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时间:2024-07-29 09:05:26 登绮 现代诗 我要投稿
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  英文书写春天的现代诗歌 1

  Spring, the sweet spring, is the year’s pleasant king;

  Then blooms each thing, then maids dance in a ring,

  Cold doth not sting, the pretty birds do sing,

  Cuckoo, jug-jug, pu-we, to-witta-woo!

  The palm and may make country houses gay,

  Lambs frisk and play, the shepherds pipe all day,

  And we hear aye birds tune this merry lay,

  Cuckoo, jug-jug, pu-we, to-witta-woo!

  The fields breathe sweet, the daisies kiss our feet,

  Young lovers meet, old wives a sunning sit,

  In every street these tunes our ears do greet,

  Cuckoo, jug-jug, pu-we, to-witta-woo!

  Spring! The sweet Spring!

  英文书写春天的现代诗歌 2

  Sound the Flute!

  Now its mute.

  Birds delight

  Day and Night.


  In the dale,

  Lark in Sky


  merrily merrily to welcome in the Year.

  Little Boy

  Full of joy.

  Little Girl

  Sweet and small.

  Cock does crow,

  So do you.

  merry voice,

  Infant noise,

  merrily merrily to welcome in the Year.

  Little Lamb,

  Here I am,

  Come and lick

  my white neck.

  Let me pull

  Your soft Wool.

  Let me kiss

  Your soft face.

  merrily merrily we welcome in the Year.

  英文书写春天的现代诗歌 3

  Spring, I wait for you to come back

  Date spring on a suburban hillside

  Bees gather honey from flower buds

  The stream flowed among the flowers

  The spring breeze wisps --

  Dyed white pear tree

  The spring sun melts --

  Burnt red peach blossom

  And in the fields

  The wild rapeseed flowers are in full bloom

  One by one

  Hold your head high in the spring breeze

  When Ying Ying beckoned

  Will show its charm 琸 rhyme

  Spring, I wait for you to come back

  With the bright sunshine

  The spring breeze wisps --

  Kiss wake Creek River

  Dye the mountains green

  And in the sky

  The beautiful clouds

  Bits and pieces of that

  In the spring breeze to cast hope

  When the seeds germinate

  It will be colorful

  Spring, I wait for you to come back

  Humming a soft, happy tune

  The spring breeze wisps --

  The grass is growing and the nightingales are flying

  The wind blows the fragrance of flowers.

  And the corners of your mouth

  Smiling dimple

  When the heart is attached

  That ripples in layers

  Shallow skimming heart

  Spring lingers in my heart

  英文书写春天的现代诗歌 4

  The last snow

  Looking out the window at the top of the tree

  The mist from the branches

  Quietly dripping into the colors of spring

  The buds poking out of the frozen soil

  Knocking at the doors of the earth

  A great life force

  Calling out the beautiful mountains and rivers full of flowers and butterflies

  Fragrant moist soil

  Take off the heavy winter clothes

  Welcome every seeker to visit

  The warm, warm breeze

  Like a clever swallow

  With a message of primrose

  Fly over mountains and fields, skyscrapers and island villages

  The beautiful sunshine

  Scatter the earth

  Like a warm giant hand

  Gently touch every inch of the earth

  The spring girl crowding in the distance

  Stroll by the river

  Fresh, soft air

  Wrapped in a moist scent

  The warmth of the sun, the comfort of the breeze

  Free to the world of spring

  Run to the hometown of spring

  The patter of rain

  Like a six-stringed harp

  Under the gentle touch of the spring breeze

  Ding ding Dong dong, elegant floating

  The shadow of the trees, the forest of dreams

  Full of the fragrance of flowers

  The freshness of the rain, the sunshine of the heart

  Lead me into the colorful mystery

  The giant hand of spring

  A magic paintbrush

  Paint with all the colors you want

  Set up a beautiful gallery for three mountains and five mountains


  The verdant of the north, the verdant of the south

  The fields and mountains have been dyed with spring

  A sacred temple

  The strings of the river

  Put out a smooth movement

  The drums of high mountains

  Play a happy symphony

  The swallow murmured brightly

  The magpie announced the overture

  Let the long-lost mood fly

  Wave goodbye to last nights cold winter

  Give wings to the hibernating heart

  Go on a date with spring

  Rubbing his sleepy eyes

  A soft knock on the door

  There was a warm current

  With its dense aroma

  Open ones heart

  Jumping in the warm sunshine

  Up the high hill

  Over the babbling brook

  Raise one leg and tie a red silk ribbon

  Staring at the spores, with a sweet froth

  Purple dreams, talking eyes

  Mind crossing

  Indulge in the fragrant air!

  英文书写春天的现代诗歌 5

  Rape flowers. One golden piece after another

  The peach blossoms are getting more and more beautiful

  The old wind is chattering again

  On the way home, back and forth, little bee

  Love songs all the way

  Infatuated, accompany me to the small village

  Knocking down the old house is quaint

  Rosewood door. My little white dog, a change of course

  Its a mess for me

  The mother recognized her sons voice and stumbled and smiled

  The crutches were flying in his hands

  "The little white dog has gone peach-mad again..."

  Mother talked and laughed

  Call me a hot baby name

  As if I was the real spring

  英文书写春天的现代诗歌 6

  Footsteps of spring


  Walking gently towards you

  Like a breeze in my heart


  A years worth of wishes

  Footsteps of spring

  It is the river that sheds its coat of ice

  I want to wake up.

  Fish sleeping at the bottom of the river

  And be afraid of

  The spring thunder of Awakening of insects splits the proverb

  Wet and breathing


  Footsteps of spring

  It is the longing color of the field after the snow

  The dandelions, morning glory, and cytaria are not yet open

  The spring breeze invites a feast

  The green of Tinker Bell and the red of Teng Teng

  And be afraid of

  Offended in the bleary soil

  Its a little bit tender

  Light yellow

  Footsteps of spring

  It is the wisp of cooking smoke hanging in the heart of the wanderer

  Mother had put the bright red spring on the door of the old house

  The wanderers heart is boiling hot

  Erase the sunset from your face

  And be afraid of

  Carry warm days


  英文书写春天的现代诗歌 7

  Winter is not far away

  A snow flying

  A mist of confusion

  A haze is still lingering gray

  And yet, here you are

  Hear, far away, the sound of your footsteps

  Smell, your clean breath of vitality, fluttering

  Your dreams shine on the new shoots in the branches

  The snow has melted into rain and the fog has dissolved into dew

  For you, for your arrival, sprinkle the holy water of washing the dust

  You, the spirit of spring

  Long before the spring flowers are in full bloom

  With the golden coat of sunshine, dancing like the breeze

  You are a breath of innocence

  Full of the tenderness of water, the purity of snow

  A little jade like cool and warm sunshine, blowing

  You spin and drift among the branches of the tree

  The forest is woven with a vision of spring

  Fly along your dreams, will grow out

  The image of green leaves, buds and spring flowers

  The ice melts and the river murmurs

  Its you and your song thats riding the wave

  The snow glistening, reflecting your fairy phantom

  The warmth rises in the vast mountains

  A sound of birds singing, breaking through the cold

  Sonorous passion echoes, rippling with the sound of spring

  Waves of birds, whispering

  Early spring quiet, soft, calling spring dream

  In just a few days, winter is cold and spring is warm

  The sun shone brightly and the blue sky grew blue

  The buds and buds of winter are spread out

  Listen, listen, the sound of spring

  The fairy of flowers, the spirit of grass

  From the hollow sanctuary of trees, mountains and seas

  For the annual fairy pageant

  A colorful celebration of the spring of life

  英文书写春天的现代诗歌 8

  Spring is coming

  The wind girl has a comb


  Comb willow sisters hair

  Spring Comes

  The grass woke up from the winter mothers arms


  Delicate little body

  Spring is coming

  The flowers came scrambling out


  With a beautiful, charming smile

  Spring is coming

  Swallows fly back to their native land

  On the job

  Pick up mud and grass to build homes

  Spring Comes

  People took off their heavy cotton coats


  Swim in the charming scenery of spring

  英文书写春天的现代诗歌 9

  The wind tangled outside the window

  Cold condensation

  Silence is the only picture in the frozen world

  Snow, start one piece, one piece

  Fly away from my door

  It was like fireworks

  Like leaves gently push away time

  You can see the flying geese

  Autumn has already gone away on the road

  Only the faint shadows of clouds were left on the high blue curtain

  And the wind can not blow away the lonely

  Guarding a few plum trees

  Planting four seasons lonely mood

  The day when the snow was flying

  The plum blossom is open.

  Flowers as red as fire and thick as blood

  Life on top of it is how warm and spirited

  Is spring coming

  Spring is coming

  Every time I talk to it

  Always tell me that

  The larks are already singing in the woods

  The groundhog is exploring the ground

  And ants, crickets, butterflies...

  Together they will push open the gates of winter

  Welcome the bright and fragrant spring of flowers in full bloom

  The lives that lie dormant

  Lives that exist silently in the dark, cold, lonely pain

  They never lack for light, and they never fear the cold

  Never give up hope, never miss every spring

  No matter how much warmth and affection the past took away

  How much pain and sadness is left

  Please stay with this plum tree

  Bravely jump on the journey of spring

  Leave a beautiful and firm back to the world?

  英文书写春天的现代诗歌 10

  The cold wind blows and the bitter rain pours

  People long for the spring flowers, snow should be soulful to fly

  The ground was white and the sky was full of swirl

  Heaven and earth are one, flowers and snow are confused

  The earth and the sky into the whole candle, the child plum blossom is half a candle wick

  Children unfold this winter picture, plum lit that next spring

  Kiss the wind dance, cuddle the mountains

  Its lovers who tear up pieces of love letters when theyre angry

  Or green trees sunny warm, dancing spring catkins

  Who is the pioneer of spring, who is the action signal of spring

  He who sweeps away the pests, he who moistens the ground

  When the snow shows its strength, there is news in good years

  Snow to spring, spring to snow retreat

  Snow is the prelude to spring, and spring is the macro of snow

  The white six-petal flowers fly all over the sky, and the new beauty of the spring is closely chased









