我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2020-11-29 10:45:58 读后感 我要投稿






  One day, when mother saw the little prince, the musical, was about to be put on in the newspaper, she was happy to tell me the news. Mom immediately to what a long queue to buy four tickets, ready to invite my good friends at once with his mother to see the musical.


  On July 22nd, we eat dinner, went to the Oriental Art Center, the musical began when I sat still. The musical said that the pilot's plane fell in the Sahara desert, and he met the little prince in the desert. The little prince asked him to paint himself a sheep, then, the little prince telling him after his own place to see: he saw the king after the planet B325, the planet B326 to see the conceited man, went to see a drunkard, planet B327 went to see B328 star merchant, B329, to see the planet the lamplighter, the last one is to see the geographer B330 star. In the end, the little prince went home.


  The musical tells us a truth: the good things are around you, and you must understand it with your heart.



  Yesterday, I read the book "Little Prince", the story of which is very interesting and vivid.


  This book is the representative of French pilots - sue Perry for St. erik.


  It tells about the little prince who has been upset with his favorite rose on his own asteroid, and alone.


  The little prince went to six different planets and knew all kinds of people. Finally, the little prince came to the earth. The little prince knew a fox on the earth and became a good friend with him. The fox made the little prince understand love and responsibility.


  So the Little Prince wanted to return to his own planet and the flower Szu


  I like the little prince most in this book because he is very brave, witty, kind and sincere, and this is the little prince.



  On Sunday, Dad brought me a paparazzi. Its black body, big eyes, round nose, and very small, very cute. I said, "look, it's so cute, it's like a prince." Call it the little prince! " After that, it is the little prince of our family.


  Every day school, I will feed it first, food is not good, it does not eat it! Sometimes, I will let it perform acrobatics, it is lying motionless in it, it's very stubborn.


  It is very naughty, once my courtyard garden was a calamity. The little prince will dance with the flowers and make petals all over the place. The little prince will swing on the branches again, and he will bite the branches off, and he will untie them. Finally, I will get the branches off them. The garden is not busy. You see, it's not very naughty.


  It not only mischievous, but also love to go out to play. Whenever I go out with my mom and Dad, it is always running out of our legs so that we don't have to go out with it.


  Look, this is the little prince of our family. It's not lovely.



  During the summer vacation, I read a story book of the little prince, which tells us a fantastic story that happened in the Sahara desert in Africa. A pilot met a little prince coming from a foreign star. The little prince is looking for friendship all over the place.


  He visited the six planet, the first planet lived a funny only want to take charge of the rights of the people; the second planet was inhabited by a conceited man; the third planet was inhabited by a drunkard; the fourth planet was inhabited by a greedy businessman; the fifth planet to live a selfish lamplighter; the sixth planet was inhabited by an unknown geographical scientist. At last, he came to the earth and met a lot of friends. He knew that love and friendship were higher than everything. He was finally looking for love and friendship around us.



  Today, I read the book of the little prince.


  This book is mainly about: the little prince from the earth, and then went to the 6 Star Trek, during the trip he met different people: other people as subjects of the king; a conceited man worship others; a want to own before is a thing to forget out of the stars; for himself and some businessmen, there is a strange one and a geographer. At last the little prince came back to the earth, met the little fox, and domesticated it again.


  This story tells us: fascinating things really important is invisible, it takes time to experience to run, only you on something devoted to get the time, the one and only belongs to you only harvest, but also will really know how to cherish.


  I like this book, I prefer the little prince, and I like his kindness.



  Today, I read the book "the little prince". It is clear that love and friendship don't need to be far away, and you can find it around you. Happiness is to be good at dedicate the heart to the people, and be good at paying for the people they love. If you can make others feel warm, then you don't feel empty about everything around you...

  《小王子》寓意深刻、富有哲理、生动有趣、引人入胜。书中描写了一个天真纯洁的小王子,他生活在宇宙中的一颗小行星上,生活安宁美好,唯一的威胁是猴面包树, 但它的幼苗一出土就被铲除了。为了寻求友谊,为了学点知识,小王子离开了自己的星球到宇宙中去旅行。他先后到过六个行星,拜访了国王、爱虚荣的人、商人、 酒鬼、地理学家和点灯人。最后小王子来到地球,结识了飞行员、狐狸和蛇。

  The little prince has a profound meaning, philosophical, vivid, interesting and fascinating. The book describes a naive and pure little prince. He lives in an asteroid in the universe. His life is quiet and beautiful. The only threat is baobab, but its seedling has been eradicated once unearthed. In search of friendship, in order to learn some knowledge, the little prince left his own planet to travel in the universe. He has been to six planets, visiting the king, the vain man, the businessman, the drunkard, the geologist and the light - spot. At last the little prince came to the earth and met the pilots, the foxes and the snakes.


  The fairy tale has a deep meaning. It tells me that love and friendship are around us.


  在洋洋哥哥家看见了这本书, 哥哥说这是一本属于大孩子的童话,可我很想看,哥哥 就借给我看了。

  When I saw this book in my brother's home, my brother said it was a fairy tale that belonged to a big boy. But I'd like to see it, and my brother lent it to me.


  There are a lot of small stories in the book. The story is very simple, but it is very interesting. The little prince is strange in character, and strange to say. He wandered among the planets, and he came to a king's planet, a vain man's planet, a drunkard's planet and a merchant's planet. He finally landed on the earth and met the fox and the poisonous snake. The most interesting thing is what the merchant said: "he said he counted the stars for 44 years, and all the stars in the sky belonged to him. With those stars, he would become very rich." The lamplighter said: "planet a year turned more than a year, now every minute of a turn, I even a second train of the rest of the time I have no points per minute a lamp, a lamp extinguished, but the little prince only remember the fox said:" only with the heart that one can see clearly, the really important thing is that you can not see with the eyes",


  I like what the little prince said: "because a star is beautiful like a flower that we can't see". Though his words are sad, he will feel the good life with his heart.



  The teacher recommended us to look at the book "the little prince".


  The book tells that the little prince lives on a planet that is not as big as he is. His planet is called B612, and there are three volcanoes on B612. There are two living volcanoes and a dead volcano, and the little prince is eating two living volcanoes. So the little prince lived a day and a day.


  Later, the little prince was educated in order to find something to do. I went to 7 planets: the first planet was a king. There lived a vanity on the second planets. There is a drunkard on third planets. Fourth stars live in a merchant. There is a street lamp and a light spot on the fifth planets. Sixth stars live in an old man with a big head. The seventh planet is the earth. The little prince came to the desert, the desert just don't know how, "I" of the plane in the desert is broken, the little prince with me a little bit to say how he was over, and his story, he was bitten by a snake on earth two.


  After reading the book "Little Prince", I like the little prince and fox very much. The words of the fox let me remember deeply: "it is only by heart that we can see clearly that what is really valuable is invisible to our eyes." The little prince, like me, was deeply remembered. I only know to read a good book, not only with eyes, but also to see and read with the mind. Although the book "Little Prince" is a fairy tale, it tells us a lot of true truth. The little prince is from other planets. But he is like us. He is lovely and kind. Innocen Fa hopes that the little prince and his friends will be happy and happy forever.

  篇九:小王子读后感 赵绪峰


  When the winter vacation began to countdown, my children and I began to read the little prince together, and it was true that the first choice of the book was because I wanted to see it. Many years ago, I was fascinated by Sanmao's works. (now she is also my beloved, huh). Today, she still remembers that she once said, "if I have only one month to read, I will read" Little Prince "and savour the beautiful sentiment with my whole life.


  The fox said, "for me, you are just a little boy, like thousands of other boys." I don't need you, and you don't need me as well. For you, I'm just a fox, just like thousands of other foxes. However, if you tame me, we will need each other. For me, you will be the only one in the universe, and I'm the only one in the world.


  Simple words, but the true meaning of love, we are in love with each other "domesticated"! So, we should cherish, every person you love and love you, is the only one in the world.


小王子 读后感09-16

《小王子》 读后感08-24







