我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-01-18 16:34:32 日志日记 我要投稿




  Many times, only when we have experienced and seen more, can we give up what we once called persistence. Sometimes, you will find that those things you have been persistent in the past are just laughs in front of the vicissitudes of time. Where there are so many obsessions is just caused by your momentary confusion and interest.


  It's like the fame and wealth that we pursued when we were young. Will you still insist on such empty things when you are old? Those fame and fortune that you fight for and pursue for a lifetime will turn into air when you are old. Maybe you, who are young and frivolous, will think that it's something you want to pursue all your life. But it's wrong. When you get old, you will really wake up. What are those things? There are family members who are healthy and in good health. There is nothing like family members who can get together and live a not rich life. It's plain and light. The money is enough to spend. They can eat and dress well. They smile happily. They don't need to live in such a big house. As long as they live in a very ordinary house, their simple life can make all smiles on their faces so sincere.

  这才是真正的快乐,而我们前半生不知所谓的坚持的 那些虚妄的东西,都会化为泡沫和灰烬,只有全家人都能在一起过着平淡的生活,那才是最真挚的快乐,一些虚妄的东西,看透了又何必再继续追逐呢?那些东西不是不需要,可是却不能要的太多,为了那些东西迷失自我,丢失掉了感情,才是真正的不值得呢!

  This is the real happiness, and the false things we insist on in the first half of life will be turned into bubbles and ashes. Only the whole family can live together in plain life. That is the most sincere happiness. Why should some illusory things be seen and pursued? Those things are not unnecessary, but they can't be too much. It's really not worth losing yourself and feelings for those things!










高二英语作文范文带翻译:my hobby07-24
