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时间:2024-08-14 09:34:48 文圣 日志日记 我要投稿
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  荡秋千的体会英语日记带翻译 1


  Today, my mother and I went to the square to swing. I felt that I was very high, but others didnt feel that I was very high. It seems that there are mountains outside the mountain and people outside.


  This tells me that we should not be proud of our work, but constantly improve. So that we can do better.

  荡秋千的`体会英语日记带翻译 2


  等待的过程是痛苦的,而秋千却越荡越高,不肯停下。表姐等的不耐烦了,急切的冲着老弟嚷嚷:“你都荡了那么久了,快下来吧” “立刻~”这一声回答的很轻,好像心神已随着摇荡而飘出体外。秋千犹如钟摆,在我们眼前荡来荡去。表姐忍不住了,猛的一拽链子,摇荡徐徐停止了,秋千上的人好像猛然惊醒,一扭肥胖的身躯,满脸不情愿的跳下来了。









  In the evening, I went to the park with a few of my friends, and we both wanted to play with the swings, so we rock-paper-scissors, and I ended up at the bottom......

  The process of waiting is painful, and the swing swings higher and higher, refusing to stop. The cousin was impatient, and shouted at the elder brother eagerly: "Youve been swinging for so long, come down quickly" "Immediately~" This answer was very soft, as if his mind had drifted out of his body with the shaking. The swing is like a pendulum, swinging in front of our eyes. My cousin couldnt help it, he pulled the chain violently, and the shaking slowly stopped, and the person on the swing seemed to wake up suddenly, twisted his fat body, and jumped down with a reluctant face.

  In order, the next one is my cousin, see her holding the chain of the swing with both hands, tapping her right foot on the ground, kicking back, the swing begins to sway slightly, her legs are bent and then straightened, her stomach is also retracted and stretched, and the swing swings higher and higher, higher and higher.

  There seemed to be an irresistible magic on the swing, making people ignore the things around them, and my cousins laughter floated in the air, and her legs were still bent, but she felt so relaxed.

  Finally, it was my turn, and I sat on the swing, feeling a slight trace of residual heat, and the swing quickly swung to a high place, and the sky and ground swirled with the shaking. There is a feeling of being a little dizzy and disoriented. At this time, I felt that the stars were closest to me, and when I closed my eyes, the wind was whistling in my ears, accompanied by the chirping of cicadas in the trees, and the wind of early summer was blowing my hair.

  Worrying about some mess of things, a brain appeared, and then when the swing fell, it was slammed to the ground and shattered.

  swinging, swinging to the cradle where I slept as a baby, and I could still hear the lullaby of my mother humming softly; Swinging and swinging, swinging to the beach of my grandmothers house, the sea breeze echoing in my ears; Swinging and swinging, childhood friends jumped out one by one, laughing and making trouble to play with the handkerchief.

  There are thousands of troubles in the world, and all the swings are forgotten.

  The swing is like a magic chair, swinging away troubles and laughing back.

  We will always be the best and greatest friends, so lets swing one by one.

  荡秋千的体会英语日记带翻译 3









  This afternoon, I was disappointed. Because my mother asked me to do housework at home, I was so eager to play with my friends! Suddenly, my best friend came looking for me, so we watched TV together and looked up information about the Ancient City. Well suggest going out in a moment.

  As soon as we walked out the door, we looked up to the sky and thought about it, and finally we decided to play on the swing because we all saw it. So we played, and how happy we were, and at dusk we all found out that it was made of snakeskin! It scared us out and swore that we would never play swinging again.

  Today, I went to find Liu Yiwen and asked her to swing together.

  The swing was in a corner of the troops, and we put the puppet on the swing as soon as we found it. We started pushing and pushing, and when we had pushed enough, we stood up on it at the right time, and it was a nice feeling to stand on it! When the swing is high, I feel like an eagle with wings spread, and when I swing low, I feel like a dragonfly dotting water. We gripped the irons of the swing tightly with both hands, nervous and happy, enjoying the fun of swinging. Half an hour later we were home.

  What a beautiful Qingming Festival! Id like to leave it a little longer!

  Today, I went on the swing with my mom and dad. I got on the swing first, and I asked my dad to push it for me. I sat on the swing with my dad pushing behind me, and I was swinging higher and higher, feeling like a butterfly flying through the air...... I flew into the forest, and the little white rabbit said, "Ah, the butterfly is with me, as if I was flying." ”

  I said to my mom, "Mom, I want to go to the central square to play." Mom said, "All right, lets go!" "We came to the square, we saw the flower beds, I looked at the flowers, the flowers looked at me, and they smiled happily.

  It was getting dark and we left here. I thought to myself: Im so happy to play on the swing, and Im going to play it again in the future.

  荡秋千的体会英语日记带翻译 4








  Our family likes to play very much, I just went to Longfeng Villa some time ago, and today I want to go to Ruan Village to swing.

  There are many roads in Nguyen village that are like a maze. We walked a little way and asked the people in the village, and we came to the place where we played on the swings. Swing In an open space, there are large straight swings, small swings, and swings that turn in circles. There is also an old man selling marshmallows next to him.

  The big straight swing is called the big kick autumn, the small one is called the turn of the autumn, and the circle is called the sixteen hanging autumn. Mom likes to kick the fall, and she almost swings the swing when she stands on the swing board.

  I love sixteen hanging autumns. But no one wanted the children to come down, because the adults went to eat at that time and there was no one to take care of it. We waited for a while, and when the adults came back, we had everyone line up, sixteen people at a time, and they swung four or five laps.

  This swing is composed of eight big autumns on the outside and eight small autumns on the inside, and is divided into two layers from a distance. There is a large pillar in the middle to support, and I heard my dad say that it is for balance and safety.

  Finally it was our turn. Sitting on the swing I looked up and wow! Its so high! At the beginning, the speed was not high, and I felt that I was not scared at all. When the speed was high, it was getting higher and higher off the ground, and my heart was pounding, and I was a little scared. But I told myself, "Be strong, try to exercise your courage, how can you grow if you dont try?" "Before we know it, our round is over. To be honest, I really want to go play a little longer. But there are too many people, and you have to let others have fun!

  Looking forward to going to Nguyen Village again.

  荡秋千的体会英语日记带翻译 5





  On this day, my cousin and I had breakfast and went to Heshan Square to play.

  When we came to the square, the first thing that caught our eyes was the packed of people and the crowded scene. I was afraid that I would get lost, so I held my aunts hand tightly. When I was squeezed into a photo, I seemed to see it - swing? Thats right, its a swing! So, I took my cousin and aunt by the hand and ran towards the swing like a little rocket.

  There was no one on the swing, there were two empty seats. Just let my cousin and I sit and play. But the seats are too high! Its all up to my waist. But this is not difficult for me, I hold the two chains on the swing with both hands, squat with both feet to accumulate strength, and then kick with both feet, haha! Im stepping up! But the cousin on the other side couldnt kick up, and was as anxious as ants on a hot pan---- and around. So I called my aunt for help, and finally picked my cousin up. Its time to swing. I kicked my feet indiscriminately first, and when the swing was shaken, I regularly closed my feet, kicked my feet, retracted my feet, and kicked my feet. And so on, I swayed! My cousin next to me looked at me, painted a scoop according to the gourd, and also swayed. There were warm smiles on both of our faces, and our hearty laughter echoed over the square.

  Before you know it, its time to go home for lunch. We reluctantly got off the swing and walked home, and we quietly agreed that we would come here to swing next vacation.

  荡秋千的体会英语日记带翻译 6





  On Saturday, I went to the park early to grab a spot as soon as possible, because I usually cant get a spot due to the crowd, but luckily I really got it that day.

  I sat on the swing as I wished, and in the cool morning breeze, I stretched my legs out, gathered my legs at once, closed my eyes again, and then opened them again, and so on and so forth, and so on, and there was indescribable joy in my heart. Just then, I noticed a little girl standing next to me, who seemed to have been standing for a long time. Hi! Just wait! Normally, I couldnt grab a spot and waited, I turned my head and continued to swing my swing.

  But somehow, the mood is not as happy as it was just now, always thinking about the little girl over there, always thinking about her expectant eyes. I suddenly made a decision, "Little sister, come over and swing!" Hearing my scream, she flew over and couldnt wait to get on the swing, and kept saying to me, "Thank you!" Thank you!"

  I also happily replied, "No thanks! No thanks!" Now, I truly understand that happiness is true happiness when everyone shares it!

  荡秋千的体会英语日记带翻译 7







  This afternoon, Cheng Cheng and I were swinging in the yard of my grandmothers house.

  I swung the swing for a long time, but Cheng Chengcai swung for a short while, and I didnt care. After a while, I went back to drink some water, and when I came back, I found that Cheng Cheng was pretending to be asleep, so I threw him with snow, he laughed, he came down, I went up, accidentally sat down on his hand, he cried and said, "Its okay, its okay." "He was still crying, and I went back to the house.

  After a while, he was happily playing on the swing again.

  I built a swing on two trees in my yard. Today my brother and I were swinging in the yard.

  My brother was sitting on the swing, and I pushed him up hard, and my brother was swinging into the sky, and he felt very good, so he said, "My brother has so much strength." I said, "You have grown up and you have strength." The younger brother smiled happily.

  My brother was swinging around on the swing and the swing slowly stopped, and I pushed him into the sky again. My brothers laughter drew grandpa, grandma, dad and mom, and our whole family was happy.

  荡秋千的体会英语日记带翻译 8




  Last night, I went out for a walk with my mom and dad. When we walked to Kaizhou Road, my mother said to me, "You can swing." My mother reminded me of a word, and I hurried to see if anyone was swinging, because there were always people, and I hadnt caught up several times. Luckily, there was no one this time, so I happily went on the swing.

  Before I came to the swing, the ground under the swing had been ground out of a big hole, and it was relatively high from the swing board, so I couldnt sit on it myself, so my dad helped me sit on it and pushed me. At first, I was swinging low and slow, and I was a little scared, but when I saw my mother swinging high and fast, I slowly got up and higher, and I only heard the whirring wind in my ears, like a happy bird flying freely in the air. I was swinging for a long time, and my mother had stopped early, so I reluctantly left the swing.

  From the swing incident, I learned that I should not be afraid to do anything, and only by doing it boldly can I do it well.

  荡秋千的体会英语日记带翻译 9





  Today the sun is shining, the weather is clear, the flowers in the park are blooming, the fragrance is fragrant, and my brother and sister came to the park to play together.

  My sister saw the fun swing at a glance, and she couldnt wait to run over and shout, "Brother, brother, come and help me push it!" At first, my sister sat on the swing, still a little scared, grabbed the rope tightly with both hands, and said, "Brother, push slowly." The small flowers next to it bloomed, as if to say, "Dont be afraid, dont look down with your eyes, and you wont be afraid." ”

  Slowly, my sisters courage was magnified, and my brother pushed higher and higher, and she felt like a bird, flying freely in the air. She stood up unconsciously, and said, "Brother, push a little higher!" Oh, Im flying, Im flying!" Their laughter echoed in the park. A flock of little birds was also attracted to it, and they chirped incessantly, as if to say, "Little sister, you are so brave." ”

  Today, its a really happy day.

  荡秋千的体会英语日记带翻译 10






  In the afternoon, I went to play swinging with my friends Wenwen and Jiejie from my hometown.

  We have a lot of ways to play, sitting, standing, lying down, and sideways.

  I started playing, Jiejie pushed me in the back, and the swing was swinging, up and down, up and down, getting higher and higher, I closed my eyes tightly, for fear that I would look down and see that it was so high from the ground, and I was scared and screamed. After a while, I was no longer afraid, I felt like a bird flying freely in the sky, and the wind was blowing in my face, which was so refreshing. The swing slowly came down, and I slowly came down and stood firmly, only then did I feel that the swing was so fun.

  I saw Jiejie lying on it, Wenwen pushed her, and slowly swayed, it was the first time I had seen this kind of play, and I really wanted to try this kind of play.

  I went up and asked Wenwen to push me, I shook, and it was a good feeling, I was playing, and I didnt know it was 5:00.










