我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-04-24 20:52:39 初一 我要投稿




七年级英语作文 篇1

  First, don’t be angry with your parents. If I were you, I would talk it with my parents. I’ll say :“ study is important, but we can’t only study. We should be allowed to play computer and do lots of outdoor activities.’’ If your parents don’t allow you to play or go out. You could study everyday, don’t sleep and eat anything. I think they should care about you. So, they’ll let you not study. Finally, I hope you can play and study every day.

七年级英语作文 篇2

  Everybody will have their idols in their heart. For me, I am a teenager, of course I will chase the star.


  Someday, when I was walking on the street, I heard a wonderful song from the store, so I remembered the singer. I searched the information and listened to all his songs.


  I was crazy about the singer, I even imagined meeting him someday. The most unbelievable thing was that I wrote a letter to him though I did not send out. But as the time went by, my attention on him was less and less, at last, I chased another star.


  I realized paying much attention on the star was wasting the time, I needed to do my own thing.


七年级英语作文 篇3

  It is also a year's Tomb Sweeping Day. It reminds me of Du Mu's famous saying: "Qingming season, rain is coming, pedestrians want to lose their souls." Although the Qingming Festival did not rain this year, the more than 2300 year old holiday is still remembered in your mind.

  Qingming is one of the twenty-four throttle in our country. Since twenty-four throttle objectively reflects the changes of temperature and rainfall in the four seasons of the year, Qingming is a good season for spring ploughing and spring seed. Therefore, there are proverbs such as "before and after the Qingming", "planting beans and ordering beans", "planting trees and afforestation, and never clearing the clear".

  We prepared desserts, fruits, snacks, wine and other offerings at home, and then went to the flower shop to buy chrysanthemums and chrysanthemums. We wanted to buy sixteen chrysanthemums, but the aunt of the flower shop told us, "we must buy odd numbers for the lost family members when buying chrysanthemums, not for buying even numbers." So we bought fifteen chrysanthemum. In this case, I learned a little bit of knowledge. We saw a lot of people with flowers along the way. These people are also going to clean the grave. They are very serious and may be missing their relatives.

  After a long trudge, we finally came to the grave hill. We saw many grave hills had already hung up the tomb money, and some of them had been given flowers. We also set up objects to worship, showing our filial piety. The adults were busy in division of labor, some of them were weeding, others were adding earth, and soon they had cleaned many graves with weeds. Finally, we subdivided according to the seniority in kowtow worship, mouth also recited.

  After sweeping the tomb, we were all tired, and the footsteps down the mountain were all lame. But this day is really meaningful, the Qingming Festival let me understand: "the swallow can fly back again, when the willow is green again, the lost loved ones will never come back again. The long yearning and the annual Qingming Festival have been spent with me."

七年级英语作文 篇4

  The morning is about the number of Olympic athletes. Faced with the mountain of mathematical formulas and the usual book of the day, I racked my brain. Although my body didn't move, but thinking in their solar system, like the earth one and a half hours down, don't know how it took my brain cells, too tired to me dizzy.

  At noon, after lunch, we will go to the school organization's summer social practice -- to the nursing home to visit the elderly. I and some of my companions took fresh fruit and various gifts to the old courtyard to visit the old man. We learned about the old people's diet and living conditions, and also introduced our daily life and study to the old people. Listen to the touching stories of the young people they tell us. Our bodies and minds are relaxed as well. Finally, we still have a shadow, leaving a moment of eternity.

  In the afternoon, I will study English with fatigue. In the face of that boring A B C D and that grammar, there are still piles of exercise problems. The teacher will be talking about us in front of us, but we have been sitting down for two hours, but it seems like two centuries.

  At night, I thought I could relax and relax. Facing the mountain of exercise books and reviewing tasks, you will have to sit in front of the desk and study late into the night.

  "Learning is like rowing upstream; not to advance is to retreat". In order to have a good future, we can't steal, we can only study hard, we can only struggle with tension and busyness.

七年级英语作文 篇5

  We have just moved into a new flat,like most people here living in their houses in the suburbs. Our house is big though it consists only two floors. On the first floor there is the dining room, the lounge or sitting room, the kitchen and the hall. In the hall we set a stand for hats, coats and umbrellas. A staircase leads from the hall to the landing on the second floor; On this floor there are four bedrooms, a bathroom and a lavatory. In front of the house we have a small garden in which we grow flowers: roses,tulips and some fruit trees. Thereis also a vegetable garden where we grow all kinds of vegetables, such as cabbages, cauliflowers, and tomatoes. We all know how to plant vegetables for my father was once a vegetable grower.

  我们家刚搬进一座新房.房子就像这里郊区大多数的住房一样.虽然只有两层,但房子很大. 一楼是饭厅、休闲室、起居室、厨房和门厅.我们把帽予、外套和雨伞放在门厅里.楼梯从门厅通往二楼.二楼有四间卧室,一个洗澡间和厕所. 房子前面有一个花园,里面种满了花,有玫瑰、郁金香,还有一些水果树.还有一个菜园,种了各种各样的蔬菜,有大白菜、花椰菜、西红柿等.我们都知道怎么种菜,因为爸爸曾经是菜农.