素材英语作文:《into the motherland Themotherlandabettertom》
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素材英语作文:《into the motherland Themothe

时间:2021-04-13 16:15:27 素材 我要投稿

素材英语作文:《into the motherland Themotherlandabettertom》

  Autumn in October, Tan Kwai fragrance, during the harvest season, we have ushered in the great motherland 60-year-olds birthday. 10000 people celebrating together the joy of the whole country, vast land of China, Putian festival celebrating the great people of all nationalities.

素材英语作文:《into the motherland Themotherlandabettertom》

  Sixty years ago this day, the great Chinese leader Mao Zedong solemnly declared: The Peoples Republic of China was set up! Since then, the pace of the Chinese people a huge stride, high-spirited to walk on the socialist road. In particular, in 1978, the Party since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh, in the dxp theory, under the guidance of the Chinese Communist Party led the people along the direction of socialism with Chinese characteristics wings fly, the motherland of the reform and opening up the wings plug in, Chinas comprehensive strength is rapidly increasing year after year to improve peoples quality of life, rapid changes in the motherland attracted worldwide attention.

  Yes ah! Fifty-six years alone, the motherland has undergone enormous changes. I remember Natiao the road leading to home, I am the age of five still a dirt road, ten years old became a paved road, is now a wide concrete roads, on both sides is no longer a simple, low-ceilinged building, but a row of row of garden-style villas. Do the changes in China not to surprise the worlds people do?

  This year is the world anti-fascist-cum-64 anniversary of the victory of the Chinese Peoples Anti-Japanese War, the Chinese people will never forget that 64 years ago, those memorable screen image: Little Soldier, Langya Mountain Five Heroes, Sparkling Red Star in the Pan Fuyuko, plain guerrilla team of Li Xiangyang, Hongyan in the Sister Jiang, Hui Wan, Red Detachment of Women in the Wu Qionghua, HL … … not only awakened a generation to the memory of the past history, but also calling for peace and steadfastness, the heroic era. Liushisinian allow a daughter to become one the oldest old cardamom elderly; Liushisinian can be turned into a babbling of the child has passed his sixtieth of age; Liushisinian, allowing two generations have gone through, " written for the "… …

  I remember July 13, 2001 night, it was a sleepless night. When it was announced Beijing as the host city for the 2008 Olympic Games, the Chinese people won! Tears in his eyes! Who would tolerate the United States bombed the Chinese embassy in