我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-03-31 09:12:53 造句 我要投稿





  See the line across the doorway?

  2. 如果铁暴露于潮湿空气之下就会慢慢生锈腐蚀成碎末的。

  If iron is left exposed to damp air, it will rust away to powder.

  3. 复合网孔通风垫能用于流料仓和料斗里的粉末和碎末产品,并使其流动速率最优化。

  Plymesh aeration pads are used to fluidize and to optimize the flow rate of powdered and pulverized products in silos and in bunkers.

  4. (1)将韭菜择洗干净,切成碎末。

  (1) chives Optional wash clean, cut into Suimo.

  5. 如果铁暴露于潮湿空气之下就会慢慢生锈腐蚀成碎末的。

  The boom of a derrick. If iron is left exposed to damp air, it will rust away to powder.

  6. 只是想到了,他还是喝那一个子儿一包的碎末。

  Yet he only thought about it, and stuck to the tea leaf sweepings which cost one cent a packet.

  7. 这台机器是用来把石头压成碎末的。

  This machine is made to crush the rock into powder.

  8. 既节约燃料又有利于品质的`形成,减少碎末、烟焦茶的产生。

  Both fuel-efficient and conducive to the formation of the quality and reduce碎末, smoke coke produced tea.

  9. 取生姜一块,切成碎末,用开水煮5分钟,当作茶水饮用。

  Get a piece of ginger, cut into碎末with five minutes to open water as a tea.

  10. 他用手指把面包碾成碎末。

  He crumbled the bread in his fingers.

  11. 如果你的一个朋友拿着一个很大的苹果派,却只分给你一点点小碎末,你会怎么办呢?

  What if your friend had a large apple pie but gave you only a sliver?

  12. 自己拿吧。别把碎末掉在地上。

  Go ahead. Don't get any crumbs on my floor.

  13. 穴位贴敷组也是从化疗的第一天起介入中药药膏对穴位进行贴敷,选用红参、当归、补骨脂、肉桂、冰片、丁香等药,烘干碎末,并按一定比例混合,制成膏剂,贴敷于所选穴位上(穴位的选择与配伍均与隔姜灸组相同),共贴敷两周。

  Useage:one times every day. From the first day of chemotherapy, Chemotherapy plus A. S. T group were treated by acupoints-sticking drug patch which is consisted of Red ginseng、Prepared Rehmannia Root、Desertliving Cistanche、Evodia Fruit、Grassleaved Sweetflag Rhizome、clove etc. Treated with Apoint Sticking Therapy for 2 weeks in all.

  14. 穴位贴敷组也是从化疗的第一天起介入中药药膏对穴位进行贴敷,选用红参,当归,补骨脂,肉桂,冰片,丁香等药,烘干碎末,并按一定比例混合,制成膏剂,贴敷于所选穴位上(穴位的选择与配伍均与隔姜灸组相同),共贴敷两周。

  Above two groups of points were used alternatively. Useage:one times every day. From the first day of chemotherapy, Chemotherapy plus A. S. T group were treated by acupoints-sticking drug patch which is consisted of Red ginseng, Prepared Rehmannia Root, Desertliving Cistanche, Evodia Fruit, Grassleaved Sweetflag Rhizome, clove etc.

  15. 加1勺巧克力糖浆和1茶匙波士樱桃白兰地,撒白巧克力碎末。

  Float 1 teaspoon of chocolate syrup and 1 teaspoon of BOLS cherry brandy on top.

  16. 先将肥皂磨成碎末,确认碎末颗粒细滑干净。

  The first step would be to grate the bar soap to fine residue.

  17. 生命的海平线上,有小小的浪花在飞溅,它飞起,又落下,变成碎末,像生命的悲歌在泣诉。

  Of life on the sea level, there is little spray in the splash, it launched into, but also fall into Suimo, like the tragedies of life in the Qi Su.

  18. 当我在切割塑料时产生了很多塑料末,由于锯子比较烫,这些碎末很快连在了一起,行成一条类似文字的线条。

  Whenever I cut plastic using a heated saw, I get some waste pieces.

  19. 加入剩下的杏子碎末并慢炖,搅拌,直至糖浆变成深棕色并变的浓稠。

  Stir in reserved chopped  and gently simmer, stirring, until syrup is deep brown and slightly thickened.








双语散文The Smile04-01

