我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-04-15 20:41:12 台词 我要投稿


  I hit her in the eye! 我打中了她的眼睛。


  How many glasses have you had? 你喝了多少杯了?

  Wait here. 在这里等一下。

  Im sorry, maybe I wasnt being clear. 不好意思,也许我当时没说清楚。

  I saw it first. 我先看到的.。

  Are you sure youre ok? 你确定你没事?

  Im gonna do this. 我也准备这样做。

  He needs some time to grieve. 他需要一些时间疗伤。

  Here we go. 开始了。

  Put him on the phone. 叫他听电话。

  What were you doing in the classroom? 你去教室做什么?

  We have a winner! 冠军出炉了!

  Never gonna happen. 不可能发生的。

  He didnt tell me. 他没有告诉我。

  I was the last one to know that. 我是最后一个人知道的。

  I low myself. 我真鄙视自己。

  He seems to hate you. 他似乎讨厌你。

  We just found this cat and are looking for the owner. 我们捡到这只猫,正在找它的主人。