我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-04-08 11:03:50 优美句子 我要投稿


  1. He felt I had enough on my plate as it was.他觉得我要学的已经够多了。


  Notes:“have enough on my plate”从字面上看就是“盘子里已经够多食物了”,引申为“忙得不可开交,脱不开身”。这个表达的优点很明显啊,单词简单而且画面感十足。例如:

  I can’t take that elective now. I have had enough on my plate.我已经够忙的了,不能去上那门选修课了。

  2. Be nice to think that one could, if not hold one’s own, then at least not have to steer the conversation away to dogs or horses every time.往好了想,就算需要聊别的,至少不用每次都把话题强行转移到狗或者赛马身上。

  Notes: “hold one’s own”表示“坚持自己的立场,可匹敌”。例如:

  A person with a strong and powerful personality is easier to hold one’s own.个性坚定的人比较容易坚持自己的立场。

  To hold one’s own is not that easy but worth striving for.坚守立场不容易但值得一试。

  3. Just smile politely while he drones on and on.在他喋喋不休的.时候,你只需要礼貌地微笑就好。

  Notes: “drone on”表示某人声音单调低沉,唠唠叨叨地说。剧中女王的母亲拿这个短语形容首相在和女王讨论工作时的状态。此外,这个短语还可以表示某件事单调无聊地进行。更多例句:

  Please do not drone on about your problems.请别再嘀咕你自己的各种困难了。

  This meeting droned on for two hours.会议单调地延续了2个小时。

  4. You deserve to put your feet up.你也该退休,好好休息下了。

  Notes: 大家都知道一种很舒服的休息姿态是把脚抬起来搭在茶几或凳子上。英文中这个表述很简单“put your feet up”,引申义就是“休息”。剧中是女王对自己即将退休的秘书这样说道。例如:

  After days of hard work, it’s so nice to be home and put your feet up.经过连日的辛苦劳作,能回到家好好放松,休息下真好。

  You look exhausted. Come here and put your feet up.你看上去累坏了。快过来好好休息下。

  5. When I am discussing agendas of the day with these people that I find myself on the back foot as something of a disadvantage, because I can’t keep up. 我跟他们讨论日程安排时,我发现自己处于非常不利的地位。我很被动,因为我听不懂。

  Notes:“on the back foot”用来形容“处于不利的境地”。“keep up”字面理解起来是“保持不落后”,换句话说就是“跟上”,在谈话中跟上其他人也就是“听得懂,听得明白”。例如:

  Our team was on the back foot at the first half.上半场比赛我们队出师不利。

  We are gonna learn something new. Please let me know if you can’t keep up.我们马上要学些新内容,如果你没听懂,请告诉我。