我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2022-05-31 17:37:23 五年级 我要投稿




五年级英语作文 篇1







五年级英语作文 篇2

  On Saturdays,I often get up early, I can do many things: I eat 星期六, 我经常起得很早,我可以做许多事情:

  breakfast at 7:00 in the morning.Then I do my homework. After lunch, 早上7点我吃早饭。 然后我做家庭作业。 午饭后,

  I ofen play chess with my father. I usually play ping-pong with my 我经常和我父亲下棋。 我通常和我的朋友打乒乓球。

  friends. I can listen to music in the evening. 晚上我可以听歌。

  On Sundays, I often learn English.In the evening, I must go to bed 星期天, 我经常学英语。 晚上,我必须早睡,

  early,because tomorrow I will go to school.I like my weekend .因为明天我要去学校上课。 我喜欢我的周末。

五年级英语作文 篇3

  Hello, every one. I am a boy in Class 4 Grade 6. I like reading very much. A good book is a good friend. I often play with this good friend. Every day, after finishing my homework, I will share my spare time with my book happily. Usually my book will tell me some funny stories. Sometimes it shares some thought with me. I can learn a lot from the book. It makes me happy. It makes me sad. It makes me brave. It makes me independent. I love my friend so much. Do you love your friend? Do you love your books?


五年级英语作文 篇4


  We all have our own parents. When we talk about the love of our parents, we will talk about it. Let me talk about my parents' love first!


  Love is divided into reason and sensibility. Generally, mother is sensibility. She always encourages us and makes us full of confidence. And dad is rational, always in our side warned us: not proud, need to work hard, to work hard. In my family, on the contrary, I have a rational mother and an emotional father.


  Once, when I came home to open the piano cover to practice, my mother came up to me and said, "play the piano with your heart, Carve every note in your heart, remember the melody and rhythm of every note, and be sure to be accurate and make feelings." When I finished playing a piece of music completely, my father always clapped his hands, but my mother said, "we need to strengthen practice and put our feelings in place. We can't just play it carelessly."


  Another time, I won the gold medal in the singing competition. My father said, "honey, good job, I believe you will perform better in the final." But my mother said, "I can't be proud. The players in the final are all the elites selected from all over the world. They are all very good."


  Every day, I hear two kinds of voices: "baby, good", "strengthen", "baby, you are great", "don't be proud, try your best." In these two voices, I have been encouraged and warned. In these two voices, I thrive. These two sounds are like two winds. When I fly in the sky, I will keep blowing my direction. I want to hold my direction and not be led astray. In the future, I will also encounter difficulties. I will get up, face problems and solve them. I can't give up because of small setbacks.


  Parents love is great, love, let's play in the sun. Love makes us strong. Love, let's not give up. Love, let us progress, let us overcome everything, let us embark on the road to success. No one can compare the love that mom and Dad give us, and money can't buy it. They care for us with love, and we will repay them with filial piety and thank them.

五年级英语作文 篇5

  My hometown, a village locating beside a small river, is a wonderful place with beautiful scenery surrounded. Because of the poor geographical environment and without an asphalt road, the whole village is poor and people’s lives are tough. Generally, people grow rice and some other crops for a living. Most young people work at the city, leaving their parents and children at home, which is the status of the vast majority of rural area. It seems that only in this way can rural people live a better life.

五年级英语作文 篇6


  The summer vacation, in order to spend a happy and meaningful summer vacation, I worked out the following plan:


  One, mainly studies the arrangement


  Carefully planned to complete the "homework", every day to write six pages a month to finish; write 20 papers, among them, remember, remember, the scenery description 10, book 10, for in the online publication of 5 ~ 8. Practice brush calligraphy, exercises three lessons per week.


  Careful review of grade three or four to learn English words, English preview grade five to grade five, the word back down.


  Two, amateur learning arrangements


  Plays the piano every day for 1.5 hours, the seven level of Guzheng "fighting the typhoon" and "Qin sangqu" play skillfully, ready for grading, grading, seriously in the summer training classes for learning guzheng, a song.


  Hulusi music review the past, "to celebrate the torch festival of Yi learning" "blue" and "horse race" Shambhala Hulusi music, learn the Bau 2 ~ 3 song. Go to the teacher's home for 3 ~ 5 times, recorded the song in 3 ~ 5.


  Three, other


  The use of multimedia learning: Cool 6 network education Jia teacher composition, 6 primary and middle school English curriculum. I want to take part in community activities photos and diaries, timely upload updated blog content, for visits to more than 1200 people. Strengthen physical exercise, such as: playing badminton, playing basketball, skateboarding, every 0.5 to 1 hours, to Caution. Help my mother do some housework, such as cleaning the table and wash the dishes......


  I will set strict demands on themselves, according to the plan, so that I can spend a colorful summer vacation.

五年级英语作文 篇7




五年级英语作文 篇8

  We have a saying "destiny" character creation, therefore, attitude, character and personality is attitude is destiny, so if the right attitude fate, fate nature also went toward the direction of "correct" development, it is logical, but in the life "attitude" how to "set"? But what is more complex, more likely, it is not so simple, or just take a single options can finish. Because of "life", the life span 70 to estimate assume a paragraph, such as 10 years before and after 10 years of life needs and ideological attitude is not the same growth to 20 years old, he again into 30 acceptable and the environment is not the same, and so on, has grown to 70 years old, affirmation is living in another world, so that each to a stage, it must be different degree of growth, and learn the different environment, needs and responsibility or said. Also means different stages, will have different life "attitude", will make the necessary adjustments "attitude", to face your own health life.

  Basically should cultivate themselves, keep the following principles can:

  我们有句话说“性格创造命运”, 因此,态度就=性格,性格又=命运,所以态度就=命运, 如果态度正确了,命运自然也就朝往“正确”的方向发展了, 这是必然的逻辑 但在人生的“态度”上要如何“设定”?可就比较复杂些, 更可能,就并不是那么简单了,或只采取单一选项就能完成。 因为“人生”全长的寿命,假设预估70岁为一个全程段落, 譬如10岁前以及10岁后,的生活需求与思想态度就不一样了 成长到20岁再进入30岁,他所接受的环境肯定又不一样了,以此类推, 一直成长到70岁,肯定又是生存在另一个世界中, 所以说每到一个阶段,都有它一定不同程度的成长,与学习的不同环境 而有所变化,或说需求与责任。也就是说不同的阶段,就要具备不同的人生“态度”,就要做出必要的调整“态度”,来健康面对自己的人生。

五年级英语作文 篇9

  她1米65的匀称身材,披着微卷的长发,常穿着高跟鞋的她走起路来像个女兵似的精神焕发。她的皮肤粗糙且微黑,加上高挺的鼻梁和大大的嘴巴,使她走在校园里像是为外籍教师。没错,她就是我们的 英语老师信老师,她可是位地地道道的中国人。


  以前学英语最怕记单词,从来都是死记硬背,但是信老师能够用各种各样的方法让我们记住每个单词。比如“strong”念“死壮”,意思是强壮,信老师为了让我们记住它,说:“这个人‘死’都要强 ‘壮’,能不强壮吗?所以‘强壮’用英语念做‘死状’”。虽然引来我们一阵大笑,但“strong”这个单词被我们永远的记住了。

  在学习“but”这个单词时,信老师先在黑板上复习以前学过的单词“bus”,带领同学们念一遍,然后将“bus”中的“s”改为“t”,让同学们自己试着读,同学们很快就读出了正确读音,同样深深记 在脑海中。


  我们更喜欢信老师,不仅因为她充满智慧,更因为她平易近人,和蔼可亲。平时下课,我们经常围着信老师向她提出一些学习上甚至生活上的问题,她都会耐心地一一解答,直到我们获得满意的答案 ,她才微笑着离去。











