八年级上册Unit 4 Our World Topic 2 Section D教案教学反思教学设计
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八年级上册Unit 4 Our World Topic 2 Sectio

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八年级上册Unit 4 Our World Topic 2 Section D教案教学反思教学设计

  仁爱版八年级上Unit 4Our World Topic 2 Are you sure there are UFOs?

八年级上册Unit 4 Our World Topic 2 Section D教案教学反思教学设计

  Section D 教学设计

  The main activity is 5. 本课重点活动是5。

  Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标

  1. Learn a phrase:

  plug in

  2. Learn some useful sentences:

  (1)What’s the matter with it?

  (2)Are you sure you plugged it in?

  (3)You’d better ask our computer teacher for help.

  3. Review and learn the main sentences and useful expressions in this topic about robots, UFOs and the Internet.

  4. Review the past continuous tense:

  (1)A UFO flew over my head while I was walking toward the bus stop yesterday.

  (2)Last night, while Jim was sleeping, he saw a UFO flying over his head.

  5. Review certainty and uncertainty:

  (1)I’m sure robots can do some work faster and better than humans.

  (2)I’m not sure whether/if robots will make humans lose their jobs.

  Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具


  Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

  Step 1Review 第一步复习(时间:15分钟)


  1. (教师先播放4录音,完成4。)


  2. (通过师生对话复习关于robots, UFOs和Internet的目标语言。)


  T: OK. Please stop. You sang this song very well. I know most of you have a dream of being a flying man. But now, you can’t. So you must study hard. Let’s review “robots” and make a dialog by yourselves.

  T: Hi, S1 and S2! Could you tell me something about robots?

  S1&S2: OK.

  S1: When did the scientists invent the first robot?

  S2: In 1921.

  S1: What can robots do for us?

  S2: They can do some dangerous work instead of humans. They can help us carry things and mend roads.

  S1: Are you sure robots can make humans lazy?

  S2: Yes, I am sure.

  S1: Are you sure robots can take the place of humans in the future?

  S2: No, I’m not sure.

  T:We talked about the robots. Next let’s talk about the UFOs.


  T:S3, are you sure there are UFOs in the world?

  S3: Yes, I am sure. They look like plates.

  T:Where do you often get the information about the UFOs?

  S3: I often get it through books and TV.

  T:What about you, S4? Are you sure there are UFOs in the world?

  S4: No, I’m not sure.

  T:Why do you think so?

  S4: Because until now, nobody has really seen UFOs, and even scientists aren’t sure whether there are UFOs.

  T:Next let’s talk about the Internet.


  T:S5, what do you think of the Internet?

  S5: It’s wonderful and interesting.

  T:What do you often do on the Internet?

  S5: I do the shopping, listen to music, see movies, play games, study, download useful information and write e-mails.

  T:Do you spend too much time on the Internet?

  S5: No, I don’t.

  T:Good. The Internet is very interesting, but we shouldn’t spend too much time on it, or we can’t study well.

  3. (教师呈现图片复习现在进行时和过去进行时。)


  T: Look at this picture, and do the action.


  T: Guess like this: Are you…?

  S2:Are you speaking?


  S2:Are you singing a song?

  S1:Yes, I am.




  S3:What was Han Mei doing at 8:00 o’clock last night?

  S4:She was singing a song.



  Step 2Presentation 第二步呈现(时间:10分钟)


  T: Look at the picture in 1. Who are they? And what are they doing? Please complete the conversation.

  1. (学生补全对话,结合上下文猜出词义,教师给予指导并板书生词,要求学生掌握:plug in;理解:press, button, plug, useless。)

  press, button, plug, plug in, useless



  T: Very good. Please answer my questions. What’s Michael doing now?

  S1:He is repairing his computer.

  T: What’s the matter with it?

  S2:It doesn’t work.

  T: Is he sure he plugged it in?

  S3:Yes, he’s quite sure.

  T: What should he do?

  S4:He’d better ask his computer teacher for help.


  2. (让学生先读2的内容,提高学生的信息预测能力。然后听2录音,完成2。)

  T: OK. After managing the problem of the computer, let’s discuss something about the Internet. At first please read the sentences as quickly as you can, then listen to 2 carefully and mark True (T) or False (F).


  T: OK. Please tell me your answers.


  Step 3Consolidation 第三步巩固(时间:7分钟)


  1. (让学生听3a录音,完成3a。)

  (1) (学生跟读3a,熟记本话题的目标语言。)

  (2) (让学生运用肯定和不肯定句式表演对话,巩固be sure用法。)


  S1:Are you sure robots will make humans lazy?

  S2:Yes, I’m sure.

  S1:Are you sure there are UFOs in the world?

  S2:No, I’m not sure.

  S1:Are you sure we can listen to music on the Internet?

  S2:Yes, I’m quite sure.

  S1:Are you sure it will be rainy tomorrow?

  S2:I’m not sure whether it will be rainy tomorrow.

  S1:Are you sure we’ll have a sports meet this term?



  2. (让学生听3b录音,跟读3b。并要求学生记住有用的表达方式。)

  Step 4Practice 第四步练习(时间:5分钟)


  1. (教师展示图片,让学生运用过去进行时看图造句。)

  T: Look at these pictures, and make sentences.

  Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3

  T: S1, would you please come here and have a try?



  2. (复习while和when的用法,并总结。)


  (1)The little girl was playing the piano when her father knocked at the door.

  (2)While Lucy was walking in the park with her mother, they saw a wallet lying on the ground.

  (3)While Tom was watching TV, the telephone rang.

  Step 5Project 第五步综合探究活动(时间:8分钟)


  1. (教师展示图片,设置场景,为学生练习对话打好基础,教师可以先作示范。)

  T:What’s this in English?

  S1: It’s a computer.

  T:What can computers do for us?

  S1: We can use computers for surfing the Internet.



  People use robots for doing boring jobs.

  People use cars for carrying themselves from one place to another.

  2. (将班上学生分成两组,然后让他们展开想象,介绍自己的发明,并用英语对其发明物的外观及用途进行描述。)


  Look! It’s my new invention. It’s a bike, but it looks like a bird. And it

  can fly. When I go to school, it will be a bike. But when I go out for a picnic,

  it will be a plane …

  T: Now, time is up. It’s time for you to show your inventions to the whole class.


  3. (引导学生看句型,进行写作练习。)


  I’m sure it will … , but I’m not sure if/whether it will …

  4. Homework:


  T: Write some sentences with when or while according to the pictures given below.


  Picture 1

  Alicewas playing the piano when her father came back.


  Are you sure there are UFOs?

  Section D

  plug in What’s the matter with it?

  ask … for help Are you sure you plugged it in?

  You’d better ask our computer teacher for help.

  I’m not sure whether/if robots will make humans lose their jobs.

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