我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-03-05 18:50:31 初一 我要投稿




七年级英语作文 篇1

  The morning is about the number of Olympic athletes. Faced with the mountain of mathematical formulas and the usual book of the day, I racked my brain. Although my body didn't move, but thinking in their solar system, like the earth one and a half hours down, don't know how it took my brain cells, too tired to me dizzy.

  At noon, after lunch, we will go to the school organization's summer social practice -- to the nursing home to visit the elderly. I and some of my companions took fresh fruit and various gifts to the old courtyard to visit the old man. We learned about the old people's diet and living conditions, and also introduced our daily life and study to the old people. Listen to the touching stories of the young people they tell us. Our bodies and minds are relaxed as well. Finally, we still have a shadow, leaving a moment of eternity.

  In the afternoon, I will study English with fatigue. In the face of that boring A B C D and that grammar, there are still piles of exercise problems. The teacher will be talking about us in front of us, but we have been sitting down for two hours, but it seems like two centuries.

  At night, I thought I could relax and relax. Facing the mountain of exercise books and reviewing tasks, you will have to sit in front of the desk and study late into the night.

  "Learning is like rowing upstream; not to advance is to retreat". In order to have a good future, we can't steal, we can only study hard, we can only struggle with tension and busyness.

七年级英语作文 篇2

  The benefits of reading a lot.

  Study raises a gender, reading can cultivate their temperament, make oneself is so mild and gentle, have the bookish; Read volumes, such as writing, reading can improve our writing skills, writing articles is sharp; Old tire back to read, read up on thoughtful child knows, reading can improve understanding ability, as long as the master thought, you will know the truth; Reading can make their own knowledge accumulation, the gentleman to gather. In short, the hobby reading is a good thing. Let's have to study.

  The benefits of reading has a lot of, I introduce you to the following:

  1. Can make us see the world, don't go out, that is what's going on in the world.

  2. Can improve our ability of reading and writing level.

  3. We can make the change has the tutelage.

  4. Can let us find a good job.

  5. Can make us in an impregnable position in the fierce competition in the society.


  Actually there are many benefits of reading, is up to you to find slowly.











七年级英语作文 篇3

  On Saturday, we went camping, with our teachers. First we pitched the tent. then our older brothers and older sisters played game with us. At noon, we all had a delicious lunch followed by a barbecue for dinner. At night, we had bonfire and sang and danced. We didn’t sleep until 10:20 at night. But some of the boys were so noisy we couldn't fall alseep. I only slept for three hours. the next morning, everybody woke up very early. After exercising in the morning, we all went to see the small pigs. On the way there, we saw a lot of geese. At 10:00, we went back to eat ice cream. It was so cold. then, we all played games together. We ate lunch at 12:00. In the afternoon, we played musical instruments and sang. After that, camp was over. We had a lot of fun at the summer camp. I am looking forward o going to another summer camp soon.


七年级英语作文 篇4

  There is a new downtown that just finished being built. In the opening ceremony, a lot of people came to visit because of the great discount. My friends and I also joined the team, we were attracted by the living atmosphere. We watched the show in front of the big supermarket. Then there came the surprise, a singer who was a little famous singing in the show, most young people knew him from the live show in TV. They couldn’t help yelling, this is was the first time for me to see the star face to face. It worthed all at the moment, I felt so lucky to come to see this show.


七年级英语作文 篇5

  When winter comes, the topic of haze will never be ignored. When it comes, many pictures will be showed. People make fun of these pictures and they actually laugh at themselves, living with these poison air. Even in the daytime, people can’t see their faces beyond 10 meters. Many schools choose to stop the class and let the students stay at home. It is obvious that haze is a great threat to people’s health. This new type of destruction is the result of polluted environment. Businessmen chase for the profit and take the cost of polluting the environment. Now their offspring have to suffer from it. It is never too late to do something to protect our earth.










