dream is my reality Dreamofwithreality英文作文素材
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dream is my reality Dreamofwithreali

时间:2021-04-11 20:09:15 素材 我要投稿
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dream is my reality Dreamofwithreality英文作文素材

  【提要】本篇《[素材]dream is my reality Dreamofwithreality》由应届毕业生小编为需要作文素材的朋友精心收集整理,仅供参考。内容如下:

dream is my reality Dreamofwithreality英文作文素材

  At the time of putting to fly a dream,

  That is happy,

  Free of,

  Heartily of,


  Has been tying up to round me.

  but fiercely awake after,



  Shed tears,

  That fine dream fell in pieces.

  Want to make an effort to hold tight what,

  But forever,

  Can hope but cant and.

  This distance that is a dream and reality perhaps

  But the process pursued

  I am worthy of to recall forever

  Is the most happy forever!

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