我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-01-16 18:16:10 日志日记 我要投稿




  Recently, my mother thought that my eyesight was not very good. She asked me to check my eyesight.

  今天早上,我学完画画后,妈妈领我去了医院。我们来到了五官科,一个年轻的医生为我做了检查。她让我去了一个比较黑的屋子里,我坐在椅子上,医生让我看着一台机器上类似小洞的东西 ,我忽然在小洞里看到了一条赛道和一辆赛车,然后渐渐变暗,变成了开始的黑色。我离开了那个屋子,医生对我说:“你的眼睛近视了,要戴一百七十度的`眼镜。”“要戴眼镜?”我真不相信自己的 耳朵。“我可不想戴眼镜。”我着急地对妈妈说。最后妈妈问医生:“要是保持现在这样,不戴行吗?”医生说:“要是注意保护,也有恢复的可能 。”

  This morning, after I finished painting, my mother took me to the hospital. We came to the Department of facial features. A young doctor examined me. She asked me to go to a dark room. I sat on a chair. The doctor asked me to look at something similar to a small hole on a machine. Suddenly, I saw a track and a car in the small hole, and then it became dark gradually, and became the black at the beginning. When I left the room, the doctor said to me, "your eyes are nearsighted. You need to wear 170 degree glasses." "Glasses?" I can't believe my ears. "I don't want to wear glasses." I said to my mother anxiously. Finally, my mother asked the doctor, "if you keep it like this, can you not wear it?" "If you pay attention to protection, there is also the possibility of recovery," the doctor said


  My mother and I went out of the hospital, on the way, I thought: "I must take good care of my eyes, and can't let my eyes live in a fuzzy state every day."