八年级上The main activities are1aand2a.教案
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八年级上The main activities are1aand2a.教

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八年级上The main activities are1aand2a.教案

  Section B 教学设计

八年级上The main activities are1aand2a.教案

  The main activities are1aand2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。

  Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标

  1. Learn some new words and a phrase:

  value, used to do sth., rock, stone, doll, coin, share, e-mail, address, hate, pop

  2. Learn some useful sentences:

  (1)Pleased to see you!

  (2)Collecting stamps must be great fun!

  (3)Some of them are of great value.

  (4)Do you share my interests?

  3. Learn the pattern of used to do sth.

  (1) I used to enjoy listening to rock music.

  (2) I didn’t use to play soccer, but now I like it.

  4. Go on talking about interests and hobbies and learning how to express likes and dislikes:

  (1) —What do you love collecting?

  —I love collecting …

  —Why do you like collecting them?

  —Because …

  (2) My interests are changing all the time.

  (3) I used to collect stamps, but now I hate it. I prefer collecting coins.

  (4) I didn’t use to go shopping, but now I like it.

  Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具


  Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

  Step 1Review 第一步复习(时间:11分钟)

  通过谈论业余爱好,导入本课部分生词和句型used to do sth.。

  1. (检查作业,让学生说出自己家人的爱好。)

  T: Hello, everybody! Do you remember the homework I gave you last time? OK, please say

  some hobbies of your families. S1, please.

  S1: My grandfather’s hobby is walking. My grandmother is fond of … My father is interested in ... My mother prefers …

  2. (让学生谈论自己喜欢做的事情,并说明理由。)

  T:Quite well, now talk about your own hobbies, and give the reasons. S2, please.

  S2: My hobby is listening to music. I like it because it makes me happy.

  T: How about you, S3?

  S3: I’m interested in collecting stamps. Collecting stamps is great fun and I can learn a lotfrom stamps.


  T: This is a painting. It’s very beautiful. One of my friends gave it to me. He loves paintings a lot.



  T:Do you like paintings, boys and girls?

  Ss: Yes./No.


  T:S4, what are you interested in?

  S4: I am interested in climbing mountains.

  T: I’m interested in collecting paintings, but I used to enjoy climbing mountains. What did you use to enjoy?

  (引出used to do sth.句型。)


  used to do sth.

  T:Please make sentences with used to do sth. Volunteers?

  S5: I used to enjoy dancing.

  S6: I used to like skating.


  (学生会用used to do sth.句型即可,其他相关知识可让学生在Section C中继续学习。)


  T: Look! Here are many stamps. They are very beautiful and interesting. We can learn a lot about people, places, history and special events from them. Some of them are of great value. Collecting stamps is my hobby.

  (向学生介绍生词value和功能句:Some of them are of great value。板书并要求学生掌握。)

  Some of them are of great value.

  T:Well, what are Maria’s and Michael’s hobbies? Do you want to know? Please follow me.

  Step 2Presentation 第二步呈现(时间:9分钟)


  1. (教师设置并板书听力任务,让学生带着问题听1a录音,获取重要信息。)

  T: Now listen to1aand answer the questions.

  (1) What’s Maria’s hobby?

  (2) What about Michael’s?

  T:Well, who knows Maria’s hobby? S1, please.

  S1: Her hobby is collecting stamps.

  T:Good! What about Michael’s? S2, please.

  S2: His hobby is collecting telephone cards and paintings.

  T:Very good!

  2. (学生读1a猜pleased, rock的词意,并回答课件呈现的问题。了解对话内容。)

  T: Please read 1aand guess the meanings of “pleased” and “rock”, then answer the following questions.

  (1) Why does Maria love collecting stamps?

  (2) What does Maria learn from the stamps?

  (3) What did Michael use to enjoy?

  (板书pleased, rock,学生根据上下文猜测词义,解释“Pleased to see you!”等于“Glad to see you!”,领读并要求学生理解pleased;掌握rock和新句型。)


  Pleased to see you!



  3. (让学生再读1a,并标出关键词,根据学生掌握情况讲解重难点。)

  pleased — beautiful — collecting stamps — fun — learn … from — value — used to — rock — now — paintings

  Step 3Consolidation 第三步巩固(时间:7分钟)

  通过分角色对话并表演,巩固本课重点句型used to do sth.。培养学生的合作能力。

  1. (学生分角色练习1a对话并注意语音语调和关键词。)

  T: Please practice1ain roles. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation and the key words.

  2. (学生两人一组表演1a,可根据小黑板上的关键词,不局限于原文,训练学生的交际能力,并评出最佳表演组。)

  3. (让学生看1b的图1,图3和图6,帮助学生用英语表达图片所呈现的内容。学习新单词stone, doll和coin。在喜欢的图中画笑脸 ,不喜欢的图中画哭脸 。完成1b。)

  T:Look at 1b. First, pay attention to the things in pictures 1, 3 and 6. What are they? Yes, they are stones, dolls, and coins. Do you like the collections in 1b? If you like them, draw a

  happy face . If you don’t like them, draw a sad face .


  stone, doll, coin

  4. (学生两人一组根据1b图片进行1c的练习。)

  T: Pair work. Make conversations after the example, according to the pictures in 1b.


  S1: What do you love collecting?

  S2: I love collecting dolls.

  S1: Why do you like collecting them?

  S2: Because they are very interesting.



  Step 4Practice 第四步练习(时间:9分钟)

  通过师生对话呈现句型didn’t use to do sth. 并在语篇和对话中巩固目标语言, 练习学生听、说、读、写等语言技能。完成2a和2b。

  1. (师生叙述自己的业余爱好,呈现本课剩余单词和句型didn’t use to do sth.。)

  T: Hobbies can make our lives colorful. My hobbies are changing all the time. I used to enjoy listening to pop music, and I didn’t use to collect stamps. I used to know little about them. But now I like collecting them. I used to like going shopping, but now I hate it. It makes me tired. Can I share your interests?(教师边叙述边解释生词的含义。)


  T: OK. You can send e-mails to me after school. My e-mail address is …


  pop, hate, share, e-mail, address

  I didn’t use to collect stamps.

  T: Do you want to know Philip’s hobbies? Does he like paintings? Please follow me to find out the answers.

  2. (让学生听2a录音,回答问题。)

  T: Listen to the tape and answer my question: Does Philip like collecting paintings now?


  3. (让学生读2a,根据2a内容完成2b表格。)

  T: Read2aby yourselves then complete the table about Philip’s interests according to2a.

  4. (让学生再读2a,根据2b表格,复述2a。)

  T: Read2aagain. Retell2aaccording to the table in 2b.

  5. (让学生两人一组谈论自己过去和现在的爱好。要注意使用used to do sth.或didn’t use to do sth.及表示兴趣和爱好的动词及短语,如like, be fond of, hate等。请两组学生上台做汇报。完成3。)

  T:Talk about your hobbies in pairs. You should use the expressions “used to do sth.” and “didn’t use to do sth.” Then I will ask some groups to say something about their hobbies.

  S1: I used to enjoy pop music, but now I don’t like it. I enjoy playing sports. What about you?

  S2: I used to collect coins, but now I hate it. I prefer collecting stamps …


  Step 5Project 第五步综合探究活动(时间:9分钟)


  1. (游戏:找朋友。通过设置游戏复习用like, enjoy, love, prefer, be fond of和be interested in等来表达自己的兴趣和爱好。)

  S1: I’m interested in swimming. What do you like doing, S2?

  S2: I like playing soccer. What about you, S3?

  S3: I prefer listening to music.

  S1: Who shares my interest?

  S4: I do.

  S1: OK. Let’s be friends. (Shake hands)

  2. (1)(四名学生一组做一个调查,调查本组成员过去和现在的兴趣和爱好是否发生了变化,如有变化,请说明理由。调查者画如下表格并填充,以待向全班学生汇报时使用。)



  In the past






  S5: I used to watch TV, but now I like playing soccer, because playing soccer can make me strong. S6 used to listen to music, but now she is fond of going swimming, because she thinks it’s good for health. S7 used to …, but now …


  3. Homework:

  采访你朋友或亲人过去和现在的兴趣及爱好。用used to do sth. 或didn’t use to do sth. 及like, prefer, love, be fond of, be interested in, hate写一篇短文,第二天上交给教师批阅。


  What hobbies did you use to have?

  Section B

  of great value Pleased to see you!

  used to do sth. Some of them are of great value.

  didn’t use to do sth. Do you share my interests?

  I used to listen to music, but now I hate it.

  I didn’t use to play soccer, but now I like it.

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