八年级上册What were you doing at this time yesterday教案设计
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八年级上册What were you doing at this tim

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八年级上册What were you doing at this time yesterday教案设计

  The main activities are1a,1cand2a. 本课重点活动是1a,1c和2a.

八年级上册What were you doing at this time yesterday教案设计

  Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标

  1. Learn some new words and useful phrases:

  agree, pleasant, agree with sb., handsome, useful, sad, make faces, laugh

  2. Learn some useful sentences:

  (1)I thought it was just so-so.

  (2)I thought he was very brave!

  (3)It’s nothing serious.

  (4)MissWang was angry with me.

  3. Go on learning the past continuous tense:

  (1)—What were you doing at this time last night?

  —I was watching a Harry Potter movie.

  (2)Because I made faces and made my classmates laugh when she was giving us a lesson.

  (3)You weren’t listening to the teacher.

  4. Learn to express agreement and disagreement:

  —I think classical music is pleasant.


  I agree with you. / Yes, I think so.

  I don’t agree. / No, I don’t think so. I think it’s boring.

  Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具


  Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

  Step 1Review 第一步复习(时间:6分钟)


  1. (检查家庭作业,然后由教师设置情境,复习过去进行时的特殊疑问句和肯定句。)

  T:Let’s check the homework. Now I’ll ask several students to report what they were doing at different times last Sunday. Volunteers?

  S1: I was running from 6:30 to 7:00. Then at 7:30 I was havingbreakfast …

  S2: I had a nice weekend. I was playing computer games from 6:00 to 7:00. Then …

  S3: …



  T:Ask and answer one by one, using the past continuous tense.

  S4: I was doing my homework at 8:00 yesterday evening. What were you doing at 8:30 yesterday evening?

  S5: I was watching TV. What were you doing from 9:00 to 9:30 yesterday evening?

  S6: I was studying. What were you doing at 10:00 yesterday evening?

  S7: I was sleeping. What were you doing from 6:00 to 6:30 yesterday evening?

  S8: I was having supper …


  2. (学生两人一组就今天早上大约六点钟时所做的事情做猜谜游戏,一个学生做动作,另一个学生猜他/她在干什么,来练习过去进行时的一般疑问句。)

  T: Let’s play a game in pairs. One does the action, the other guesses what he/she was doing at six o’clock this morning. S9, S10, you two, please.


  S9:Were you playing the piano at about six o’clock this morning?

  S10: No, I wasn’t.

  S9:Were you getting up?

  S10: Yes, I was. It’s your turn.



  T: Do you know what your parents were doing at 8:00 yesterday evening?

  S11: They were watching movies. They like watching movies very much.


  T: Do you like watching movies?

  Ss: Yes.

  T: Do you like Harry Potter?

  Ss: Yes, very much.

  T: I like it, too. OK, let’s watch a Harry Potter movie.

  Ss: Yeah! (欢呼)

  Step 2Presentation 第二步呈现(时间:10分钟)


  1. (教师播放电影《哈利·波特》的录像片断。欣赏后师生问答。)

  T: What do you think of the movie? Wonderful or so-so?

  S1: It’s very wonderful.

  T: (手指S1) S2, he thinks the movie is wonderful. Do you think so?

  S2: Yes, I think so.

  T:Oh, that means you agree with him. I also agree with him and I think the scene is beautiful, the music is pleasant, too.

  (板书解释生词及词组,并要求学生掌握agree, agree with sb., pleasant;理解so-so;了解scene。)

  so-so, agree, agree with sb., scene, pleasant

  T: What do you think of the boy Harry Potter?

  S4:He’s very clever.

  S5:He’s very brave.


  T: Yes, I agree with you. And I think he’s handsome, too. Do you agree with me?

  Ss: Yes.



  T: OK. Do you know what Maria thinks of the movie?

  Ss: Sorry, we don’t.


  2. (教师用小黑板出示听力问题,让学生带着问题听1a录音,然后回答问题。)

  T: OK. Let’s listen to1aand find out the answers to these questions on the small blackboard.

  (1) What was Maria doing at this time last night?

  (2) What did Maria think of the movie?

  (3) What did Jane and Maria think of Harry Potter?


  3. (让学生阅读对话,完成下列表格。)

  T: Read the dialog by yourselves. Find out what Jane and Maria thought of the movie, the scene, the music and the boy. Then complete the table.




  The movie

  The scene

  The music

  The boy




  4. (让学生听1a录音,学生跟读并模仿。注意语音语调,同时画出表示赞同和不赞同的句子。)

  T:Listen to the tape and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Then underline the sentences that express agreement and disagreement.


  Step 3Consolidation 第三步巩固(时间:10分钟)


  1. (让学生两人一组练习对话。)

  T: Practice the dialog in pairs.

  2. (让两名学生根据小黑板上表格的信息,复述1a对话中主人公对电影Harry Potter的评价。)

  T: Jane and Maria saw the movie Harry Potter last week. They had their own opinions about it. Now talk about what they thought of the movie according to the table. S1 and S2, please.

  S1: Jane thought …

  S2: Maria doesn’t agree with all of Jane. She thought …

  3. (根据1a对话,鼓励学生谈论其他看过的电影。)

  T:Please discuss some other movies you know with your partner according to1a. Then I’ll ask some pairs to act in the front.


  4. (小组活动。给每组发一张写有某一观点的卡片,四人一组讨论并陈述自己对这一观点的看法,完成1c。)

  T:Now I’ll give each group a card with different ideas. You make conversations in groups of four according to your own opinions after the examples. Please look at this card. (教师出示第一张卡片,卡片上写着:computer, useful。)

  Example 1:

  T:I think the computer is useful. What about you, S3?



  S3: No, I don’t think so.

  S4: I don’t agree with S3. I think it’s good for our study.

  S5: I think so. But playing computer games too much is bad.

  (老师出示第二张卡片,卡片上写着:classical music, pleasant。)

  Example 2:

  S6: I think classical music is pleasant.

  S7: Yes, I think so.

  S8: I agree with you.

  S9: I agree with you, too.

  T: Pretty well! Do you know what your teachers feel when you aren’t listening to them during the class? Let’s look at the picture, please.

  Step 4Practice 第四步练习(时间:12分钟)


  1. (出示2a挂图,跟学生一起讨论。)

  T: What’s the boy doing?

  S1: 做鬼脸。(学生可用汉语回答。)

  T: He is making faces. What are the other children doing?

  SS: 大笑。(学生可用汉语回答。)

  T: They are laughing.

  (板书新词laugh,并解释make faces。要求学生掌握。)

  make faces, laugh

  T: OK, is making faces in class bad or good?

  Ss: It’s bad.

  T: The teacher must be angry with him. Do you think so?

  Ss: Yes.

  T: When the teacher is angry with him, what’s the boy’s feeling? Is he happy or sad?

  (板书sad并画一个 释义,要求学生掌握。)


  T: The boy must be sad. Do you think so?

  Ss: Yes.

  T: Now look at the picture again. The boy made faces and made his classmates laugh when the

  teacher was giving them a lesson.


  The boy made faces and made his classmates laugh when the teacher was giving them a lesson.


  2. (设置听力任务,让学生听2a录音,回答小黑板上的问题。)

  T: What did Bill do in class? And what does Kangkang think of that? Please listen to2aand answer the questions.

  (1) What did Bill do in class?

  (2) What does Kangkang think of that?


  3. (听2a录音,跟读并找出关键词句。教师出示写有关键词句的小黑板。)

  T: Listen to the tape and repeat. Then find out the key words and sentences.


  so sad—matter—nothing serious—come on—was angry with …—made faces—made … laugh—was giving us a lesson—weren’t listening to …—you’d better

  4. (让学生根据上面的关键词句,把2a对话改写成短文,然后同桌互相批改。教师请1~2个学生口述短文,并给予点评。)

  T:According to the key words and sentences above, change2ainto a passage. Then check it in pairs. I’ll ask some students to give an oral report of their passages.

  5. (把3中的四幅图片制成卡片,并附有相关的动词或短语提示,如:take a shower, knock at等展示给学生。让学生两人一组练习对话,要求使用 … when …的句式表达。教师给出例子。)

  T: Look at these pictures. Please work in pairs according to the example.


  A: What was the mouse doing when the cat knocked at the door?

  B: He was taking a shower when the cat knocked at the door.

  6. (听3录音,回答问题,完成3。)

  T: Listen to the tape and answer the questions.


  T: Listen again and check the answers.

  (1) He was taking a shower.

  (2) He was sleeping.

  (3) He was carrying the cat’s cake.

  (4) They were chatting happily.

  7. (引导学生观察并总结过去进行时与表示过去的时间状语从句连用时的结构。即通常是其中一个动词用一般过去时,另一个动词使用过去进行时。)

  Step 5Project 第五步综合探究活动(时间:7分钟)


  1. (选一部学生们最喜欢的电影,让他们把对电影的评价填入小黑板上的表格中。)

  Name of the movie

  The movie

  The scene

  The music

  The actor


  T:Please fill in the table with your own opinions. Then make a conversation with your partner according to the information in it. You’d better use the sentences that express agreement and disagreement.

  2. (把学生分为四人一小组进行下面的采访讨论活动:调查在课堂上,学生应该和不应该做的事情。把结果填入小黑板上的表格中。)

  We should

  We shouldn’t


  listen to the teacher carefully

  make faces



  T:Work in groups of four. Make a survey about what you should and shouldn’t do in class. Fill in the table on the small blackboard. Then vote a student to report the results to us.



  3. Homework:



  What were you doing at this time yesterday?

  Section B

  agree with sb. I agree with you.

  nothing serious Yes, I think so.

  make faces I don’t agree.

  make … laugh No, I don’t think so.

  pleasant The boy made faces and made his classmates laugh handsome when the teacher was giving them a lesson.
