七年级下册《where is your penpal from》教案设计
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七年级下册《where is your penpal from》教案设计

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七年级下册《where is your penpal from》教案设计

  Sectin A

七年级下册《where is your penpal from》教案设计

  Teacher’s wrds: Actins spea luder than wrds.

  Language ais:

  知识目标:1. Wrds: Canada, France, apan, the United States, Australia, Singapre, the United ingd, Sdne, New r, Pairs, Trnt, T, French, apanese, pal, cuntr, live, language, wrld, lie, dislie.

  2. Phrases: tal abut, be fr/ ce fr, pen pal, spea English, a little与 little 的区别,

  favrite subect, tell sb. abut sth, lie ding sth.

  3. Iprtant sentences: 1) --- Where’s ur pen pal fr?

  2) --- Where des he live?

  3) --- What language des he spea?

  4) ---- What’s ur favrite subect?



  教学重难点:1. 国家及城市名称。2. ce fr的用法。



  1.来自______________ 2.笔友______________

  3.做运动______________ 4.讲英语______________

  5.给某人写信______________ 6.住在______________

  7.一点法语______________ 8. 太难______________

  9.去看电影______________ 10.喜欢做某事______________


  1. T shw a pht f Sdne and tal abut it.

  2. T as the students se questins.


  1. The students pen the bs, turn t Page 81 and read the first letter. After that, the students answer three siple questins.

  2. The students read after the tape and g n answering se re questins.


  1.The students read the letters that the teacher gives the and then chse ne pen pal the lie.

  2.D a reprt.

  M partner’s nae is __________. His new pen pal’s nae is __________. He is _______ ears ld. He is fr __________. He lives in ___________. At schl, he lies ______________. His favrite ___________ is __________________.

  I thin he can be  partner’s pen pal. D u thin s?



  1.Discussin: In ur grup, d u lie ur pen pals? Wh lies? Wh? ( Tell se reasns )


  In ur grup, ________f us lie his pen pal. Because his pen pal …


  1.Marr, please shw ------ ur picture.(2008),

  A.  B. ine C. I D. e


  2.This isn’t ----- pencil case, I left ine at he.(2008)

  A.  B. e C. I D. self




  1. She l_______ in Bei Hai.

  2. What l _______des Maria spea?

  3. Where are ur friend f_______?

  4. ing’s f_______ vie is the Lng Weeend.

  5. China is a great c_______ .

  6. Mr. Brwn is fr A_______.

  7. Can he spea _______ ?

  8. Rush Hur is an actin  _______ .

  9. It is an i_______ str.

  10. _______ is the seventh nth in the ear.


  ( )1. _______ d u ce fr?

  A. When B. Hw C. Where D. Wh

  ( )2.Sa lies_______ his friends.

  A. t pla B. plas C. pla with D. plaing with

  ( )3.She lives_______ Sdne.

  A. at B. n C. in D. behind

  ( )4.Where_______ she ? ---In Australia.

  A. d; live B. des; lives C. d; lives D. des; live

  ( )5.D u want_______ French?

  A. t learn B learns. C. learning D. learn


  Li Mei has a new classate fr New r. His 1_______ is Peter. Everthing here 2_______ new t hi. He desn’t spea Chinese, but he speas gd English. He can 3_______ an gaes, t. Miss ang ased Li Mei t 4 _______ hi t spea Chinese. Li Mei was ver 5_______ . She thught she culd 6_______ English fr Peter. Nw she can spea 7_______ English and Peter can 8_______ se Chinese wrds.

  Nw the are 9_______ at table and having 10 _______ at schl. Li Mei teaches hi hw t use chpstics.

  ( ) 1. A. friend B. classate C. nae D. teacher

  ( ) 2. A. a B. is C. are D. be

  ( ) 3. A. pla B. have C. lie D. send

  ( ) 4. A. see B. watch C. help D. tell

  ( ) 5. A. srr B. careful C. sad D. happ

  ( ) 6. A. get B. brrw C. learn D. teach

  ( ) 7. A. an B. se C. an D. n

  ( ) 8. A. tell B. write C. sa D. read

  ( ) 9. A. sitting B. standing C. wring D. taling

  ( ) 10. A. a eeting B. a part C. lunch D. tea

  VIII、 课后反思:


  1.1)I’ll (写) an E-ail t  cusin in Canada.

  2) The bught a huse (有) a big garden.

  2. -- ,Can u pass the dictinar t e, please? -- Certainl.

  A. I’ srr. B. Pardn. C. Than u. D. Excuse e

  3. T tld e his parents had arrived Beiing.

  A. at B. n C. in D. t

  Unit1 Where’s ur pen pal fr?

  Sectin B

  Teacher’s wrds: All rads lead t Re.

  Language ais:


  1. Wrds: apanese, French, cuntr, Trnt, Canada, the United ingd, Australia, wrld, pen pal, an, dislie, fr, cuntr, peple, language

  2. Phrases: be...fr=c fr, live in ..., live here/there

  3. Iprtant sentences:

  ⑴-- Is that fr ur new pen pal? --es, it is.

  ⑵I live in Trnt ,Canada, and I want a pen pal in China.

  ⑶I thin China is a ver interesting cuntr.

  ⑷-Where des he live?  -He lives in Mexic Cit.





  2、学习难点:What des she want?


  1. 预习导学及自测




  笔友 国家名/国家人/语言/


  来自...;...国人; 居住/住在.../住在这儿(那儿)






  ⑴Greet the class as usual and chec the hewr.

  ⑵The students read the new wrds f Unit 1 tgether.

  ⑶Chec se wrds f this unit 1 .


  Students’ activities

  Read articles and dialgues abut unit 1.Teacher prvides guided ral practice using the targret language。Student reads the dialgues in the class. Tw students read the dialgues t the class, Master se graer pints.


  Tal abut cuntries, natinalities and languages. As and tell where peple live b theselves. Mae stateents abut ur cuntr f rigin and languages u spea. Fr exaple:I ce fr apan. I spea anpanese。

  B:Teacher’s help

  1).Revise se language pints.vAs students t wr in pairs. After the have practice fr a few intues, As varius pairs t present iprtances t the class.


  — Where is ur pen pal fr ? — She is fr Mexic.

  —Where des she live ? —She lives in Mexic Cit .

  —What language des she spea? —She speas English and Spanish .


  ① Please write a wrd in each blan and u can find infratin t cplete the letter n the ID cards.

  ② As a student t read the letter alud with all the answers in place.

  ③ As students t use 3b as an exaple .Write an e-ail abut theselves.

  ④ As several students t read their letters t the class.



  1.来自______________ 6. the United ingd___________

  2.说法语__________ 7. the United States____________

  3.他最喜欢的科目 _________ 8. tell e abut urself_________

  4.一点儿日语____________ 9. in Australia______________

  5.在周末 __________________10. New r __________________


  ( )1.--_____ is this pencil case _____? --It’s fr the USA.

  A. What, fr B. What clr, / C. Where, fr D. Where, /

  ( )2. --Where are Ea’s parents fr? --_____ fr apan.

  A. It’s B. These’re C. She’s D. The’re

  ( )3.—What language des ur new pen pal spea? ---_____.

  A .France B. Mexic C. Spanish D. rea

  ( )4.—Where des she _____? --She lives in Beiing.

  A. fr B. live , in C. lives D. live

  ( )5. M new pen pal _____Canada and speas English.

  A. ce fr B is fr C. live D. live in

  ( )6.—Is that ur new friend? --_____.

  A. es, she is. B. N, he isn’t C. es, it is D. N, that isn’t

  ( )7.Des she have _____brthers _____sisters?

  A. se, and B. an, and C. se ,r D.AN, OR

  ( )8.She lies ______ t the vies and ______ basetball.

  A. g t pla B. ging, plaing C. t g, plaing D. ging ,t pla

  ( )9. D u _______Australia?

  A. spea B. fr C. live D. ce fr

  ( ) 10.Lndn is the capital f ___.

  A. the United States B. the United ingd C. Australia D. apan

  ( )11.The peple in Aerica spea______.

  A. English B. French. C hinese D. Aerica

  ( )12.He _______ French ver well, s he ______ it in French.

  A. speas, sas B. speas, speas C. sas, speas D. sa, sa

  ( )13. “This is  new pen pal,” She ______.

  A. tells B. sas C. speas D. tals

  ( )14.There is _____ cffee in the bttle, is there?

  A.. a little B. few C. little D. a few

  ( )15an u _____ it in French?

  A. spea B. sa C. tal D. tell


  1.Where is ur pen pal fr?

  = Where ___ ur pen pal _______ fr?

  2.Where des he live ? = _____ ______ des he live _____?

  3.What’s her favrite subect?

  = What subect _____ _____ lie ____?

  4.The spea English. (就划线部分提问)

  _________ _______ d the spea?


  1. “Des Wang Li ____ English well ? ”“Sure . She studied it fr tw ears in Aerica . ”(莱芜市)

  A. spea B. tal C. sa D. tell

  2. Please tell e ______.I have se gd news fr hi. (2008 重庆)

  A. where Rbert lives B. Where des Rbet live

  C. where Rbert lived D. where did Rbert live



  9. Hewr

  根据课本SectinB—3b部分,write an e-ail abut urself.




  Unit 1 Sectin A


  1. ce/be fr 2. pen pal 3. d sprts 4. spea English

  5. write t sb 6. live in 7. a little French 8. t difficult

  9. g t a vie 10. lie ding sth.



  1.lives 2.language 3.fr 4.favrite 5.cuntr

  6.Aerica 7.apanese 8.vie 9.interesting



  1—5. CDCDA


  1—5BACD 6—10. CBBAC

  Unit 1 SectinB


  1. ce fr 2. spea French 3. his favrite subiect 4. a little apanese 5.n weeend 6 .英国 7.美国 8.谈论自己 9.在澳大利亚 10.纽约


  1-5 C D C D B 6-10 C B B D B 11-15 A A B A B


  1. des, ce 2. Which cit, in 3. des , she, best 4. What language

  中考链接:A A


  Dear friend,

  M nae is Paul acsn. Paul is  first nae.acs is  last nae.I’ 13 ears ld.

  I’ fr China. I spea Chinese. M favrite sprt is basetball. I lie plaing basetball at schl.It’s fun.M favrite subect is English.M English teacher is ver gd.M fail is ver big. I lve the ver uch.

  Please write and tell e abut urself.

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