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时间:2021-04-11 19:53:54 优美句子 我要投稿


  小学一年级英语句子 :口语练习--Fruits and Animals



  Apple, watermelon, strawberry, pineapple, mango, plum, orange, pear, peach, kiwi, grape

  What fruit do you like?

  I like strawberry.

  What's your favorite fruit?

  My favorite fruit is mango.


  Lion, tiger, elephant, panda, monkey, bear, wolf, fox, dog, cat, snake, giraffe

  What animal do you like?

  I like panda.

  Do you like snakes?

  Yes, I do. No, I don't.

  小学一年级英语阅读 Passage 6 Farmer and the Snake

  It was a cold winter day.A farmer found a snake on the ground. It was nearly dead by cold. The Farmer was a kind man. Hepicked up thesnake carefully and put it under the coat. Soon the snake Began to move and it raised its mouth and bit the farmer. "Oh, My god!" said the farmer, "I save your life, but you thank me in that way. You must die." Then he killed the snake with a stick. At last he died, too.

  小学一年级英语句子 40句


  1.( )I have _____ egg. A. a B. an C. the

  2.( ) She _____ a nice schoolbag .

  A. have B. has C. is

  3. ( ) How many ______ do you have ? I have 3.

  A. pen B. a pen C. pens

  4. ( )My friend Tom _______ painting.

  A. likes B. like C.is like

  5 ( ) _______she ? she's my sister.

  A. What's B. Where C. Who's

  6. ( ) ______ is the teacher . She's in the classroom.

  A. What's B. Where C. Where's

  7.( ) ________is the pencil-case ? It's 32 yuan.

  A. How old B. How many C. How much

  8.( ) What colour is the walkman ?

  A. It's nice B. It's yellow and blue. C. Yes, I like it.

  9 ( )Lucy _______ science .-------Me too.

  A. likes B. like C. is like

  10.Let _____ clean the teacher's desk. ------ok

  A.I B. my C. me

  11.This is ______ new computer.

  A. my B. me C.I

  12.How many fans can you see ?

  A. I have 6. B.I can see six. C.I can see

  13.How much is the yo-yo ?

  A. I am 12. B. It's 12 yuan. C. 12 books

  14.Where are you from ?

  A. Chinese book. B. It's Chinese C. I am from China.

  15.Where is my English book ?

  A. It's in the desk. B. It's in the pencil-case C. It's blue

  16.How old are you ?

  A. I'm fine, thank you . B. I'm Ok C. I'm ten

  17.What's her name ?

  A. My name is Lily B. His name is Tom C. Her name is Lily

  18.Who is he ?

  A. He's Zhangpeng B. she is a girl C. He's a boy

  19.What's in your schoolbag ?

  A. It's a book. B. Many story-books C.I have 10.

  20.Let's clean the classroom.______________

  A. It's nice and clean B. All right C. You're right.

  21.What's ten plus ten ?

  A. It's twenty B. It's twelve C. It's two.

  22.Are they farmers ?

  A. Yes, she is B. No ,they aren't C. They are farmers

  23.Is she in the classroom ?

  A. Yes ,she is B. Yes ,he is C. she is in the kitchen

  24.Is this your book ?

  A. No, they aren't B. It's a English book C. yes ,it is

  25.Is this your uncle ?

  A. No. she isn't B. Yes, she is C. Yes, he is

  26.What would you like for dinner ?

  A. yes B. I'd like some vegetable and beef. C. Thank you

  27. Can I have some chicken ?

  A. Sure, here you are B. Yes ,you can C.I have some noodles

  28.Help yourself. A. Thank you B.NO C. Here you are

  29.Can I help ?

  A. Yes, pass me a plate, please B. No C. sorry

  29. What's he ?

  A. He is my father B. He's a doctor C. He's a man

  30.What's your aunt ?

  A. She is a nurse B. He is a nurse C. She's a woman

  31.Who's that man ?

  A. He is my uncle B. She's my sister C. He's a baseball player

  32.Merry Chirstmas!

  A. sorry B. come and meet family C. Merry Christmas

  33.Who's that boy ? ________ John.

  A. She's B. He's C. It's

  34 Do you like sports ?

  A. Yes ,she is B. No, I do C. Yes, I do .

  35 May I have a look ?

  A. No, you can't B. Look at the book C. sure ,here you are

  36 _________ your aunt ? She's a driver .

  A. Where's B. What's C. Who's

  37 Look _______the photo.

  A. in B. to C. at

  38 There ________many books on the sofa .Please put them away.

  A. is B. has C. are

  39 There_______ a teacher in the classroom

  A. is B. has C. are

  40 __________is she ? She's my mother

  A. How old B. How C. Who

  小学一年级英语句子 48句

  ( ) 1.How are you?

  A你好吗? B再见

  ( ) 2.Good morning.

  A下午好。 B早上好。

  ( ) 3.How many girls?

  A有多少个女孩? B有多少条狗?

  ( ) 4.How many blue balls?

  A 有多少个蓝色的球?


  ( ) 5.Point to a girl.

  A指向一个女孩。 B指向一个男孩。

  ( ) 6.I'm Sam.

  A我是大明。 B我是男孩。

  ( ) 7.My name is Panpan.


  ( ) 8.Good afternoon.

  A下午好。 B中午好。

  ( ) 9.It's green.

  A 它是绿色的。 B它是蓝色的。

  ( ) 10.Stand up!

  A 起立! B 请坐!

  ( ) 11.I'm fine.

  A 我很好。 B我五岁了。

  ( ) 12.What's your name?

  A你叫什么名字? B这是什么?

  ( ) 13.I'm a boy.

  A我有个球. B我是个男孩。

  ( ) 14.Open the door.

  A打开门。 B打开窗户。

  ( ) 15.It' s the ceiling.

  A 它是地面。 B他是天花板。

  ( ) 16.Sit down!

  A 坐下。 B起立。

  ( ) 17.This is my desk.


  ( ) 18.See you!

  A看你。 B再见!

  ( ) 19.This is our teacher.


  ( ) 20.This is a cat.


  ( ) 21.Pleased to meet you.


  ( ) 22.What's that ?

  A那是什么? B这是什么?

  ( ) 23.Is it a dog ?

  A 它是一条狗吗?B它是一条狗 。

  ( ) 24.What's in the box ?


  ( ) 25.Where's my pen ?



  ( ) 26.A balloon is on the bed.


  B 床下有一个气球。

  ( ) 27.That is a cat.

  A那是一只猫。 B这是一只猫。

  ( ) 28.You 're eight.

  A 你八岁了。 B 我八岁了。

  ( ) 29.It ' s you.

  A 是你。 B是我。

  ( ) 30.It 's my pen.

  A 它是我的钢笔。B 它是我们的钢笔。

  ( )31.It 's a black cat.



  ( )32.You 're welcome!

  A 别客气! B 你是好样的.。

  ( )33.Where's the cat ?

  A 猫在哪里? B 球猫在哪里。

  ( )34.Happy birthday to you !

  A 祝你生日快乐!B 给你生日蛋糕.

  ( )35.It 's an orange house.

  A 它是所橙色的房子。

  B 它是个橙色的盒子。

  ( )36.I ' m six , too.

  A 我六岁了。 B 我也六岁了。

  ( )37.How old are you ?

  A 你几岁了? B 你好吗?

  ( )38.It 's in my hat.

  A 它在我的帽子里。


  ( )39.A doll is under the bed.

  A 床下面有个娃娃。


  ( )40.No, it isn't.

  A 不是。 B 是的。

  ( )41.Thank you .

  A 谢谢。 B 不用谢。

  ( )42.Yes, it is.

  A 是的。 B 不是。

  ( )43.Come to the front !

  A 到前面来。 B 回去。

  ( )44.Go back to your seat !

  A 到后面去。 B 回到你的座位上。

  ( )45.Good boy.

  A 好孩子。 B 再见。

  ( )46.I 'm seven.

  A 我七岁了。 B 我八岁了。

  ( )47.What 's this ?

  A 这是什么? B 那是什么?

  ( )48.A book for you.

  A 给你一本书。 B给你一管钢笔。




  What’s your name?

  What’s in the picture/ your schoolbag/ your pencil-case/ the classroom?

  What do you like?

  What’s your father?

  What would you like?

  What’s this?

  What’s his /her name?

  What about you?

  What are you going to do after school/ this weekend/ this evening /this afternoon?

  What are you going to buy?

  What does he like to do?

  What’s your hobby?

  What does she/ he /your father/ your mother do?

  What are you going to be?

  What should we do then?

  What time is it?

  What does she do?

  What colour is it?

  What are they?

  What are you doing?

  What’s the weather like in Beijing?

  What’s the matter?

  What size?

  What do you see in the picture?

  What are these?

  What do you do on the weekend?

  What’s your favourite season?

  What’s the weather like in spring?

  What would you like to do/eat?

  What is Zip’s favourite season?

  What’s the date today?

  What are they?

  What’s she doing?

  What are they doing?

  What is it doing?

  What are the ducks doing?

  What do ants like to eat?

  What do you have?

  What are you reading?

  What’s that?

  What do you do when you have the flu?

  What did you buy?

  What did you do last weekend?

  What about grapes?

  What do you want to do?

  What’s in that tiny seed?

  What can Mike do in the four seasons in Canada?

  What’s he/she/it like?

  What day is it today?

  What do you have on Thursday?

  What do you do on weekends?

  What’s your favourite day/food/fruit?

  What can you /he /she /it do?


  How are you?

  How about you?

  How old are you?

  How many candles balloons /books /gifts are there?

  How do you go to school /Canada?

  How about by taxi?

  How can I get to Zhongshan Park /the zoo?

  How do you go there?

  How does he go to school/ work?

  How does the water become vapour?

  How do you do that?

  How heavy/ tall /old are you?

  How big are your feet?

  How long are your legs?

  How large is your room?

  How long is your bed?

  How do you plant a tree?

  How many students are there in your class?

  How much is it/are they?

  How many horses/bears are there?

  How many cows/ apples do you have?

  How do I look?

  How about this pair?

  How does Amy feel?

  How many kites can you see?


  Who’s there?

  Who is wearing yellow today?

  Who are you?


  Where is my seat/the trash bin/ your pen?

  Where are the keys/ my shoes/ they?

  Where is your home /hospital/ cinema/ bookstore /library/ museum /shoe store?

  Where are you going tomorrow?

  Where do they live?

  Where does he work?

  Where does the rain /cloud/ vapour/ flower come from?

  Where is the canteen/library/ art room?

  Where is my T-shirt/ my car?

  Where did you go on your holiday?

  Where are you from?

  Where is your mouth?


  Who’s your friend/principal/he?

  Who’s your math teacher?

  Who are you?

  Who has a birthday in October?

  Who is taller than you?

  Who is heavier than you?

  Who’s that woman?


  Which floor?

  Which is mike’s times table?

  Which season do you like best?

  Which season does Zhangpeng like best?

  Which monkey do you like?

  Which monkey is stronger?


  Whose is it/this/that?


  When do you get up?

  When do you do morning exercises /eat breakfast/ go to school?

  When is children’s day?


  Why do you like spring?

  Why not?


  Is she in the study?

  Is there a cinema near here?

  Is it far from school?

  Is your pen pal a boy or a girl?

  Is this the library/TV room/teacher’s desk /your bedroom/ your aunt?

  Is that a picture?

  Is your birthday in February?

  Is he watching ants?

  Is she your sister?

  Is she/he young/kind/strict/active/quiet/old?


  Are they nice/ sheep/ all right?

  Are those cucumbers?

  Are you under the table?

  Are you helpful at home?

  Are there any bridges in your village?


  Can I have some chicken/ a Coke?

  Can I go on foot?

  Can you go by ship or train?

  Can he go with us?

  Can you help me go up to the sky?

  Can I have a try?

  Can I wear my T-shirt?

  Can I help you?

  Can I ask your some questions?

  Can tigers swim?

  Can you read this/play football/do housework?

  Can I have an apple, please?


  Do you like sports/ pears/apples?

  Do you know the traffic rules?

  Do you have a comic book/ a library/any new teachers ?

  Do you have lunch at school?

  Do you want to be my friend?

  Does he go to school by car?

  Does he live n the country?

  Does she teach English?

  Does she have a computer?

  Did you go at night?

  Did you go to the park?

  Did you help them clean their room?


  May I have a look?


  Would you like some grapes?

  小学一年级英语教案口语第一册unit four 第一课时

  教学内容:Unit four I like Green Lesson One

  This lesson covers “Let’s song”, Let’s play games and Activity 3 on P18 (Activity book)

  教学目标:Hopefully the pupils will be able to:

  ? sing the rainbow song with actions.

  ? follow the teacher’s instructions

  ? understand the meaning of the key vocabulary and imitate t the pronunciation.

  ? enjoy the games and activities.


  Productive: purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, red,

  Receptive: colour, rainbow, up, down.

  Structure and phrase:

  Productive: words and chunks in the song.

  Receptive: instructions in “Let’s move”.

  教学媒体:a picture or a photo of a rainbow.

  colour cards, word cards.

  coloured flags.

  crayons, a hand-made rainbow.

  tape and recorder.

  Ask the children to bring their crayons for activity 3.









