我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-04-25 14:13:35 经典语录 我要投稿


  1.I wouldn't say amazing. At best, it's a modest leap forward from the basic technology that gave us Country Bear Jamboree.我可不会说不可思议,最多不过是比《乡村熊狂欢节》里使用的最基本的科技前进了一小步而已。


  2.Oh, Amy’s at the dry cleaners, and she's made a very amusing pun. "I don't care for perchloroethylene and I don't like glycol, ether."哦,艾米正在干洗店,然后想到一个很有趣的双关语。“我不喜欢全氯乙烯,不喜欢乙二醇醚。”

  3.Amy pointed out that between the two of us, our genetic material has the potential of producing the first in a line of intellectually superior benign overlords to guide humanity to a brighter tomorrow.艾米指出通过我俩的结合,我们的基因将会有机会制造出前所未有的智力超群,仁慈善良的君主,带领人类走向光明未来。

  4.I'm quite aware of the way humans usually reproduce, which is messy, unsanitary -- and, based on living next to you for three years --involves loud and unnecessary appeals to a deity.我很清楚人类繁殖的'方式,既脏乱又不卫生,而且跟你做了三年邻居,听了太多不必要又响亮的呼唤神。

  5.It was Thanksgiving. Uncle Carl said "I think there's a badger living in our chimney, hand me that flashlight." Those were the last words he ever spoke to us.那是感恩节。卡尔叔叔说“我觉得有只獾住在咱家烟囱里,把手电筒给我”。那是他对我们说的最后几句话。

  6.A dog-o-pus can play fetch with eight balls - no one can hate that.章狗玩接球时能接8个球-没有人能讨厌这个。

  7.This is delightful. It's much easier to enjoy the picturesque route we travel to work when you remove the spectre of fiery, vehicular death.这种感觉太赞了。不用担心死于车祸,这样在上班路中欣赏美景就更加怡然自得了。

  8.I should have warned you. One has to navigate a labyrinth of social nonsense before one can be fed here.我应该提前通知你的,如果想在这里用餐前,必须要经历连串繁杂而无用的寒暄。

  9.May I point out that for eight long months I suffered in silence as your female companion filled our apartment with her off-key country music caterwauling, the unappetizing spectacle of her grinding a pumice stone against her callused feet in our living room, and night after night of uninformative TV documentaries about the Jersey shore.那我可得指出,我忍气吞声整整八个月忍受你女朋友在咱家大声唱跑调的乡村音乐,毫不知羞地在咱客厅用浮石磨长满老茧的脚,一夜接一夜地看毫无内涵的电视剧《泽西海滩》。

  10.Cats make wonderful companions, they don't argue or question my intellectual authority, and this little guy here, I think you'll find to be quite zazzy.猫是很好的伙伴,不会跟你吵也不会质疑你的才智权威,还有这个小家伙,你们会发现它实在太犀利了。









