我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2022-09-09 03:00:17 推荐作文 我要投稿
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  ①As the graph depicts, …

  ②From the cartoon/picture , we can see that …

  ③According to thestatistics shown in the first /second graph ,

  ④The table shows /indicates / reveals that …

  ⑤It can be seen/concluded from the picture / table / figures that …


  ①Recently , …has becomethe focus of the society .

  ②…has been playing anincreasingly important role in our day-to-day life .

  ③Nowadays there is agrowing concern for …

  ④Nowadays it iscommon to hear /see …

  ⑤…has become a commonoccurrence in our daily life .

  ⑥Nowadays more andmore people are beginning to be aware of the seriousness of …

  ⑦It is only duringthe last /past few years that man has become generally aware that …

  ⑧There is an old /popular saying / proverb which says / goes …

  ⑨In recent years ,there is a general tendency …

  ⑩Nowadays … has becomea problem we have to face .


  ①Some people like /prefer …, while others are / feel inclined to …

  ②There are differentopinions among people as to … Some believe … whole hold …

  ③Some people claimthat … is superior to … Others , however , disagree with it .

  ④Some people believe … Othersmaintain … Still others claim …

  ⑤Some people suggest … Others ,however , hold the opposite opinion .

  ⑥On the one hand ,people tend to … On the other hand , they feel …

  ⑦Some people arguethat … Others , in contrast , believe that …

  ⑧Although more andmore people come to believe … there are still others who insist that …

  ⑨On the contrary ,there are people in favor of …

  ⑩There are somepeople who hold different opinions about …


  ①My own experiencetells me that …

  ②In my opinion , weshould attack more importance to …

  ③As for my own ideaabout … I believe …

  ④As far as I amconcerned , I plan to …

  ⑤Personally , Iprefer …

  ⑥In my view , bothsides are partly right in that …

  ⑦But for me , I wouldrather …

  ⑧My own point of viewis that …

  ⑨In conclusion , Isupport the statement that …

  ⑩As regards me , Itend to choose …


  ①Thank you for yourletter of …

  ②It is a pleasure forme invite you on behalf of … to accept …

  ③Thanks so much foryour letter , which arrived …

  ④I am writing to youwith reference to …

  ⑤I am writing to youin connection with …

  ⑥I would be gratefulif you could / would …

  ⑦I would like to knowsome information on …

  ⑧It will beappreciated if you can / could …

  ⑨I would also like toknow if you can / could …

  ⑩I look forward tohearing from you .


  ①From what has beendiscussed / mentioned above , we may conclude that …

  ②Therefore , it isnot difficult to draw / come to the conclusion that …

  ③It is high time thatsomething was done about …

  ④From all the reasons/ consideration above , it is evident / clear / obvious that …

  ⑤Taking into accountall these factors , we may reach the conclusion that …

  ⑥Given the reasons /consideration I have just outlined / discussed / presented , I stronglyrecommend that …

  ⑦It is clear ,therefore , that …

  ⑧All in all ,whatreally matters is , in fact , to …

  ⑨It is essential thateffective measure be taken to …

  ⑩From what has beendiscussed above , we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion that …

  In conclusion ,the most important is …

  On the whole , it is high time that every one …

  As a result , we should take some effective steps to …

  Judging by the figures / statistics , it is not difficult to seethat …

  Only in this way / in so doing , can be really …








  1.适当用被动替换主动,这样能更客观的反映事实,句子开头不要总是用we / I (比如写结尾时不用we should pay attention to而用Attention shouldbepaid to. )

  举个经典结尾2004年六月六级作文的最后一段:Itis ,therefore, high time that some applicable approaches wereimplemented by theservice industry like that. By doing so,itscompetitive edgewill be sharpened effectively.


  如however / therefore/for example/I believe 做插入语放在中间,一般放在动词,助动词后,两边分别加上逗号。

  比如说:Otherindividuals, however, take the attitude that …

  3. 一定要学会换词,换形象,具体的替换太宽泛的。(考试中一般不要出现good, bad , many, thing, think, people, opinion 等等)比如上面例子中,applicable替换proper,approaches替换ways,implement替换carry out, sharpen one’s competitive edge替换enhance one’s competitiveness(提高某物竞争力)


  Computerand I ( By Simmy )

  I neverforget the exceedingly thrilling day when my mother bought me a computer asbirthday present, which exerted a tremendous fascination on me so that iindulged myself in googling an army of useful information I had expected ,andenjoy a sea of melodious classic music. That night I was sleepless, feelingthat the whole world belonged to me.



  sth.exert a tremendous fascination on sb 替换sb. be interestedin sth.

  google 替换search

  an armyof 替换a lot of

  The dawnof the new century witnessed the increasing popularity of computers. Coincidentwith the advancement of science and technology, computers pouring into thecurrent society as a fashion are appealing to growing individuals. It is no exaggerationto say we have been submerged by them, in large measure!

  The dawnof the new century witnessed 是一个精彩句型,用来描述在某个时期发生了什么事情;Increasing popularity 替换more and more popular

  Coincidentwith …非常地道的句型,表达“与…一致”的意思,替换With …


  Pourinto ( flood into / swarm into )替换enter into

  Current( currently )替换now

  Appealto sb. 替换sb. be interested in sth.

  Growingindividuals 替换more and more people

  It is noexaggeration to say 经典句型,说某事是毫不夸张的

  For astart, we can, freely, search desired information at any moment .Little bylittle, our knowledge will be well enriched, and our horizons will be greatlybroadened. Additionally, we can get huge recreations online by chatting,playing games, or delivering email.

  For astart 替换To begin with

  We can,freely, search 用了插入语的写作手法

  ourknowledge will be well enriched, and our horizons will be greatly broadened. 用了非常精彩的被动

  Additionally替换In addition / Besides

  Deliver 替换send

  There isno denying that , however, computers can function in the disservice of humanbeings, in a way, especially the growing violence , porn pictures, AV-filmsemerging on the screen , which leads quiet a few net citizens to copying.

  There isno denying that , however, computers can function in the

  disserviceof human beings, 这个句子有三个精彩之处,首先There is no denying

  that这个句型,还有however作为插入语,functionin the disservice of 替换do harm to

  Emerging替换appearing ( fading 替换disappearing )

  Netcitizen 网民,属于精彩用词

  As aclassic proverb goes that no garden has no weeds. Computers do play a positiverole in the development of people' lives, despite a slice of unfavorableimpacts. We should ,therefore, take advantage of the fruits and avoid theopposite facet.

  Nogarden has no weeds 替换Every coin has two sides

  Computersdo play ,do 强调

  Positive替换important / good 等

  A sliceof 替换a part of


  Impacts 替换effects /influences

  Weshould, therefore, take advantage of … 使用插入语

  Fruits (而且fruits 用的非常形象,merits/virtues) 替换advantage ( defects 替换disadvantage ) Facet 替换aspect!
