我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2023-08-13 11:55:21 偲颖 日志日记 我要投稿
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  小学三年级英语带翻译日记 1


  I havent kept a diary for two years.Now Im a little strange.

  现在已经是寒假开始的第三天了,上午我闲着没事干,就要妹妹一起玩,过了不久,妈妈叫我去擦一下饮水机,我拿着毛巾端了一盆水,把毛巾洗一遍,再去擦,擦一点,洗一遍毛巾,这样就反复的做着洗完了,原本风尘仆仆的`饮水机被我擦得一干二净,过后妈妈又叫我去洗厕所。我穿上水鞋,走进厕所,我先把洗手桌上的东西放在一边,再用花洒冲。我冲着冲着觉得水太小,我想到一个主意,把花洒拧下来,于是我把花洒拧下来再打开水,用手指头堵住出水口的一半,就做成了一个简易的高压水枪, 我用这用着这把特殊的高压水枪把厕所里里里外外冲了个一干二净,然后把花洒装好,把东西摆好就完工了。

  Now its the third day of winter vacation.I have nothing to do in the morning.I want my sister to play with me.After a while,my mother asked me to clean the water dispenser.I took a towel and brought a basin of water.I washed the towel again.Then I wiped it a little.I washed the towel again.In this way,I washed the dusty water dispenser completely.After that,my mother I was asked to wash the toilet.I put on my water shoes and went into the toilet.I put aside the things on the washing table first and then flush them with flowers.I thought the water was too small.I came up with an idea to screw off the shower,so I screwed off the shower and turned on the water,blocked half of the water outlet with my finger,and made a simple high-pressure water gun.I used this special high-pressure water gun to clean the toilet inside and outside,then installed the shower,and finished putting things in place.

  小学三年级英语带翻译日记 2


  Today,I set off a firecracker for Chang Yuans sister across from my home.


  First of all,we found a lighter.Secondly,I took out the firecrackers.Finally,we used firecrackers to set out triangle,snowflake,five elements and fireworks.Changyuans sister thinks fireworks are the best to see,and I think fireworks are the best to see.


  Do you think fireworks look good?

  小学三年级英语带翻译日记 3


  As soon as I went out this morning,a cold wind came.I cant help shivering.Its so cold! Its raining again after school.The wind is stronger.It cuts my face like a knife.Pedestrians on the road are necking,wearing thick hats to rush home,because everyones home is warm.

  小学三年级英语带翻译日记 4


  Mother bought two flowerpots.My mother and I are going to plant two Chlorophytum plants.I helped my mother fill the flowerpot with soil.Soon,I dug two holes in the two flowerpots,planted the Chlorophytum in,and my mother filled the soil with a shovel.Mother looked at the cultivated Chlorophytum,and said to me,"you are really capable!" looking at the results of our work,my mother and I were not tired at all.

  小学三年级英语带翻译日记 5


  This evening,my father asked me to do the math paper.In order to go out and play,I carelessly finished it in a short time.After my father checked it for me,he found a lot of mistakes.My father criticized me.Because of my handling,I made several mistakes.I admitted my mistakes to my father,and I corrected them with a hollow heart.My father praised me as a good child.

  小学三年级英语带翻译日记 6


  Every night at 8 oclock mom always said: wash your face,brush your teeth and go to bed.Today,my mother said it again.I asked my mother,"why do you always urge me to sleep?".My mother said the same thing as before,"you have to go to school tomorrow.".When I heard it,I said it on my mouth.I thought that my mother always said that.My mother is going to be an old woman.

  小学三年级英语带翻译日记 7


  Today,only my brother and I were at home.In the early morning,we were doing our own business.I was watching TV while my brother was doing his homework.So,after a long time,I felt a little hungry because I had not eaten breakfast.At this time,my brother also said that he was a little hungry.So I went to the kitchen and found some rice.So,I thought,I could fry some eggs,Finish saying to dry,younger brother looked for the egg,I began to fry,although this is the second time,but still not very ripe,slowly fried.I put it on the plate and ate it with my brother.I found that it was OK.I was very happy.


  Although its only a breakfast,its very meaningful for me.

  小学三年级英语带翻译日记 8


  Today,after school,the teacher asked us to write a diary.


  When I got home,I thought hard,but I couldnt think of anything to write.Suddenly,I had an idea and could write "homework".


  Hey,hey,Im such a smart kid.


  The next day,I gave it to the teacher,and the teacher said I was great! I was so happy!

  小学三年级英语带翻译日记 9


  Its a nice day today.There are some white clouds floating in the blue sky.My mother and I are in a good mood.My mother took me to the North China Amusement Park to fish.


  After buying the ticket,I took the fishing rod,bucket,fish food,and bench to the fishing ground.Go to the pool and sit down,ready to fish.The little goldfish in the pool swam around happily.I wanted to catch them and play games with me.


  I glued the fish food and threw the hook into the water,looking at it quietly and attentively.After a while,the fishing rod moved.I pulled it up hard.As expected,a small fish got hooked.I put it into my bucket happily.The next step is to repeat the action and wait quietly,and a few fish swim to my little bucket.A lot of gains!


  Im in a good mood today! I have so many new partners.

  小学三年级英语带翻译日记 10


  Today is the first time for me to do housework.I am nervous and excited.I bend over with a broom and clean the room carefully.After the room is spotless,I start to mop the floor again.I put the mop into the water and wet it.Then I drag it up hard.After the room is shiny,I start to clean the windowsill again.After the windowsill is clean,I will finish work.

  小学三年级英语带翻译日记 11


  I can actually cook.


  Its just that it doesnt make a lot of dishes,but daily dishes are OK.


  But at noon today,I was out of order.Its a very simple fried rice with eggs.I fried it and smashed it.Alas,my little heart was hit.Because I couldnt eat it,I poured it into the garbage can and threw it in the heavy rain.Because of this mistake,my brother said that you should never enter the kitchen again!


  I can actually cook.

  小学三年级英语带翻译日记 12


  He is my head teacher.He seems to be in his forties.He is of medium height and has a kind face.But occasionally,there will be "storm".


  Since entering this class,the head teacher has been very good to everyone.He always helps us to solve problems carefully.When meeting kunran,he will try his best to help us solve them.Although the teacher seldom praises anyone,the head teacher always puts his satisfaction on his face.As long as he is satisfied,he will show a kind smile.The mathematics taught by the teacher is very good.I can always listen to them in detail.I wont Yes,I will take time to explain it slowly.


  One semester has come down,and it will be the new semester soon.I just hope that in the next year,he will still accompany us to the new semester!

  小学三年级英语带翻译日记 13


  Grandpa was ill.I was hospitalized in the hospital.My grandma and dad went to the hospital to see Grandpa.They saw grandpa lying on the bed and infusion.I asked grandpa if he was better.Grandpa said it was much better.I said to Grandpa,"Im here to take care of you and accompany you." Grandpa listened and smiled.

  小学三年级英语带翻译日记 14


  Today,it finally snowed.Gu Yuhang and sun Haotian and I had a happy snowfight on campus.I played with sun Haotian first,and then Gu Yuhang joined in.When he came,I changed from a brave and invincible soldier to a weak one.White snowballs bloom on us from time to time,and our laughter resounds throughout the campus.

  小学三年级英语带翻译日记 15


  My aunt gave birth to a baby.My mother took me to see her.When I got to my aunts house,I saw the baby lying on the bed and playing.She looked at us with big white,fat,black eyes.I cant help touching her face,touching her arm,she still doesnt cry.Mother kept praising her for her beauty and obedience.I also think she is very cute.

  小学三年级英语带翻译日记 16


  After supper,my mother and I went downstairs to play.Suddenly,I saw a red ball on the side of the road.I quickly said to my mother,"look,there is a ball." Mom said,"it must have been someone else who accidentally left it." At this time,an aunt is busy looking for the ball.I quickly handed the ball to my aunt.My aunt said to me,"thank you children.".I said,"no thanks,this is what I should do."

  小学三年级英语带翻译日记 17


  Its holiday.My father and I go to the market to sell meat.


  When we got to the market,I saw that there were so many people buying things in the market.Some people bought meat and some people bought fish.Others buy new year pictures.Many,many,countless,I think this is what people are preparing for the New Year!


  After a while,the meat on our stall was almost sold out by others,and I was very happy in my heart.

  小学三年级英语带翻译日记 18


  Today is the first day of the new year.Im very happy.My mother took me to the street.There were many people in the street,especially the grandma who sold balloons.There were talking and laughing children around.I couldnt help but also passed.I looked at the beautiful big balloons.I turned to my mother and said,"I want to buy a balloon.".Mom looked at my smiling appearance.Im sorry not to buy it.I picked out an orange balloon.Mom paid for it.I went home with the balloon.


  After dinner later in the day,I came to the room and saw that the balloon was getting smaller.I shouted to my mother,"how is my balloon getting smaller?".Mother smiled and said: "the air in the ball slowly ran away,of course,smaller.".I understood my mothers words.


  Although its a bit unpleasant today,its a happy day.

  小学三年级英语带翻译日记 19


  Father asked me to tidy my desk in the afternoon.


  I first throw away the useless things on the table,then wipe the table with a rag twice,then play my imagination,and set it according to my idea,and then tidy the table in order for a long time.


  Unconsciously,I have sweated at one end.Although I am a little tired,my desk is very beautiful!

  小学三年级英语带翻译日记 20


  Today,when I saw the person delivering the electricity bill at my door,I said,"shall I deliver the electricity bill?" the person delivering the electricity bill said,"OK!" I said,"thank you uncle!"


  Ill send grandma Zhao downstairs first.Grandma Zhao said thank you! Then Ill go to Grandpa Lis house upstairs.Grandpa Li said thank you.Ill also send a lot of others.They all say thank you to me!

  小学三年级英语带翻译日记 21


  Today,our family came to Hangzhou zoo.The zoo is so big.There are so many animals in it.There are monkeys,elephants,horses


  Lets talk about monkeys first.They look like human beings.Some little monkeys are jumping on trees,dragging branches and swinging on swings.Some little monkeys are fighting with each other.Some little monkeys are tickling old monkeys.How lovely! Monkeys like bananas and apples.I handed him a banana,which he took with his hairy hand.


  Next we came to the elephant area.The elephant is really big.Its body is like a wall,its legs are as thick as a column,its nose is long,and its ears are like fans.I saw a mother elephant and four little elephants playing.They also praised our acrobatics,that is,using our noses as fountains.Thats funny.


  We went to see the national treasure,the giant panda.They are very lovely.Their round bodies roll around on the ground.The big dark circles add a little loveliness to them.They like to eat arrow bamboo.When they eat food,they dont pay attention to peoples call to them.Its a national treasure.


  There are many lovely animals in Hangzhou zoo,waiting for you to watch.

  小学三年级英语带翻译日记 22


  Its a nice day today.There are many little monkeys playing football on the grass.They kicked and accidentally dropped the ball into the river.The tree monkey said that I had a way.It said that my tail hung branches and then I pulled your feet.The other little monkeys said that they had a good way.Lets try,and sure enough,they pulled the ball out.Then the monkeys began to play football again.

  小学三年级英语带翻译日记 23


  In the morning,my mother asked me to recite 15 childrens songs.And let me write two pages of exercise books.After writing the exercise book,my mother asked me to play for a while.


  At noon,my mother asked me to review the dragon of desire and the dragon of poverty.He also wrote two pages of calligraphy practice books.


  What a full day Ive had!









