

发布时间:2017-07-06  编辑:林仪 手机版




  Some fishermen went out drawing up their nets.


  They felt the nets were very heavy when they did so. They danced about for joy, and supposed that they had taken a lot of fish.


  When they had dragged their nets to the shore they found but few fish, and duanwenw.com that the nets were full of sand and stones, and they were in low spirits not because of the disappointment which had befallen them, but for the reason that they had formed such very different expectation. One of their company, an old man said, “Let us stop feeling sad, my mates, for, as it seems to me, sorrow is always the twin sister of joy; and it was only to be looked for that we, who just now duanwenw.com were overjoyed, should next have something to make us sad.”




  As usual, I got up at six in the morning today. I am an early bird because it says "the birds get up early can catch worm", well, I wasn't going to catch "worm", even not the one in my computer, haha, they were actually some viruses in my computers, I guess it's because I use pirated software all the time. Anyway, I did exercises and then studied for a while just like before, but I got one more special thing to do today: shopping. you know what? today is Saturday, it means I don't have school. Yep!!!! I am so happy!!!!!

  the next thing happens made me happier today was when I went out shopping with my friends, a person looks someone who was just travlling here ask me for direction. I told him the direction but it seems he didn't get it, so I decided to walk with him to the place he wanted to go to. and finally, we found the place yep!!! I am so happy!!!!

  and then, after I helped him, I met a beggar, he asked me for 2 dollars to buy food, what? I have only 3 dollar, so I gave him 1.5. I was so kind. Yep!!! I am so happy!!

  what a happy day!
