我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-01-18 15:05:36 日志日记 我要投稿




  If you ask, what is the happiest thing for me? Hehe, that's the feeling from having to not. I don't know when to start, I'm more and more infatuated with that taste. I like to work hard slowly to see the feeling of everything from nothing to nothing.


  I've seen many winners in life, and there are many things that others may not get in their lifetime. In fact, I don't think it's necessary to envy and envy too much. Everything is there, so do you need to fight? Can she still enjoy the feeling from having to having? I think it's impossible. A person has no chance to work hard, but everyone has her own happiness. She may think it's very good, but I think it's not bad that I try my best to struggle from having to having? Everyone's happiness, we can not question, because the identity, status, family environment is different, the people created will naturally have different ideas. I think it's the best and the best to struggle slowly from having to not, isn't it? One of my favorite things is to watch the amount of the exam bar. Every day, I watch it slowly from 0.00 yuan to dozens of yuan, and finally to 100 yuan. It's amazing! I must enjoy the fruits of my own efforts. Maybe other people will not enjoy the happiness, but I have my own experience. If a person is born, she has everything, then there is no need to work hard, and can not realize the fun of this ordinary. Yes, what you get in the world, you will lose. Although some people get something that we can't get in our whole life, they don't have to work hard on their own, but they also lack much fun from nothing, right? It's said that fish and bear's paw can't have both. Now it seems that they do.


  From have to have fun, although the process is very difficult, the things we can get are far more than we pay, right? The most joyful thing in every day is that every night, the amount of money in the exam bar increases slowly. For me, the result is my greatest happiness, encouragement and motivation for my new day!






高二英语作文范文带翻译:my hobby07-24




