我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2022-09-22 09:41:48 日志日记 我要投稿




  去图书馆的英语日记带翻译 篇1


  After my father and I cleaned this afternoon, Wang Ruobing came to my house to play with me. But my father decided to take us to the library of Shekou industrial zone.

  到了图书馆,我刚进门一步,我突然发现里面好安静啊!,我说:“爸爸里面为什么这么安静啊?”我说:“这里是图书馆,当然要安静看书了!”说完,爸爸马上帮我搬了一张借书证。我高兴得跳了 起来,立即跑到图书架边挑选了两本书。

  When I arrived at the library, I had just entered the door when I suddenly found it very quiet! "Why is it so quiet in dad?" I said I said, "this is the library. Of course, its time to read quietly!" With that, dad helped me move a library card. I jumped up with joy and immediately ran to the bookshelf to select two books.


  We read books in the library for more than half an hour and went home happily with the borrowed books.

  去图书馆的英语日记带翻译 篇2

  今天中午,妈妈说:“爸爸要来接你和弟弟。”爸爸来时,我就问:“我们这是去那儿阿?”爸爸回答道:“昨天晚上说了要去图书馆,难道不去吗?”我说:“当然要去这是作业。”到武侯图 书馆时,那些书多的让我目不暇给,我找来找去找到了一本《西游记》和一本,《十万个为什么》。爸爸就去办了借书卡,我就拿上了这两本书依依不舍得回家了。

  At noon today, my mother said, "my father is coming to pick you up and my brother." When Dad came, I asked, "where are we going?" The father replied, "I said last night that I would go to the library. Don't I?" I said, "of course, it's homework." When I arrived at Wuhou library, I was overwhelmed by the number of books.

  I found a journey to the West and a hundred thousand why. Dad went to do a library card, I took these two books reluctantly go home.

  去图书馆的英语日记带翻译 篇3


  Yesterday, my mother and I went to the library to buy books. First of all, we need to buy calligraphy posters. When we get to the place where we sell calligraphy posters, we choose to choose one. Finally, we choose a calligraphy poster. It's one in a hundred!


  Then we bought the Olympiad and the dictionary.


  After buying it, we went home happily with Dr. Shu.

  去图书馆的英语日记带翻译 篇4


  It's sunny today. It's very warm for lunch. My mother took me to the library to read books after class. There are many books there, and they are very good-looking.

  I read a mythological story of Eight Immortals crossing the sea and Nuwa mending the sky. These two stories are wonderful. I like reading this book very much.

  去图书馆的英语日记带翻译 篇5


  Today, my mother and I went to the library. Mom also bought me a coke! I'm so happy. When we got there, we found so few people. Mom went to return the books. I went to choose the books.


  It took me a long time to choose a book. Later, my mother helped me choose another one.


  So we went home.

  去图书馆的英语日记带翻译 篇6


  Today, Liu Desheng and I went to the library to read books. Because we had a good last week. When we had a spring outing in our school, we went to the library to read books together. Early this morning, we had breakfast and went to the bus station together. We waited a long time before two buses came. One is No. 39, and the other is No. 66. We saw that No. 39 is crowded, so we got on the No. 66 bus together.


  The bus goes all the way! Stop! Stop! Go! It's almost to the four crossings with time difference. When I saw the 90 degree turn, I immediately said, "wait a moment, get off!" "someone is going to get off." we walked to the library and started. I passed two crossroads in a row, but I still didn't arrive. My heart was like 18 buckets of water, but I said to Liu Desheng, "it's right in front." I thought to myself: let's go home without a lift! We have been passing through the fork in the road, and finally I found the library. The spectacular scene of the library before has disappeared, only the rusty steel hanging at the door for decoration. But decoration does not affect the library.


  When we read, the library was closed at 11:30, and we were there.

  去图书馆的英语日记带翻译 篇7


  Today, my mother and I went to the library to read books. But what should I do if the library card is missing? When we get to the library, we make up a library card. We take the card to the children's library. Many children are in it, some are reading, some are watching TV, and some are playing. I take several books and concentrate on it.

  I look up, watch, watch, and finish reading. Do I have two books left, so I borrowed them home. Today, I'm really happy because reading books can let me learn a lot.

  去图书馆的英语日记带翻译 篇8


  Today, our class went to the school library to return books. The teacher took us into the library, just like walking into the ocean of knowledge. The school library is very beautiful, and there are many books. We usually look for materials in the school library. Today, when we returned the books, we found that some students lost the books. I think this should be very wrong, because it's a borrowed book, and we can't throw it around.

  Today, I borrowed a book about the universe, which has a lot of knowledge and illustrations. There are many good-looking books in the school library. I didn't know there was a library in the school before. Now I know there is a library. I'm very happy! Because I can only read books in the reading area at ordinary times. Now there is a library, and there is another reading place in the school.

  去图书馆的英语日记带翻译 篇9


  Summer vacation, in addition to finishing the homework assigned by the teacher, but also read some extra-curricular books! So in the afternoon, my mother and I are going to read books in the library of Huadi Ziyuan. Because we don't know the way, we asked as we walked, and finally found the library.


  There are thousands of books in the library. In the sea of knowledge, I found some of my favorite books and concentrated on them. Today, I am very happy because I learned knowledge in the library.


  When I came home, I said to my mother, "I often come here to read books."

  去图书馆的英语日记带翻译 篇10


  Yesterday afternoon, my classmate Li haoxuan and I made an appointment to go to the library to read books at 3:30 this afternoon.


  This afternoon, when I was playing outside, my mother said that he called me on QQ. I ran to the library regardless of the number of students. As a result, it was only 2:30 when I saw the library. We had an appointment of 3:30. I asked him why he had come so early, which made me feel like I was not punctual. He laughed and said that he was bored at home, so he and his sister arrived early. We went to the second floor to read books together.

  去图书馆的英语日记带翻译 篇11


  Today, my mother took us to the library to borrow books. What a big library! There are children's reading area, children's reading area and adult reading area. There are many kinds of books in each area, including history, literature, and my favorite anime. Each book has a label on it, which makes it convenient for the administrator to put the book back to its original position. We can read in the library, or we can borrow the book and return it after reading. The aunt of the library reminds us to take good care of the book and not lose it or damage it. Books can let us increase a lot of knowledge and understand the truth, so we should read more books!

  去图书馆的英语日记带翻译 篇12

  今天吃完早饭,我去上奥数课,上完课后,我去市图书馆看书。那的'书真多啊。我看了《马丁的早晨》和《米老鼠》。马丁的早晨的故事讲的是一个小男孩每天变成另外一个人的故事。看完书,我 去三姨家玩。我和我妹妹玩的可开心了。

  Today, after breakfast, I went to Olympic math class. After class, I went to the city library to read books. There are so many books there. I watched Martin's morning and Mickey Mouse. The story of Martin's morning is about a little boy becoming another person every day. After reading the book, I went to my aunt's house to play. I had a good time with my sister.

  去图书馆的英语日记带翻译 篇13


  I still like reading best. I have read almost all the books in my big bookcase.


  Summer vacation is coming, and I'm clamoring to buy books again. My father told me a new way to read books. He took me to the reading room of the library to read books, and he could also borrow them back. I was so excited that I didn't sleep well all night.


  The next morning, my father rode a motorcycle and took me to the library。 The library is so beautiful。 In the pool outside, there are blooming water lilies. They are red, white and yellow. They are very beautiful. In the library, all kinds of books are neatly placed on the bookshelf. I picked out a book called "Grandpa Chen Boxi tells stories" and read it with interest. I took out an excerpt while reading it and recorded all the good words and sentences in the book on the excerpt.


  Everyone in the library is reading quietly.Time flies.Dad comes to pick me up. We went to the library again and picked out a book called "the book of broadsword" and borrowed it home.


  When I came out of the library, I said to my father, "the books here are so beautiful. I will come here to read next time."

  去图书馆的英语日记带翻译 篇14

  下午,我和妈妈去图书馆。在路上,阳光特别刺眼,我只好用书遮着阳光。到了图书馆,我把书还了后,就很快自己借了《方方和圆圆》和《奇怪的病号》,两本书很有意思,《方方和圆圆》有许多精 彩的故事,《奇怪的病号》里都是我爱看的小动物的故事。我借好书后,又在那看了一会儿漫画,就和妈妈高兴地回家了。

   In the afternoon, my mother and I went to the library. On the way, the sun was so dazzling that I had to cover it with books When I got to the library, I returned the book and borrowed Fang Fang and Yuan Yuan and strange sick number. They are very interesting. Fang Fang and Yuan have many wonderful stories. Strange sick number is the story of the little animals I love to watch. After I borrowed the book, I read the cartoon for a while, and then I went home happily with my mother.









