我最喜爱的菜My Favorite Food英语作文(精选10篇)
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我最喜爱的菜My Favorite Food英语作文

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我最喜爱的菜My Favorite Food英语作文(精选10篇)

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我最喜爱的菜My Favorite Food英语作文(精选10篇)


  Food is human’sbasic need, yet it differs from culture to culture. Color, aroma and taste havebeen regarded as the basics of Chinese culinary art. In the long history ofChinese course development, there are many differences between the Southern andNorthern tastes. Generally speaking, the southern courses emphasize freshnessand tenderness; while the northern courses are oilier. As a typically southerner,I prefer freshness and pure flavor. So my favorite food is steaming fish.

  Steaming fish isa classical Guang Dong dish. It’s famous for light, soft and slippery taste.The material must be fresh, and the cook must control the heat to make sure thefish remain tender and pure. Put the fresh fish in the pot to steam for 8minutes with mild heat. Before the dish is finished, add a spoon of oil andsome chopped green onion and a spoon of soy sauce, and then the steaming fishis done. My mother is very good at cooking this course. I really love the wayshe cook the fish, not only maintain the original flavors of the fish, but alsoprovide with enough protein.




  When spring came, I planted the seeds of agaric in my small yard.

  Looking forward to many days, in the spring breeze, the agaric vegetables grow pale green leaves. Just grow out of the two small leaves like two mini small spoons, lovely. A breeze blowing, a small bud east shake, West shake, as if about to fall.

  After two days, I went to water agaric, found that agaric grew up a lot. The buds grew from the size of a fingernail to half the size of a palm, and their color changed from light green to red-green. I squatted beside the fungus vegetables quietly said: "fungus vegetables, you quickly grow up!" A gust of wind blowing, agaric as if nodded answer: "no problem, small master, you wait and see!"

  Four days later, I went to see them again and was surprised to find that the leaves of agaric were uneven, a bit like the waves on the sea, and there were many invisible veins on them. What a big change! Every leaf was so green, as if a new life were stirring in it. If you get close enough to take a sniff, the scent will make you take a deep breath. I reached out and touched the leaves of agaric, it is thick, fat, really a little black agaric feel!

  Many days passed, the fungus has grown everywhere, a leaf is like the size of the palm of the hand! The agaric dish up and down crowded, as if in a race to my credit: "small master, I grow so big, you must be satisfied with it!"

  I carefully pinched a few pieces of fresh agaric leaves, took to the kitchen, let my mother show her cooking skills. Mother put the fungus and celery fried together, and then put on a few spices, soon served on the table. Looking at the family happily eating my kind of fungus vegetables, the heart is very happy.

  I love you, agaric.


  Some people like the red apple, some people like golden plum, but I like the unknown balsam pear.

  Summer, I stood on the balcony, to observe the appearance of bitter gourd, dense leaves with a cluster, a small bitter gourd, bitter gourd is not nice, they are real up and down with a small pimple, oval, like the skin of a toad, their appearance is really ugly. Bitter melon hanging down in the green leaves, can be really interesting!

  Today, my mother cooked a plate of bitter gourd for me to taste the taste of bitter gourd. I cant wait to go to the table, picked up the chopsticks, a piece of bitter gourd, put into his mouth carefully taste, bitter gourd in my mouth exude a faint fragrance, "dont all flavor of bitter gourd really delicious!" "I could not help myself saying, as I took another slice and chewed it in my mouth.

  Bitter gourd also contains vitamin B1, when the sultry summer arrived, it is best to eat bitter gourd, because eating bitter gourd can clear lung and remove fire. Bitter in the sweet, fresh and delicious taste will make you relaxed and happy.

  I love bitter gourd, not only because I like its bright green color, not only is the bitter gourd can clear the lungs to remove fire, more importantly, is I like the character of bitter gourd, bitter gourd is not like apple, plum as favored by people, high hanging in the tree, make a person see born love heart. Bitter gourd just grow in the short leaves, let the wind and rain, just when people need it, it came to thousands of homes, to contribute their own strength. How like millions of ordinary workers bitter melon.

  Ah! I love you, bitter melon.


  Steamed mandarin fish has been my favorite dish since fifth grade. The tender fish, maroon fish soup, green scallion... And that mouth-watering, smelly fish smell. I cant forget it.

  Id like steamed mandarin fish again this Sunday. So I asked my mother to go to the market to buy mandarin fish. After you come back, the mother of the mandarin fish guts, then wash it again, in the fish with oblique knife a few word, fish in the salt sprinkled on the hand wipe equably, cut the green onion, shredded ginger good put into the water, everything is done, see mother first to give the fish on a plate, sprinkle some shredded green onion, pour a little cooking wine, and then put the fish into the pot steamed, open fire. Wait 8-10 minutes, then its OK. Stop, time is up, my mother told me to turn off the fire, and take out the fish and pour out the juice and green onion inside. Then pour the oil into the pan until it bubbles. Then pour the oil and the fish drum evenly in each part, sprinkle some shred onion. Steamed mandarin fish is done!

  Mother ordered a bamboo mat on the table and brought the fish. I pack a good meal, pick up chopsticks first picked up a piece of fish, fat but not greasy, smooth crisp tender, gravy overflowing a word: "wonderful"!

  This steamed mandarin fish is nutrient-balanced and rich in protein, which is easily absorbed by the human body.

  There are also many benefits of eating steamed mandarin fish; Chinese cinnamon fish taste Ganping, into the spleen, stomach diameter, protein content 18.5%, fat 3.5%, but also contains calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamin B2, niacin, not only high nutritional value, but also a very good health care function.

  Looking at this plate of mandarin fish whetted my appetite.


  In the morning, I opened the door, met with a large golden rape flowers, like a golden sea, shining in the sun little gold.

  "The rape flowers are out! The rape flowers are out! "I cheered and couldnt wait to rush to the rape field.

  A rapeseed like a graceful girl, put on a yellow coat and a green skirt. The breeze blowing, rape dancing, like a road of golden waves rolling.

  Rape flowers, each one has its posture. Some are all open, four pieces of golden petals stretch the body, around the yellow center, like a round stage set up for the center. Some will not open, only out of the small yellow head; Some were still flowers, tightly wrapped in green watts. Each flower has a long, thin green stalk, which is connected to the green stem. These flower handle is strewn at random have send, such each flower is not kept out, can enjoy the moist of sunshine to the top of ones heart.

  I close a smell, the aroma is nostrils, the bees can not help but to gather honey!

  Although rape flower is very common, but I like it very much.


  There are many delicious foods in life, among which scrambled eggs with tomatoes is my favorite home-cooked dish.

  Because I like it, my mother is always doing tricks. Do tomato scrambled eggs for me to eat, my mother do tomato scrambled eggs taste very fragrant, very distinctive.

  This dish is easy to make. First take four tomatoes, and four eggs, cut the eggs, break up the tomatoes. Then put three tablespoons of oil in the pan, and then put the adjusted eggs gently into the pan and fry them. Put a little less salt and MSG, fried the eggs into the plate, and then fry the tomatoes, fried tomatoes fried eggs into the pot and tomatoes mixed together fry, seasoning added. This is a delicious tomato scrambled egg.

  Tomato contains vitamin C, thirst quenching, stomach digestion, Qingrejiedu effect, to hypertension, kidney patients have good adjuvant treatment effect. The nutritious food in eggs contains protein, fat, vitelin, vitamins and other minerals needed by the human body.

  This is my favorite scrambled egg with tomato. I hope you like it too.


  One of my favorite dishes is scrambled eggs with tomatoes. The red juicy tomatoes and yellow delicious eggs go together, just like coffee and milk in Dove chocolate.

  Mom brought the dishes. What attractive colors! I really want to go up and finish the whole dish. But that cant be done. Dad loves them, too. At this time my saliva like the water of the Yellow River, magnificent, continuous, from time to time to the outflow. Dad saw me this pair of greedy cat appearance, considerate said to me: "you eat first." I listen to abnormal happy, hurriedly gave oneself filled a large bowl.

  I couldnt wait to put the dish in my mouth. First it felt sweet and sour, and then it felt sweet, both tastes swirling in my mouth. I waited until the two flavors disappeared in my mouth before I swallowed, eager to grab a second piece. Half a bowl of tomato scrambled eggs I ate for more than ten minutes, after eating I still not satisfied, and want to fill a few spoonfuls, but was stopped by dad. He said to me, "Eat one more spoonful and take part in a spring cleaning." Although I was lazy and afraid of cleaning, I readily agreed in order to eat an extra spoonful of scrambled eggs and tomatoes.

  Look! Thats how much I love this cheap and good dish!


  I like to eat vegetables, but among many vegetables, I like to eat cucumber best.

  Cucumber shapes are different, some are thin and long, straight like a "wooden stick"; Some like a "ham", some cucumber curved, like a crescent. Cucumber tender is green, the whole body covered with thorns, these are thorns still some prick it! If cucumbers are left at home for a few days, green-to-yellow "wrinkles" creep all over the body. By this time he was very old, so to speak, very old. Thats probably why people call it a cucumber!

  Cucumber fresh and delicious, into the mouth, ah! The crispiness was so comfortable. Cucumbers can be eaten raw, salad, or in soups. Cucumber eating method, I like salad, first peel the cucumber, then cut into silk, then pour some boiling water, and then the water in the bowl clean, and then the vinegar, salt, sugar poured in the bowl, to the time, vinegar can not pour too much, otherwise it will put your teeth acid off.

  Cucumber not only can reduce weight, and can hairdressing! Cut the cucumber into slices and apply it to your face to eliminate wrinkles! Eat a cucumber every night, can also lose weight, vitamin supplements.

  I didnt expect cucumbers to be very useful. I love cucumbers!


  Of all the dishes Ive ever eaten, one of my favorite is Jewel Crab. Because it is always so full of color, fragrance and taste that makes my mouth water.

  Jewel Crab is best cooked lightly. When you put a pot of crab on the table, you will smell a seductive fragrance; When you pick it up with chopsticks and prepare to eat, you will see how beautiful the red and white colors are; When you put it into your mouth to savor, you will feel how tender the meat is, how fresh the taste is, but fresh with a little spicy; When you swallow it down, your mouth can still enjoy the aftertaste.

  Perhaps after listening to this, you will want to taste the idea, but delicious food is not that easy to make, of course, it takes some thought. For example: the collocation of the seasoning, the size of the heat, the mastery of time and so on some must pay attention to. Otherwise, what would the cooked treasure crab taste like?

  Although I dont eat Jewel Crab very often, I always think of its taste. Once my father cooked it too spicy, but I still ate most of it. You know how I eat? I am not afraid of your joke, I drink a mouthful of water, eat a crab, just eat so much. You can see how delicious it is.

  Now that I think about it, its really delicious.

  This is my favorite dish, and if you like to eat it you can make it yourself as I told you, and remember to put a little pepper in it, so its even more delicious.


  Im not a picky eater. There are few foods I dont love, and even when it comes to food, Im not a judge. But what is my favorite dish? I have to answer for you: Fried fish.

  This fried fish is my fathers specialty, a special dish at my fathers cooking show. Because my dad didnt cook much, I remember fish chips in particular. In my opinion, my father is not very good at cooking. Maybe because he rarely cooks, I especially like to let him cook this dish. Sometimes I think this is the only dish my dad knows, because its the only dish he makes almost every time he cooks. Speaking of fish, I once felt that my father is a fish expert, for a long time, I have to my father to maintain inexplicable worship.

  He knew how to pick fish, and he was so accurate at measuring the weight of fish that he could always point out what he wanted before the owner introduced him. This ordinary fried fish, from the fish selection, cooking and serving the table is all my fathers hand. When my father makes this dish, anyone can feel his care and attention. So ask me what my favorite dish is, and Ill give you fish fry, Dads fish fry. In fact, not to say that the taste of this dish is very special, it is my favorite reason is because it is my fathers specialty. Because this dish has a different meaning to me, because its my fathers dish, its a dish that only my father can make.

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