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  我最喜欢的歌手英语作文素材 1

  Jay is a good singer. He is very handsome. He has a round face with two small eyes. I like him very much. I often see him in my dreams.Jay’s music is popular. His style is different from other singers. He has many fans. These fans like listening to his music very much. I hope everyone in the world will like Jay, my favourite singer.What about you?


  我最喜欢的歌手英语作文素材 2

  She is such an ideal singer!

  She is a girl with a lot of talent. She is a girl but she has individuality like a boy. On the stage, she sings and dances so well. She is so happy and she makes us excited… Can you guess who she is? Yes, she is Li Yuchun, the winner of "Super Girl 2005."She is a student of Sichuan Music College in Grade 3. She is twenty-one this year. She is 1.74 metres tall. Now she is very popular in China and even in the world. I know she worked hard in the past, and has succeeded today. Ill learn from her and try my best to achieve my dream.I like her because she is so cool and lovely. I love her because she makes me feel happy. I enjoy her because she is independent and she has the individuality of herself.

  Li Yuchun, Ill cheer for you forever!




  我最喜欢的歌手英语作文素材 3

  Jay Zhou is a famous pop singer. He is famous for Fine day,Class Two Grade Three, Quiet, Shanghai 1943 and so on.His music is mainly R & B and Hip-pop. His songs are full of vigor. You cant help moving your body when you hear them.As his music fan, I know he likes antiques very much. Do you know his full name? Yes, its Zhoujie Lun.


  我最喜欢的歌手英语作文素材 4

  I know many singers, such as Wang li-hong, Zhou jie-lun and Michael Jackson and so on.

  But I like Michael Jackson best.

  I recognized Michael Jackson on occassion. There was a poem recitation competition in my class. I had to look for a song about peace. Finally I found "Heal the World". I liked it at once when I first heard this song. I thought it was the best song that I had ever heard. Then I found the words of this song. "Heal the world, make it a better place, for you and for me, and the entire human race." This song was Michael Jacksons famous work.

  Since then I began to know more about Michael Jackson. I began to love him. He was named "King of Pop". He hold a Children Foundationg and wanted to make the world peace through the music.Although he was dead, he was still one of the most famous singers in the world. I love him, because he was not only a singer but also a loving person.





  我最喜欢的歌手英语作文素材 5

  Do you know Avril Lavigne? If you never heard of her, you must be behind the times. Avril was born in Ontario Province at 1984. She made her debut in 2001. Avril’s music, fashion and personality definition are accepted by young people. Of course, I was attracted, too.

  Avril joined the ice hockey team when she was 10 and she started to learn guitar at the age of 12. Then she completed the first solo performance when she was only 14 years old. Little by little, her talent was discovered by more and more people. And she has sung many songs. LikeComplicated, Goodbye, Skater BoyandWish You were Here. She also sangAlicefor the movieAlice in Wonderland. She is the Best- Selling Canadian Artist in the world.



  我最喜欢的歌手英语作文素材 6

  My favorite singer is Jay Chou (Zhou Jielun). It took him few years to become famous. While Jay wrote songs for other pop singers, he also learned recording and sound mixing. His first album was released in 20xx, and since then, he has released about one album per year. His albums have enjoyed great success in many countries, and his songs are popular with listeners of all ages.I like his music very much. It is pop music, but it has a mix of other kinds of music, such as R&B, rap, and rock. Many of his songs are about the world we live in. I feel happy and full of energy when I listen to his songs. I have introduced my best friend to Jay’s songs, and he enjoys the songs, too!


  我最喜欢的歌手英语作文素材 7


  My favorite singer is Angela Zhang, please introduce her first! Angela Zhangs voice is very loud and she looks very beautiful. She has long hair and is short. She is only 158cm at the age of 26. Her weight is very light, only 35kg. Her eyes are big and round, and they look particularly attractive.


  Angela Zhang is thin, but she has a loud voice. I heard that Angela Zhangs childhood wish was to be a singer. He cared for his voice since he was a child, and he didnt shout or drink water ... With such a good voice, he can certainly be a popular singer! I really want to say to you, "Dear Angela Zhang, you look so beautiful. Especially the eyes, crystal clear, refreshing ... Love you forever! I wont give up on you because I like other singers! "

  我最喜欢的歌手英语作文素材 8


  Many people have their own favorite singers. My favorite singer doesnt have to be a famous person, or a very famous person, or a famous singer, but someone I admire from my heart.


  My favorite singer is a famous singer. He has also composed many songs and studied piano since he was a child. For a while, he also rejected playing the piano. Later, after listening to his mother, he continued to learn the piano. Now he relies on piano and composition to make a living. My favorite singer is Jay Chou. I also began to learn piano since I was a child, and there was a time when I was very exclusive and afraid of taking piano lessons. As soon as I heard the piano, I would immediately change my face. Later, my mother encouraged me to continue taking piano lessons. Now, I also love the piano.


  In my favorite singer, I learned that as long as I concentrate on my dreams, I can succeed; As long as you work hard, you will have results; As long as you are brave, not afraid of hardships, and move forward courageously, you will definitely get out of your own sky! I want to learn from his love and hard-working attitude towards the piano, make myself a person like him, open up my own world, and face everything with this mentality.


  My favorite singer is my goal and the person I want to win the most. I hope that one day in the future, I can also move towards a certain goal and walk out of my life with the same attitude as him.

  我最喜欢的歌手英语作文素材 9


  He caused a lot of controversy, he had a lot of praise, but he also experienced a lot of criticism. He was once just a nobody, and he was never appreciated. Now, he is a singer of heavenly king, and he is the singer I love-Jay Chou.


  I like the tunes of his songs, sometimes elegant and sometimes pleasant, which always give people perfect enjoyment. The unique "RB" singing method has created his own music path. He is unwilling to follow the example of his predecessors, from English style to Spanish style to Chinese style, and then form his own "Jay Chou" style.


  I like his persistence, strength and perseverance. He once failed in the college entrance examination and became a "shop assistant", serving dishes for restaurants, but in this case, he appeared optimistic and strong, never frustrated by difficulties, and never gave up his persistence in music; Once a little assistant, no one wanted to sing the songs he wrote, and he became a veritable "star rejection".


  Jay Chou, a big boy with tenacious perseverance, became very popular in the entertainment circle with his own hard work and hard work, and became a hot singer in the Chinese music scene. Break through yourself and surprise the fans with your spirit of saving face and demanding meticulousness in everything.


  I like his songs and his efforts. No matter how unpopular he is now, I still support him. I still remember the initial touch of his songs, which is very deep ...

  我最喜欢的歌手英语作文素材 10


  Do you have a favorite singer? In this era, everyone has their favorite singers, such as Nan Quan Mama, Flower Band and By2. I also have an idol, and he is Jay Chou.


  He sings beautifully, and the rhythm is very fast. Some songs are made by himself, and he arranges and writes lyrics, etc. He is all in charge, and he has a congenital disease. Under this torture, he still insists on composing music, and the melody of each of his songs is so beautiful, and each song contains a truth.

  他的歌,就像一瓶可乐,充满活力和激情。我最喜欢的是他的稻香。在这首歌里,我听到了优美的曲调,和充满童趣的`歌词。有一句歌词:请你打开电视看看,有多少人为生命走下去,我们是不是该知足,就算没有也会拥有。 这句歌词告诉我们人生会有许多坎坷,但是我们要以乐观的心态去面对。要继续坚强的走下去。

  His songs, like a bottle of coke, are full of energy and passion. What I like best is his Daoxiang. In this song, I heard beautiful tunes and childlike lyrics. There is a lyric: please turn on the TV and see how many people go on for their lives. Should we be satisfied? Even if we dont, we will have it. This lyric tells us that there will be many bumps in life, but we should face them with an optimistic attitude. We must continue to be strong.


  "Should I put down my heavy shell and find out where there is a blue sky? With the gentle wind floating gently, I feel no pain after the injury. I will climb up step by step, waiting for the sunshine to quietly look at its face. The little day has big dreams and the heavy shell hangs gently." These lyrics tell us that we should climb to the end point bit by bit and find our own day.


  When listening to Jay Chous songs, I forgot everything to experience which philosophy.

  我最喜欢的歌手英语作文素材 11


  I am a boy who likes singing very much, because I love singing very much since I was a child. Sometimes I sing to my parents and classmates, and they all say that I have a great talent for singing.


  There is a singer who has a great influence on me, and it is because of his encouragement that I have more determined my dream of becoming a singer. That singer is Jay Chou. I didnt like him before, but once I was bored on the Internet and accidentally pressed the keyboard, his information came out. I didnt know the price and sweat he paid for becoming a singer until I read it.


  He is a child from a single-parent family. He has lived with his mother since childhood. Their life is very hard, but he is not afraid of suffering at all. He loves singing. So I often go to a karaoke bar to sing. Sometimes his monthly income cant even afford the living expenses of him and his mother. Others dislike his poor singing and quit him. After losing his job, he didnt give up his dream of singing. Hard work pays off. By chance, a well-developed record company made him fulfill his wish to be a singer. After a few years, he participated in almost every donation, love and other activities, and gradually he became an idol in my mind. From then on, I made up my mind that I would never give up for my dream like him.


  If I am a singer, I will bring happiness to everyone with my most beautiful singing voice. I will use my wisdom, my hard work and my efforts to fulfill my dream of being a singer, so that I can become a good singer in the future.

  我最喜欢的歌手英语作文素材 12

  除了书法与练琴,我的第二项爱好就是欣赏音乐。每当沉浸在音乐里,我就忘记了心中所有的烦恼和忧伤。在音乐里徜徉,就像置身于美丽的风景中,使人陶醉,让人流连忘返。世上有各种各样的歌手,当然也有五花八门的歌曲。虽说每位歌手都各有千秋,但我最喜欢的是下面为大家介绍的一位歌手——Lady gaga。

  Besides calligraphy and piano practice, my second hobby is listening to music. Whenever I am immersed in music, I forget all my troubles and sorrows. Wandering in music is like being in a beautiful scenery, which makes people intoxicated and lingering. There are all kinds of singers in the world, and of course there are all kinds of songs. Although every singer has his own merits, my favorite is a singer introduced to you below-Lady Gaga.

  Lady gaga是美国的超前卫歌手。Lady GaGa造型夸张怪异,蝴蝶结头、肉色连身裤、太空造型眼镜……她用自己大胆而富有创意的时髦服装极度满足观众的眼球经济,而立足于美国歌坛,从流行乐界一路红到时尚界。虽说Lady GaGa有着时髦的服装,但不要以为嘎嘎的唱功一般。嘎嘎的`唱功毫不比她的造型逊色。她不仅有一流、清纯的声线,更是个超极具有个性的创作酷妹。她的最新歌曲《TELEPHONE》,充满着时尚与潮流。首先是一段清新秀丽的前奏,要是没听过的人一定以为这是一首由日本少女演唱的清纯歌曲。接下去便是充满激情的摇滚乐,Lady GaGa那时髦又稍稍带点沙哑的声音完美地演绎出了这首《TELEPHONE》的灵魂所在。

  Lady gaga is an American super avant-garde singer. Lady GaGas style is exaggerated and weird, with bow heads, flesh-colored jumpsuits and space-shaped glasses ... She uses her bold and creative fashion clothes to satisfy the audiences eye economy, and is based on American music, from pop music to fashion. Although Lady GaGa has fashionable clothes, dont think Gagas singing skills are average. Gagas singing skills are not inferior to her modeling. She not only has a first-class, pure voice, but also is a super cool creative girl with great personality. Her latest song "TELEPHONE" is full of fashion and trends. First of all, it is a fresh and beautiful prelude. Those who havent heard it must think that it is a pure song sung by a Japanese girl. Then there is passionate rock music, and Lady GaGas fashionable and slightly hoarse voice perfectly interprets the soul of this "TELEPHONE".


  May Lady Gaga be transformed into a gorgeous Hua Hudie, with fans hopes for you, spreading their wings and soaring in the music sky!

  我最喜欢的歌手英语作文素材 13


  Perhaps speaking of sentimental singers, Vae is the first thing that comes to my mind. This singer is not very famous at present, but his music has a different feeling from many current singers.


  As a singer, Vae is not favored by most people. After all, he is only a medical university student, a monk halfway, and an online singer, which doomed Vae to reach a very high level, but we can see his thoughts and values in his music. The 2015 album "Between Mountains and Rivers" vividly shows his indifferent pursuit of fame and fortune.


  Some people praise him as a genius of music. In his songs, there is often a feeling of independent thinking and criticism. He has never changed his singing style and preserved his original unique playing style, which also distinguishes his music from many popular music.


  He is using music to convey his views and feelings about life and stick to his musical dreams. Even though he became a monk halfway, his singing skills and stage performance were not good, he never gave up and stuck to his dreams. His music inspired countless people and gave many people strength at the same time.


  A singer can use music to convey his ideas, not pursuing fame and fortune, indifferent to fame and fortune, and looking for the purest music in his heart. Presumably, as a singer, these are enough. We are not singers, should we learn from him, be less utilitarian and have more feelings for life?

  我最喜欢的歌手英语作文素材 14


  My favorite singer is Chris Lee. I believe everyone is familiar with her. In the Super Girl contest in 2005, she won the championship of Super Girl with 3.52 million votes, and became a popular idol in peoples hearts. Chris Lee is very polite and cultured. When signing the album, she will give it with both hands and say thank you softly. For the elderly and children, she will stand up and hand it over. She respects others very much, understands empathy and understands others. But what I like more about her is that her respect for others doesnt mean conformity. Understanding others does not mean giving up your own judgment.


  Chris Lees songs always have a positive feeling. Especially the song "Like You", which is a public welfare propaganda song of China Red Cross Foundation, expresses that in the face of disaster, we have not given up, we have been struggling and we have been together.


  What moved me most about Chris Lee was her kindness. With so much corn to support her and so much love given to her, she turned so much love into help for leukemia children and established the corn love foundation. Now the money of the love foundation has exceeded 5 million. Rescued countless leukemia children and built several corn fraternity health stations. In this Yushu earthquake, the Corn Foundation donated 1 million yuan to build a health center there.


  This is my favorite singer, and this is the real Chris Lee. She never explains anything about gossip. She uses her own efforts and strength to break rumors and prove herself. She loves music and has always adhered to her original dream of music. Even though she has been vilified and reviled countless times, she still persists without regrets. I am deeply moved by this. I want to be like her when I grow up, not necessarily a star, but I must stick to my dreams and never give up.

  我最喜欢的歌手英语作文素材 15


  "Hey, kid, do you have many question marks?" When the familiar melody rings, I will hum slowly along with the audio.


  This is my favorite singer Jay Chous song, and just like the lyrics, they will all sing my song. Now many people really sing your song and tell their feelings to the music.


  Thanks to the appearance of Jay Chou in my youth, when I turn on my MP3 player and listen to Qi Li Xiang, I will think of the scene when I went to play by the river with my favorite person in summer, but the sparrows outside were chirping and refusing to listen, and the small fish we caught tasted delicious. I want to share this summer-free taste with my favorite person most.


  When the latest "Waiting for you to finish class" comes out, it makes me feel the same way. Every day when I come home from school, I will watch him pass by from the window at home. I also want to know whether the headphones he brings listen to the same song with me, whether it is music, words or speeches. I dont have the possibility to get close to him. I dont belong to the same school. Its hard for me to meet him. Fate has given me the opportunity to live in our home not far away. I go home every month off, and I can still see him, just 50 meters down the alley, and I will always follow him until I disappear.


  I regret not being admitted to the same university as him. I asked my friend to inquire about his college entrance examination wishes. If I failed, I chose a school closer to him. Maybe I could pursue it slowly and approach him slowly when I was in college, asking him to discover my own advantages slowly.


  In the end, I didnt get what I wanted. I couldnt even get into the schools around him.


  Youth has passed for a long time, but I still remember some small unrequited love and feelings.


  I am grateful to those people in my life who make my heart beat. When I want to go back to that year, I will listen to his songs and meet people I havent seen for a long time in my memory. I dont want to forget them.

  我最喜欢的歌手英语作文素材 16


  JJ Lin is the "King of Music" in my heart. I like JJ Lins songs very much. When I walk by the river, I always hum his songs. In fact, I just liked his voice, his music and his dance steps at first, but then I unconsciously fell in love with this cute and handsome man with shallow dimples and a sunny smile.


  Friends say JJ is not handsome, but cute. But I think he is very handsome, his talent, his music, and he are the most handsome and excellent.

  我最喜欢的歌手英语作文素材 17


  Yu-Ching Fei, dont say anything, just listening to his name sounds good. He has more than 100 famous songs, such as Pruning Plums, Dont Forget Me, Snow Mountain Alliance, and Jiangnan New Dream, and is a contemporary superstar. Many people on the internet say that his songs are the sounds of nature, and many people say that his beautiful voice and beautiful melody are a heater that warms peoples hearts, a strong backing for a crisp and soft heart, and an upright ambition!


  When Yu-Ching Fei sings, he likes to raise his head a little and close his eyes. It seems that he has been intoxicated by his own songs. From time to time, he reaches out his hand, holds his heart, shakes his head, and then straightens out, like running water, like soft lines, like filar silk waves slowly paddling up and down from right to left on his chest, and falls down with his hands when he reaches the passionate part or the high-pitched part. These actions are all beautiful. After singing, nod hard.


  I wish my idol, Yu-Ching Fei, better results in the new year! Greater success! Take the prize and get soft!

  我最喜欢的歌手英语作文素材 18


  Speaking of my idol, it is the most popular "King of Asia" in todays society. I can recite all the titles of his album without singing. What fascinates me most about him is his appearance, which is handsome: small eyes, from which charm is released; The big nose is in sharp contrast with the eyes, but it seems that there is nothing wrong with it; Thick lips always tilt up when singing. Such a combination forms his unique and incomparable face.


  His songs are unparalleled. When he first started out, a lot of people said that he couldnt pronounce words clearly (I was one of them), but after a long time, he didnt like it and became fond of it (including me).


  His album Chopin in November last November was super, super, super nice, and because of that album, all the students in our class liked him (hee hee, thanks to me), and his songs must be sung every day. Now, listening to his songs from classmates is more memorable than listening to him!


  Do you know who he is?


  Thats JAY Jay Chou!

  我最喜欢的歌手英语作文素材 19


  My favorite idol is Jay Chou.


  His hair is brown, and the hair in front of him deliberately swings to the right, covering his right eye (not completely invisible). His nose is big and his ears are big, which makes him look handsome. He was born in Taiwan Province. He usually likes to wear sports shoes, loves white, and often wears white clothes. His eyes are full of heartless personality, but on the surface, he is very gentle. I also know that he has released two new songs this year, named "Wrecks" and "Breaking the Ring". I like his song "Nunchaku" best. Why? Because I like rock and roll very much, and "Nunchaku" is the best among Jay Chous songs, so I like it very much.


  Having said that, do you want to know how I know Jay Chou? All right! I tell you, I overheard Jay Chous song Drift in the car, so I will always remember his name-Jay Chou.


  He not only sings well, but also is very talented. Most of his songs are written by himself. Other singers come to ask him to arrange and write his own songs and lyrics.


  I hope I will surpass him in the future.

  我最喜欢的歌手英语作文素材 20


  Everyone has his favorite star, and I also have a favorite singer. His name is Jay Chou. I didnt like anyone before. Since I listened to Jay Chous songs at my mothers, I have liked him very much, but I still dont know what he looks like! I dont know what kind of story he has, I muttered to myself.


  Once, I asked my mother, "What does Jay Chou look like?" Mom replied, "He is handsome, talented and humorous. People call him Jay Chou.". I learned from TV and books that Jay Chou is not only a singer, but also a director and creator. Jay Chou has released albums since 2000: Jay, Fan Texi, Octave Space, Ye Huimei, Qi Li Xiang, Chopin in November, Still Fan Texi, and The Devil. He has also acted in many films, such as Initial D, Unspeakable Secret, and Love on the Roof.


  But I still like listening to his songs best, such as Grandpas Tea, The End of the World, Tornado … I like these songs because they have a sense of rhythm.


  I also learned many good qualities from Jay Chou. He is very filial to his parents and respects his elders. I also want to learn from Jay Chou, stick to my dream, and I will become a useful person when I grow up.

  我最喜欢的歌手英语作文素材 21


  My idol is Jay Chou, who is called "King of Asian Pop". I grew up listening to his songs. I have heard and watched almost every song and movie he published.


  When Jay Chou was a child, the economic conditions at home were not very good. He also liked music and musical instruments very much. His favorite musical instrument was the piano. Jay Chous mother praised her salary for half a year just to buy a piano for Jay Chou. Jay Chou didnt live up to her mothers expectations, and finally she was admitted to the Music Department of Tamkang Senior High School in Taibei County.


  JAY Chou has produced 16 albums from the first album Jay to the present Cross-Times. It has been ten years since 2000, and has experienced numerous vicissitudes and overcome numerous difficulties. He also established his own economic company "Jewell Music Co., Ltd.", which enjoys a high reputation all over the world. There is hardly a body double in Jay Chous films, and all the difficult moves are performed by himself.


  Jay Chou is very filial to his mother and grandmother, which is what we in China value most. Jay Chou is also a philanthropist. In Wenchuan earthquake, Jay Chou donated a total of 23 million Taiwan dollars three times, and in Yushu earthquake, Jay Chou donated another 30 million Taiwan dollars. Together, the money can run dozens of schools for the children in the disaster area.


  Jay Chou is the pride of our China people and an example for me to learn from. I applaud Jay Chou.

  我最喜欢的歌手英语作文素材 22


  I am fascinated by JJ Lin, because his songs are very nice. Many of my classmates are also crazy about him.


  Students in our class have heard many of his songs, such as "No.89757", "Cao Cao" and "Original". Students who are fascinated by JJ Lin have posted posters, photos and pictures of JJ Lin on their walls ... even on the bedside and bookshelves. Many students have JJ Lins songs in their home CDs. Some people even listen to them in the classroom with mp3 and mp4, even in class. They are so fascinated that they sing them out. Although I am fascinated, I am not so fascinated.


  In the music class, the teacher asked our classmates to find extracurricular songs and pop songs, but 38 of the 48 students in our class chose JJ Lins songs. The teacher was very surprised: "Why do you all like JJ Lin?"


  We also sing JJ Lins songs in our performances. Oh, my god The teacher listened to JJ Lins songs in his right ear and JJ Lins songs in his left ear. The teacher said that his brain was killing him. My classmates are addicted to JJ Lin so much. If I had known, I wouldnt have been crazy with them.


  One Friday, at a classmates birthday party, he invited all the JJ Lin fans in the class, leaving no one behind. As soon as a group of people were singing JJ Lins songs, I was going crazy. Later, I couldnt stand running away.

  我最喜欢的歌手英语作文素材 23


  "The wind is sticky here, thinking about the thoughts of passers-by, and the rain is entangled here, pestering us to miss the world." A Jiangnan song touched many peoples thoughts, a Jiangnan song touched many peoples heartstrings, and a Jiangnan ...

  江南,自古以来都是人们心中那个最宁静,最安逸的地方。林俊杰作曲的《江南》,人们心中那个神圣的江南,带给人们多久的'感叹。 “天天年年天天的我,深深看你的脸,生气的温柔,埋怨的温柔的脸”美好的江南融入了人世间最好的那份情,那份爱,以及幼稚的我们心中那份不为人知的情感,十二三岁的我们,竟也会被这难懂的情所感动,所震撼。

  Jiangnan has always been the quietest and most comfortable place in peoples hearts. JJ Lins "Jiangnan", the sacred Jiangnan in peoples hearts, has brought people a long sigh. "Every day, every day, I deeply look at your face, angry and gentle, complaining and gentle." The beautiful Jiangnan is integrated with the best feeling, love and the unknown emotion in our hearts. At the age of 12 or 13, we will be moved and shocked by this incomprehensible feeling.


  "We dont know how to be gentle, but we think that double suicide is just an ancient rumor. How painful it can be to leave sorrow, and how painful it is. When the dream is buried in the misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River, we will understand it when our hearts are broken." What is love in the world? The answer to this question is difficult to answer easily. People in ancient and modern times are confused and lingering about it, not to mention us ...


  JJ Lins feelings in the south of the Yangtze River must be the most unknown and unique feelings in the south of the Yangtze River. The love in the south of the Yangtze River ... A seat of water and a mountain in the south of the Yangtze River have been deeply lamented by people from ancient times to modern times for hundreds of years or even tens of thousands of years. Singing "Jiangnan" gently, closing your eyes and feeling Jiangnan attentively, it really has a special and unspeakable taste.


  Jiangnan on earth, JJ Lins "Jiangnan", as the song goes, was frozen for him in a moment in misty rain, but it lasted forever.

  我最喜欢的歌手英语作文素材 24


  If you quietly open the exquisite box of Pandora, you can walk into a fantastic world with her, Angela Zhang-quaint and petite.


  In the series "Lovers in Dolphin Bay", I met her. She naturally and naturally interpreted the role of Yi Tianyan, and I found kindness, simplicity, tolerance and persistence in her. I treated everything around me with the brightest smile and the most beautiful mentality, and finally resolved all contradictions, won everyones love, realized my dreams, and convinced me that good people will eventually have good luck and pay. From then on, I deeply imprinted her name-Angela Zhang on my mind. I like her sweet appearance, her hearty laughter, and I prefer to listen to her inner whispers, and use songs to explain the publicity of her life, accompany my life and study, and give me spiritual nutrition.

  我是一个追星族,追明星身上特有的气质和精神力量,《最近》我的考试不太理想,心情郁闷,用《保护色》遮掩了我的伤悲,在那属于我的《口袋的天空》里默默地倾诉着,但当我把耳机一插入我的耳朵,看到活泼而自信的张韶涵正与《潘朵拉》一起跳拉拉舞,周围开满了迷人芬芳的《香水百合》,在《永昼》中含苞待放,娇艳欲滴,她挥着《隐型的翅膀》让《天边》的云彩也为之逊色 ,在自己用勇气、恒心、努力精心打造的世界里寻找她曾经《遗失的美好》,对身边人讲述着现在的幸福《寓言》,那个故事是《真的》,又那么的《惊天动地》,她做每一件事都不会退缩,在一次次蜕变中,成就完美,她是我永远的偶像,在我每一次心灵荒芜中,给我播撒一棵孕育生机的种子。

  Im a groupie, chasing the unique temperament and spiritual strength of stars. Recently, my exam was not ideal, and I was depressed. I covered my sadness with Protective Color, and I confided silently in my Pocket Sky, but when I put my headphones in my ear, I saw Angela Zhang, who was lively and confident, dancing with Pandora, surrounded by charming and fragrant flowers. Delicate and charming, she waved "Invisible Wings" to make the clouds of "Horizon" inferior, looking for her once "Lost Beauty" in the world carefully built by her courage, perseverance and efforts, and telling the people around her about the present happiness "Fable". The story is "True" and "Earth-shattering". She will not shrink back from everything she does.


  I used to be very naive, so naive that I avoided difficulties and gave up easily. Now, with her company and the melody of Pandora echoing in my ears, I want to continue one wonderful Fable after another with her-Angela Zhang!










