him and shout "they are all bastards, and their group of bastards together cant compare with you." They mainly refer to Tom and Daisy, "they are irresponsible people - they smash things, destroy others, and then retreat to their own money or apathy, carelessness, or anything they hold together, and let others clean up the mess they left behind.". I cant help thinking about where I stand when I say Gatsby is stupid and pitiful. Gatsbys way of hoarding wealth by selling moonshine was disgraceful, but those Daisy people were not clean enough to go there. Capital comes into the world, from head to toe, and every pore of it flows with blood and filth. Why should Gatsby be excluded because of this?

  If I want to say that the whole novel is described as disillusionment by one word, Gatsbys tragedy lies in the pursuit of the wrong things. So is what weve been pursuing all our lives a mistake from the beginning?

  《了不起的盖茨比》英文读后感 10

  Theyre a bunch of jerks, "I cried across the lawn." theyre all in a bunch thats no match for you "-- Fitzgeralds the Great Gatsby describes the book as a mere disillusionment of the American dream, which is obviously a regrettable mistake. The long life experience of Fitzgerald, a Washingtonian, in the eastern big city, his friendship with the western youth and his complicated attitude towards them make this novel most clearly show the American character in the huge literary world. Gentlemen, this is not the complicated and historical story of gangs in the past of America. They are ordinary American youth. From the long west coast to the eastern dream city, Gatsby, the dreamer, has the ambition and rudeness of a pioneer. Like part of the traditional character of the country, they are fond of predatory construction. Its just that Gatsbys line is the opposite of that of his adventurous ancestors: the East after the war represents all that life can enjoy, and where young people can exert all their chasing abilities. The historical background of cruelty and war brought up the militarists and adventurers first. So Gatsby they have to go to the middle or the east to chase and enjoy the wine and women the world has given us.

  But Gatsby, who had returned from his service, was poor and his beloved girl was in the arms of others all day. The inferiority and self-esteem of rural youth Gatsby are growing at the same time, while the vanity of human nature will evolve into a huge struggle energy when it comes to the right opportunity. All these characters hearts and experiences are easy to understand. What is complicated is the world they live in. The world is complicated because it seems cold and cruel. But if you are at a high point, all these things will become lovely. Fitzgerald begins his story with the upstart Gatsby, who holds a grand party on a generous week. Celebrities come here, and Gatsby waits for the arrival of the beloved woman in a corner. In the end, the inferiors Gatsby, the nouveau riche Gatsby and the lonely Gatsby, like the Russians of lemontov, fought this life with failure. When he was born, no one saw him off, and everyone spat at him. The splendid feast is gone, the luxury houses and grass are reborn, and the indifference and silence are returned. Compared with his predecessors, Hawthorne or Henry. James Fitzgerald is one of them. In his eyes, maybe nothing is worse than the American schools. So Hawthorne wrote about his native England, Henry, in a charming and rich style. At the turn of the old world and the new world, James described the Americans as deeply as a European philosopher, while Hemingway, a dangerous bull, brought American perplexity to the "Beat Generation" of the worlds citizens, and then wrote the whole human perplexity. Among them, only Gerard is so simple: he faces the same dream of the youth in the West and the youth in the East. He looks at their poetic indulgence and revelry, and sees the brilliance and gloom of American life. He has no Oxbridge and Cambridge full of cattle and people, and he has only a poor professor in Princeton.

  So southerners like Mohist love this pure American writer, while talented people like Faulkner have the opposite attitude. Compared with Gerard, the poet Whitman wrote America better and bolder, mark. Twain is more accurate than him in capturing the bitter tears of American humor. Henry has encountered more than him and portrayed America more richly. Fitzgeralds mediocrity is evident, however, in this man he wrote for an era. That era is so similar to todays China: vanity, money, power, and illegal business operations, the unreserved release of desire in the brilliant lights, people talk about celebrities and famous brands all day, without philosophy, poetry and real schools. This era and that era, the most naked reflection of human nature, but no one to write more moving human nature, the lack of real spiritual traction: everyone is so, there is no comparison. So the beauty of the Great Gatsby lies in its simple story, ordinary characters, and honesty. It does not have the vanity to describe the more magnificent crowd, does not take on the writing of the sense of history, such a simple story environment, appropriately depicts the vanity and human nature. When we see the upstart Gatsby asking himself over and over whether he is successful or trustworthy, and his goal of becoming a upstart is simply to regain his beloved woman, then Fitzgerald, a Washington native, finally stands firmly on Gatsbys side. Compared with those celebrities who live in a bright and empty heart, Gatsby, a western farmer, asks himself and is simple It is warm, firm and hopeful because he has fulfilled his dream and has generously shared his dream with others.

  《了不起的盖茨比》英文读后感 11

  The Great Gatsby is a short story published by Francis Scott kifitzgerald in 1925. At the end of the 20th century, the American academic authority selected one hundred of the best novels among the hundred years of English literature. The Great Gatsby ranks the second in the list of Contemporary Classics. The appearance of this novel established Feis position in the history of modern American literature, and was hailed as the symbol of the American jazz age and one of the representative writers of the lost generation.

  The Great Gatsby is set in the upper class white circle of American society in the 1920s. It is composed of everything I see, experience and feel in the first person. I, Nick, a small poor employee, lived next to the rich man Gatsby, and accidentally broke into the paper addicted upper class society. In the atmosphere of singing and drinking, I was surprised to find the huge secret hidden in Gatsbys heart. No one knows how Gatsby succeeded, how Gatsby became rich, or even how Gatsby looked. But no one does not know Gatsbys name and the banquet he held. Gatsbys heart is to repeat the past and recover the past, his favorite woman in his life daisy. Daisy and millionaire Tom have been married, but unfortunately, her husband has an affair. When the two meet again five years later, Gatsby may still be Romeo, while Daisy is no longer Juliet. Gatsbys stubborn pursuit of heart yearning, but reality has shattered his illusory and almost naive dream with a cold attitude.

  The author describes a vivid Gatsby for us from the perspective of the third party with a cool and warm style of description of Impressionism, outlines a nearly perfect and accessible dream for us, and provides us with an opportunity to witness the envy of the upper class society, but mercilessly breaks the charm of the people in front of us with a determined attitude The colorful heart, the end of the story, the coldness of Gatsbys funeral and the noise of the banquet, Gatsbys ardent persistence and Daisys indifference have formed a strong contrast. Although reality has broken the dream, it also makes the living see the hypocrisy and indifference of reality.

  《了不起的盖茨比》英文读后感 12

  I dont know how long I havent read the original English book. I finally finished reading the Great Gatsby at the end of 20xx. So write down a little personal feeling of reading.

  In this book, the author narrates the story in the first person voice and tells Gatsbys short life story. He used a "marvelous" modifier, which is a more life-style name. From the perspective of English, "the great" is very well used.

  Its a great experience to transform from a poor household of unknown origin into a rich man. But the luxury of material in his eyes, are not as important as Daisy. Party constantly, the reception of people who do not know, experience everything, just to be close to her. Mingming is very close to each other, but it seems very far away.

  Gatsby is a nostalgic person. He thinks that he can go back to the past five years later and live a happy life with Daisys old mirror. However, he overestimates Daisys love for himself. He thinks that she can be happy only when she is with him. In fact, she loves him, but she loves herself more. Gatsby thought that Daisy was too perfect, too idealistic, for fear that she would receive little harm, just like all the people in love, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, and all the shortcomings are advantages. Gatsby, it seems, did not see any shortcomings, only perfect, completely immersed in his own imagination, unable to extricate himself. Love is consistent to this point, so great love, ordinary people cant do it!

  Daisy is lucky to be betrayed by her husband Tom, full of insecurity and emptiness. Gatsbys appearance, only for her one person, loves her so deeply, in her luxurious tedious life, ignited the spark. However, meeting Gatsby again is more stimulated by Gatsbys rich and luxurious life. Suppose that Gatsby reappears in her life as a poor person, whether she would like to see him more or have more intersections. She is used to the life of a lady, but also the ideological snobbery, the concept of the rich formed from childhood. Although Gatsby is rich, she seems to be an upstart after all. She cant stand a few words of Toms instigation, and the hereditary rich family is more popular with her. Even if Tom betrayed her, she still chose to live with him and dare not step out of the original life circle.

  When seeing the palm extended by gates to the Daisys house on the other side, when seeing Gatsby as nervous and excited as a child because Daisy is going to Nicks house for afternoon tea, when Gatsby let Daisy say she doesnt love Tom in New York, Daisys indecision and Toms slander of Gatsby, Daisy begged Tom to take her home, and he really sympathized with Gatsby.

  He loves too humble, in this relationship into too much, can not extricate themselves, stubborn and stubborn. Think of Daisy more than your life. After Daisy accidentally bumped Toms mistress to death, he just waited outside Daisys house to make sure she was safe. His good friend Nick asked him to leave. He had to wait for Daisys phone call, but it was Wilsons shot. But Tom and Daisy still left, when nothing happened, cold and heartless.

  Gatsbys death may be a better ending, with his dedication to Daisy. Otherwise, its hard to imagine what his life would be like without daisy. In this way, to keep a perfect image in the readers mind for a long time, to imagine each other and to expect love.

  I dont want to mention Gatsbys indifference and depression after his death. Only Nick as a spectators final evaluation is the most touching. In his last chat with Gatsby, the sentence "they are rotten crowd, youre worth the whole damn bunch put together" that he left left gave Gatsby a warm feeling in his lonely love seeking life. I was very moved to see it. Gatsbys greatness was recognized and resonated with readers.

  Such a dedicated and lovely Great Gatsby is believed to be the dream partner in the hearts of all girls. Its enough to have such a person in life. Finally, a picture of Leonardos Gatsby will be posted. If you are interested, you can see the movie.

  《了不起的盖茨比》英文读后感 13

  The Great Gatsby is the work of Francis Scott Fitzgerald, an American poet and dreamer, published in 1925. This time, it is the work of Li Jihong, a talented translator.

  In the novel, Gatsby was born in a poor family and fell in love with Daisy when he was young. However, he was unable to marry Daisy because of poverty. The reality made Gatsbys fantasy in his heart disillusioned for the first time. Daisy is a very realistic rich woman, and she immediately married another rich businessman Tom. Later Gatsby became a millionaire by his own efforts and luck. Gatsby was still nostalgic for his former lover after he made his fortune. He just wanted to see the green light at Daisys Wharf and set his home by the sea.

  At the beginning of the novel, the author uses a lot of ink to describe Gatsbys scene of entertaining guests and friends in the mansion, as well as his feelings after meeting Daisy again. Although Daisys husband Tom was adamant against it, they were still recklessly sweet. Just as they were about to walk to the "happiness Avenue", Daisy accidentally hit a passer-by while driving, which resulted in the death of passers-by. The authors use of such dramatic colors is really boastful. Gatsby was willing to give up his life and wealth for daisy. In sharp contrast to this, Daisy and Tom are selfish and indifferent. They deliberately excuse themselves to go away from home and blame Gatsby for all the accidents. Once again, the reality coldly shattered his illusory and almost naive dream.

  At first glance, the title of "amazing" Gatsby, but at the beginning, I had been thinking hard. I just couldnt figure out where he was? Its only after a lot of aftertaste that we have an epiphany.

  Gatsby is a great man. His greatness lies in his simple and simple view of love. He thinks that love is the world of two people. Gatsby can live a rich and upper class life from poverty to wealth, but he is not moved by money and fame. All his purposes are only to meet Daisy again until his life ends in tragedy. Gatsbys greatness lies in his wish I want to exchange my life for Daisys life. Knowing that we cant do it, I applaud Gatsbys courage again!

  "The Great Gatsby" is such a story of "the grandiose age, the last classical love dream" with tragic color!

  《了不起的盖茨比》英文读后感 14

  Reading "the Great Gatsby" is a chance. I wanted to spend my time reading it in my spare time. However, my fathers advice at the beginning made me have great interest: when you comment on others, you should remember that not all people have such excellent conditions as you. I like watching Gatsby standing at the seaside looking at the green light on Daisys Wharf, watching him "stretch out his arms in a strange way", like that kind of surprise and eagerness; I like the unknown light on Gatsbys mansion all night, following the music and laughter in the wind in the garden, like a dog and a horse, intoxicated. And Gatsbys loneliness and pent up desire behind all this prosperity. I like the feeling of being warm and cold after death. I like watching the car from the other end of the world come to the gate of the mansion, but I didnt find that the wonderful banquet had already ended. I also like the language, metaphor and story telling in the book, as well as the delicate but meticulous structure. Only after repeated reading, can you find that each person in the original book is not only full and independent, but also in the invisible, it is gathered in the net of the plot and becomes a part of the plot.

  When I finished the last page of "the Great Gatsby", I inexplicably recalled reading Gogols "Neva Avenue" one autumn night a year ago. When I saw a pure and weak young mans thrill completely shattered by the realitys absurdity in the charming streetlights and noisy crowd of Neva Avenue, I felt an indescribable emotion that left me nowhere As a recluse, piscaloov came to love with his whole life pursuit at a glance, but the charming girl turned into an unreasonable prostitute, so his pursuit of beauty ironically pushed him to the end of his life. Then, I came to a conclusion in that flustered night: to give up saving people, because there wont be too many people who want to constantly expand their dreams under the blue sky, including love, helpless yearning and trying to change others with ideal nature will always turn pale and absurd.

  《了不起的盖茨比》英文读后感 15

  What is true happiness for a woman? Is it a rich husband who has no feelings for each other, or a poor boy who loves each other but has no money? Daisy, a woman who lost her love and dignity due to dependence and was played by two men with strong desire for occupation, is pitiful and pathetic. So the answer is independence, dignity and persistence. Without this premise, no matter how noble a woman is, she can only kneel forever.

  Daisy loved Gatsby, once. But love is like a cicada. She runs away for him in the middle of the night, endures endless superficial accusations from the world, even gets drunk the day before marriage and throws away the wedding ring. Unfortunately, life is not an idol drama for her. Independent, and then earn money to run a family, just for love, for the deep attraction when the eyes touch, no, she didnt have the courage to bet. So at the cost of a lifetime of happiness. She compromised and satisfied the possessiveness of Tom, the first man. Tom, selfish, vulgar, hypocritical, new and old, but he has money and fame, and whats more, he needs a beautiful wife who can fill the scene. So she married Tom successfully. Step by step, step by step. For money, she lost the initiative. She endured her husbands affair and did nothing. She became pretentious and her voice was full of money. Five years made her lose her self-esteem due to compromise. At this time, the infatuated Gatsby suddenly appeared. He made every effort to arrange his "chance" meeting with Daisy, and took her to visit her luxurious villa. All this was just to let the disillusioned "American Dream" continue in Daisys regretful and shocked tears. Daisy was shaken in the face of the man who once loved and now is rich and invincible. So Daisy was controlled by two men at the same time. Nick said: you cant ask her too much. The saddest thing in life is that you cant stand the time, including conscience. Gatsby loved her, but her only love was herself, just as she had given up Gatsby. This time, after Mollys death, Gatsby let go of her own guilt and escaped at Toms instigation. Then in the future, Tom will deal with her by more severe means, no matter in emotion, power or family property. Now he has a more deadly handle: dont forget that you are a murderer!!

  If Daisy is independent and insists, she will not marry the man she does not love. She will not lose herself step by step in order to please him. Think of the growing social problems of today. To give up a boyfriend who really loves himself for a wealthy semi old man, and then to use all kinds of fawning and various means for money. In the end, he feels fresh and faces the situation of being spit out and unable to get money. Everything is created by his own stupidity, dependence and greed.

  A woman, in the face of the war, never is a group of beautiful, not how to rely on beauty and means to get more mens money, but in the competition of time, still have the courage to be independent, stick to, and be pure. So it doesnt make any difference whether Im married to a rich family or a weak one, because Ive always been on my own way. I can support my career with my own independence, stick to my love and keep my original self. Although the risk is greater, harder and more tortuous, this is life, isnt it?

  《了不起的盖茨比》英文读后感 16

  At the end of the first World War, the second industrial revolution was just completed. As a victorious nation in the World War I, the United States surpassed Britain as the worlds largest power in capitalist world. The economy was flourishing and the whole country was thriving. Cars, lights and telephones facilitated peoples life. People feel no longer fight, is the time to enjoy, the young generation is more like entering a new era of joy of brilliant, they began to abandon the traditional moral standard, in the money worship, hedonism, luxury, scene of debauchery all day. The economic prosperity of the neglect of social cost.

  The story of the great Gatsby took place at this time.

  The background of the novel is set in the white circle of the upper class in modern American society and unfolded through Nicks narrative. Nick was born in the Midwest of the United States, then went to New York to learn how to run a stock business, and wanted to make a fortune. He lived in Long Island and was neighbors to Gatsby, the hero of the story, and made friends with him. Gatsby, formerly known as Gates, and Nick is from the Midwest, he was born poor but aspiring, due to selling bootleg liquor and riches. He often held large-scale luxury home party, banquet guests, to show its generosity, the purpose is to attract the daisy lover five years ago and win her back. Five years ago at the Gatsby military service when Daisy was his lover, Gatsby went overseas in the first World War, due to reckless with greed came from wealthy families to marry a rich mens sons Tom buchanan. However, the satisfaction of material desires and carnal desires did not fill the spiritual emptiness and poverty of daisy. In Nicks help, and Gatsby seemed to rekindle their love after the reunion. But Daisy is no longer the original Daisy, she is no longer the innocent girl Gatsby imagined, but a stupid, selfish, vulgar, beautiful body. Gatsbys beautiful dream was finally broken, but he was still doing the final struggle, is still a fantasy of daisy, and suffered more sad sad ending. Later, daisy in a drunk driving Gatsbys car ran over Toms mistress, plan a plot with Tom and brutally put the blame on Gatsby, resulting in the victims husband suddenly broke into Gatsbys home and shot Gatsby, then Dutch act died, Gatsby eventually completely become a victim of selfish and cruel daisy.

  Xu as Gatsby, presents a perfect and beautiful dream within reach for us to provide a witness the envy of everyone in society by chance for us, but also to an attitude with ruthless shattered eyes alluring resplendent with variegated coloration, the end of the story, Gatsbys funeral and deserted the party noisy, persistent and Daisy Gatsby warm cold away, forming a strong contrast, although the reality of broken dreams, but also let the people live to see the reality of the hypocrisy and indifference.

  The distance between dream and reality.

  The reason why Gatsby is great because he can in order to realize the dream, because he is a millionaire also have the original dream, because he can give life to dream, although the price in third seems too heavy, too unworthy, not in, the dream has been broken, outliving both. A tear or a sigh in the face of reality seemed so weak, worry is heavy, but how much money, chennai!

  The end of the story I can feel as a bystander, Nick downhearted, after the death of Gatsby, his heart becomes haunted in the East, distorted beyond their ability to eye correction, so he went back home. Whether it is to escape from the reality or re start, like the tortoise was attacked in the shell, or like a crab armed and ready to fight, never give life to defend the principles and morals of their life, when we do not want to. And cant change the reality of the time, silence is to maintain the dignity of the umbrella.

  How far is the distance between dream and reality? Just like the distance between the heart and the human heart.

  How far is the distance between the heart and the human heart? It can be very close or very far away. Look at our society today, how much is left in the trust between people? We are still learning Lei Feng 80s said a good example, but he was dead in 90s; we are still learning contemporary Paul Zhang Haidi, but now her nationality has been questioned; in twenty-first Century, we study the important thought of Three Represents, but some people will only put the table worn on the hand. See people hailed seek help can not stop, because it is possible to see the old man fell down fishing; you can not help, because it may be pengci; see money can not pick up, even if not illegal because it may be the, you see, our society is to let some people get rich, the value orientation is also gradually distorted let the rich to the poor, finally achieve common prosperity intention where? Why the whole society is in a crisis of confidence between the people and the people? Why the distance will be so far away?









