我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-04-24 13:12:12 优美句子 我要投稿


  1 世界贸易组织成立于1995年1月1日,其前身是关税与贸易总协定。


  The World Organization (WTO), whose predecessor was the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), was established on January 1, 1995.

  2 加入世界贸易组织意味着在进口政策方面要承担一些约束性的任务。这就要求中国要调整其贸易政策,并且进行经济体制改革。

  Joining the WTO means assuming binding obligations in respect of import policies-obligations which will necessitate an adjustment in China’s trade policies and economic restructuring.

  3 中国加入世界贸易组织的意义不仅在于贸易方面,而且关系到中国将来在世界经济中所起的作用以及全球经济未来的发展方向。

  China’s entry into the WTO is about more than trade, it is about China’s future role in the world economy and about the future direction of the global economic development.

  4 外国直接在华投资可以在最大程度上发挥有关双方的优势。中国幅员辽阔,自然资源丰富,廉价劳动力充裕,税收低,消费者市场不断增长,基础设施不断改善,我们还有稳定的社会政治环境以及诱人的投资政策。

  Direct foreign investment in China maximizes the strengths of both parties concerned. China has massive land, abundant natural resources, huge cheap labor, low taxation, a growing consumer market, improving infrastructure and of course, a stable social and political environment with attractive investment policies.

  5 现在西方人都在谈论去东方投资。显然越来越多的外国公司纷纷涌入中国,而上海的浦东地区是人们投资的首选目的地之一。现在的问题不在于是否去东方投资,而在于何时去投资为好,如何去投资为好。

  In the West everybody is talking about going to the East and making an investment. Apparently a growing number of foreign firms have been pouring into China, and the Pudong area of Shanghai is among the best choices of their investment destinations. Today it is not a matter of whether to go east, but when and how.

  6 海外人士在上海及其周边地区的`投资近年来翻了两番。出现这一高涨不止的投资热有多种缘由。

  Overseas investment in Shanghai and its surrounding areas has quadrupled in recent years. There are many reasons for this rising investment fever.

  7 目前在浦东的前200家强强联姻的企业中,具有自我设计和开发能力的虽然不多,但中方大约有200名副总经理、1000名部门经理、3000名高中级工程技术人员、30000名熟练工人正在一边干,一边学。

  Currently, among Pudong’s 200 biggest joint ventures, not many have independent designing and developing capabilities. However, on the Chinese side, about 200 deputy managing directors,1000 division managers,3000 senior and intermediate-level engineers and technologists and 30000 skilled workers have been learning on the job.

  8. 美国通用汽车公司、德国巴斯夫公司、日立电器公司等一批跨国公司的高级职员在谈到他们总部的投资意图时无不坦陈,外方看中的是浦东在其全球战略中的地域优势、良好的投资环境和企业素质。

  When senior representatives of General Motors of the United States, BSF of Germany and Hitachi Electric of Japan talked about their investment in Pudong, they all pointed to Pudong’s geographical advantage, good investment environment and the high quality of local enterprises as Pudong’s attractions for their respective firms in their global strategy.

  9. 这些企业和人才,正以其产业关联性和协作关系,最终带动长江流域乃至全国数千家企业,面向国内、国际两个市场,进行一体化生产和销售,使浦东成为溶现代中国产业世界经济主流的龙头和纽带。

  These enterprises and talents, through production-related association and cooperation, are expected to boost thousands of enterprises in the Yangtze River Valley, as well as in other parts of the country, engaging in integrated production and sales for both domestic and international markets. By doing so,Pudong will functions as a leader and bridge to integrate China’s modern industry with the mainstream of the world’s economy.


  China’s economic development has entered a new stage which is characteristically one of high growth and low inflation. The national economy continues to grow rapidly and market prices remain basically stable.


  Statistics for the last year show that China’s gross domestic product reached 7,477.2 billion yuan (US$900.87 billion),an increase of 8.8 percent over the previous year, among which primary industry grew by 3.5 percent, secondary industry 10.8 percent,, and tertiary industry 8.2 percent.


  The sole mission of APEC is to promote economic cooperation. It should refrain from extending the scope of its discussions to social, political security and other non-economic fields. It is necessary to concentrate our efforts on advancing economic cooperation in a spirit of doing certain things and refraining from doing other things.


  Some people hold the view that Shenzhen and Hong Kong may form an economic zone and become a new economic center in the Asia-Pacific region. However, more people are of the opinion that Shenzhen should continue to play its role as a bridge linking Hong Kong and the mainland. Shenzhen is making good use of the advantages of Hong Kong’s economy to develop itself. Over the last 15 years, Shenzhen has gradually developed into an international commercial port.









