八年级上册Unit 1 Topic 2 Section D教案
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八年级上册Unit 1 Topic 2 Section D教案

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八年级上册Unit 1 Topic 2 Section D教案

  The main activities are1aand 4. 本课重点活动是1a和4。

八年级上册Unit 1 Topic 2 Section D教案

  Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标

  1. Learn some new words and phrases:

  however, chocolate, tired, mile, fresh, fruit, instead, instead of, habit, build, build up, feel

  2. Review will for intentions.

  3. Teach the students how to exercise and keep healthy.

  Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具


  Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

  Step 1Review 第一步复习(时间:9分钟)


  1. (出示图片,复习各项体育运动名称及运动带来的益处。)

  T: Look at the picture, then use the key words to make sentences.


  play soccer/make sb. strong

  run/be good for legs, heart and lungs

  walk/a good way to keep healthy

  swim/a good way to keep fit

  T: The first one. S1, please.

  S1: He usually plays soccer because it can make him strong.


  2. (调查几名学生通常是怎样锻炼身体的。)

  T: Which sport do you usually do? Why do you like it?

  S2: I usually swim because it’s a good way to keep healthy.

  S3: I usually do morning exercises, because it makes me strong.

  S4: I like running because it is good for my legs, heart, and lungs.

  S5: I like walking after meals. It can help me to relax. I think it’s a good way to keep fit.

  S6: …

  3. (通过调查学生们的日常饮食情况,导出生词和短语。)

  T:Boys and girls, what do you usually like to eat and drink? Let’s make a survey and write it down, then report it to the class.


  Most students like to eat meat andhamburgers best. Some students don’t like vegetables at all. Xiao Ming and Lin Tao like to drink cola very much.



  T:S7, what do you usually like to eat?

  S7: I like eating meat.

  T:Do you like chips and chocolate?


  chips, chocolate

  S7: Yes, I like them very much.

  T:Do you often do exercise?

  S7: No, seldom.

  T:So do you often get tired easily?

  S7: Yes, I do.


  tired, easily

  T:Boys and girls, eating too much meat makes us fat easily. If we eat a lot of chips and chocolate, we will become fat easily as well. And it is also not good for our health. Do you know what food we should eat more every day?

  Ss: Yes, we should eat …(学生可能回答不全,教师可以补充)

  T: We should eat more vegetables and fresh fruit instead of chips and chocolate. Because healthy eating habits can build us up and we won’t feel tired easily. Do you understand?


  fresh, fruit, instead, instead of, habit, build, build … up, feel

  Ss: Yes, we do.

  T:S8, what will you eat more from now on, vegetables, fresh fruit, chips or chocolate?

  S8: Vegetables and fresh fruit.


  S8: Because I want to become fit and healthy.

  T:Good. And you should enjoy doing sports as well. Now, let’s share a 15-year-old boy’s experience.


  Step 2Presentation 第二步呈现(时间:10分钟)


  1. (设置简单的听力任务,播放1a录音。回答问题。)

  T: First, listen to1a. Then answer the following questions:

  (1)Why did the boy start running?

  (2)What kind of food does he eat now instead of chips and chocolate?


  2. (再放1a录音,让学生跟读并模仿语音语调。)

  T:Listen to1aagain and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

  3. (让学生自己朗读课文两遍,根据文意猜生词however和mile的意思,教师板书并解释生词,然后让学生回答下列问题。)


  however, mile

  T: OK. Now read thetext again. Then find the answers to the following questions.

  (1)What did the boy love to eat one year ago?

  (2)What’s his favorite sport now?

  (3)How does he feel now?

  (4)What do you learn from this passage?


  Step 3Consolidation 第三步巩固(时间:10分钟)


  1. (根据1a短文,让学生独立完成1b。)

  T: Finish 1b by yourselves according to1a.


  2. (让学生找出关键词,并请学生复述1a,也可用第三人称改写此文。)


  15-year-old, however, fat, love, tired easily, start running, every morning, eat fresh fruit, instead, instead of, build … up, feel

  T: According to the key words, retell the passage in1a.



  He is a 15-year-old boy. He is quite healthy. However, one year ago, he was fat, because he loved chips and chocolate. One day, he found running could keep people fit and healthy. So he started running …

  3. (引导学生两人一组试着将1a内容改为一篇关于采访的对话。)

  T: Suppose you are a reporter. You want to know how the boy gets so fit. Please make an interview dialog with your partner.


  S1: Nice to meet you!

  S2: Nice to meet you, too!

  S1: You look so active. Could you please tell me what makes you so fit and healthy?

  S2: Running and healthy eating.

  S1: When did you begin running?

  S2: …

  S1: What do you usually eat and drink?

  S2: …


  Step 4Practice 第四步练习(时间:10分钟)


  1. (让学生听2录音两遍,完成2。核对答案。)

  T:Now, please look at the pictures in 2. Then listen to the tape carefully and number the pictures.

  2. (做游戏。练习抱怨与道歉、要求与应答的表达方式。)



  T:Be late.

  Group 1. S1: Don’t be late next time.

  Group 2. S1: Sorry, I won’t.

  T: Clean the classroom.

  Group 2. S2: Would you mind cleaning the classroom?

  Group 1. S2: Of course not. I’d be glad to.



  3. (听3a录音并跟读,然后进行链式问答,练习重点句型Would you mind (not) doing …?, Could you please …?及其应答语。)

  T:Listen to3aand repeat, then ask and answer quickly one by one. You can use the sentence patterns “Would you mind doing sth.?”, “Would you mind not doing sth.?” or “Could you please …?”

  S1: Would you mind giving me your books?

  S2: Not at all. I’ll give them to you. Would you mind lending me your ruler?

  S3: Certainly not. Here you are. Could you please pass me your eraser?

  S4: …


  S5: (做扫地的动作)

  S6: Would you mind sweeping the floor?

  S5: Of course not. I’ll do it soon.

  S7: (做关门的动作)

  S8: Would you mind closing the door?

  S7: Of course not. I’ll do it right now.

  S9: (做浇花的动作)

  S10: Could you please water the flowers?

  S9: OK. I’ll do it at once.

  S11: (做吸烟的动作)

  S12:Would you mind not smoking here?

  S11: Sorry. I won’t do it again.


  4. (让学生找出本话题中重要的短语或句子并写出。然后听3b录音,跟读并核对。)

  T: Nice work. Now please find out the useful expressions in this topic. And then let’s listen to 3b. Check your answers.

  Step 5Project 第五步综合探究活动(时间:6分钟)


  1. (让学生写一篇介绍自身健康状况及相关的运动计划的短文。)

  T: Write a passage to introduce your health condition and make an exercise plan. You can

  begin like this:

  I am quite healthy now. Because I often have healthy food and drink, such as milk, vegetables and fresh fruit. I often run in the morning. Now, I make an exercise plan for myself. I am going to …

  2. (让学生讨论完成4。如课上不能完成,则课后找资料完成。)

  3. Homework:



  Would you mind teaching me?

  Section D

  get tired easily Could you please do …?

  instead of Would you mind (not) doing sth.?

  build up

  a 15-year-old boy

  healthy eating habits

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