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时间:2023-04-10 14:54:19 兴亮 童话故事 我要投稿
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  英语童话故事:愚蠢的小鸡 篇1

  Christmas was coming .Mr Smith had no money to buy any presents for his children .His wife was ill and he spent a lot of money on her medicine .And the harvest was bad and all his family were going go be hungry the next spring .He was quite worried about it .

  “We had only a cock ,”said Mrs Smith one day .“You’d better take it to the town .Sell it there and buy some cakes and sweets for our children .”

  “It’s a good idea !”the man said and caught the cock the next morning and put it into a box .It was difficult to walk on the road covered with thick snow .Two hours later he was very tied and wanted to have a rest .He put the box to the ground and sat down .

  “The air in the box must be close ,”the man said to himself .“I’d better let the cock walk outside for a while ,or it’ll die .”

  So he put the cock to the ground .When he started again ,he couldn’t catch it any longer .

  “How foolish you are !”Mr Smith called out angrily .“You can herald the break of day at night but you cann’t find the way to the town in the daytime !”

  英语童话故事:愚蠢的小鸡 篇2

  Under an iceberg, there is a clear river, the river, living a duckling and a chick, they are a pair of profound friendship, but the duckling has a shortcoming ---- proud.

  One day, they went to the river to play, the duckling jumped into the water and said proudly: "Chicken, chicken, do you dare to swim?" "Brother Duckling, don't be funny. I don't dare." "Said the chicken modestly. "I knew you wouldn't, you're so weak!" "Said the duckling haughtily. The chicken saw the duckling show off, in the heart a little sad, while playing, while waiting for the duckling ashore. Duckling washed its flat mouth, mouth still read: "wash shua shua shua......"

  The chicken waited for a long time, the duckling finally landed, the duckling and the chicken went home together. On the road, suddenly, the iceberg fell, the ice rushed down like a waterfall, the chicken and the duckling run with all their might, the chicken ran fast, it pulled up the wings of the duckling run together, and finally they were hit by the ice fainted, buried under the ice. After a while, the chicken woke up, it pushed the duckling, the chicken with its sharp mouth, desperately pecking ice, duckling also woke up, it with its shovel like mouth, shovel the broken ice to the side. After a while, they finally peck out a small hole, they are saved.

  "Sorry, I shouldn't show off myself, you are not worse than me, I look down on you!" "Said the duckling, lowering his head.

  "It doesn't matter. Just correct your mistakes. We're still good friends." The chicken took the duckling by the wings.

  After this incident, their friendship deepened.

  英语童话故事:愚蠢的小鸡 篇3

  At noon in summer, there is a clear river at the bottom of the valley, where a duckling is getting ready for lunch.

  A chicken is walking here and sees a duckling catching fish. The chicken thinks, "Your mouth is flat and your feet are flat. You are so ugly." He said to the duckling, "You are so ugly. Look how pretty I am! How nice it is to be fluffy. You can swim, and so can our chicks."

  Chicken "flop" jump into the water like a duckling swim, but it how also can not swim, and it has been sinking, so shout: "help, help", duckling quickly swim past like an arrow. The chickens closed their eyes in fear. While the chicken rescued the duckling ashore, the duckling slowly opened his eyes, the duckling said: "You are better"? Chicken ashamed said: "Much better, just really scared me to death, thank you." "That's what I should do," said the duckling. "I'll never talk big again."

  This story tells us not only to look at the shortcomings of others, but also to look at the strengths of others.

  英语童话故事:愚蠢的小鸡 篇4

  One day, mother chicken took her chicks for a walk in the woods.

  The chickens are very happy, also follow their mother behind, only a chicken here to play for a while, there to play for a while, the result is lost. When the chicken has a good time, there is a big wild cat want to eat the chicken, hiding in a corner, while the chicken does not pay attention to the big wild cat slowly walked out, mother chicken saw, shouted: "chicken run, chicken run." The chicken heard this and ran away. At this time, the big cat jumped up with a loud bang to catch the chicken, who was already hiding in the grass. Big wild cat run tired, rest in the tree, chicken mother quickly ran to hug the chicken and said: "I finally found you!" The chicken also said, "I will never run around again."

  This composition tells us that when mom and dad take us out to play, we should follow mom and dad behind, otherwise we will be separated like chickens.

  英语童话故事:愚蠢的小鸡 篇5

  In a sunny morning, mother chicken with a group of chickens came to the hillside to find food, mother chicken said to the chickens: "children, you do not run around, this will encounter danger." The chickens are very listen to good words, with the mother's side, together to find bugs. One of the chicks thought to himself, "I don't get bugs like my mother does." So the chick slipped away when his mother wasn't looking.

  The chick looked for the worm everywhere, but could not find it, so the chick went down the hill. It thought that there must be a lot of insects under the hillside, when the time to take the bugs back, mother chicken will boast that he is the most awesome, the most capable chick. At this time, a nasty cat hid in the grass, and planned to eat the chicken if the mother chicken did not follow her.

  After a while, the cat did not see the mother chicken from the grass swagger out, said to the chicken: "Chicken I take you to a good place." The chicken knew that the cat was going to eat him, so he cried desperately for help. As he cried, he ran. Mother chicken heard, quickly rushed over, the original cry for help is their own children, the cat is ready to eat the chicken, saw the mother chicken came, turned and ran away, because the cat is most afraid of mother chicken with his mouth in his face.

  The stray chick was finally able to be with his mother. He said to his mother, "Mother, I will never be smart enough to find food by myself again." Mother chicken smiled and said, "Silly boy, just admit your mistake." In this way, mother chicken and chickens happily walk on the way home, on the way home, they while looking for bugs, while singing happy songs. The flowers heard their beautiful songs, blooming sweet smiles, butterflies also jumped a beautiful dance.

  英语童话故事:愚蠢的小鸡 篇6

  That day, my mother and I went to the market to buy food. As soon as I entered the vegetable market, I found that the aunt selling fish was selling small turtles. I went forward to have a look, the small turtle in the basin stretched a long neck, curious to turn their small eyes, looking outside, very lovely. I liked them immediately. My mother bought the lobster to buy food in my aunt, and let me wait for her there. I watched them from the edge of the basin. The more I watched, the more I liked them. Aunt seems to see through my mind, picked up a net bag, put the smallest small turtle into the bag, smiled and handed me, said: "to you, take home to keep." I was so happy that I said thank you to my aunt.

  As soon as I got home, I ran home and put the turtle in a basin. The little turtle swam freely in the basin, and from time to time stretched his neck to look at his new home. At noon, when we eat, I worry again, give the little turtle to eat what? Is he hungry? But I dare not give it something to eat, afraid it eat bad belly.

  It's late at night, I'm going to sleep, but I can't trust the little turtle left alone in the bathroom. So my mother said to me, "Little turtles like to be in cold places. Put it in a big room with air conditioning." I put the turtle under the air conditioning, and afraid it will be too cold, then put it under the chair. But the little tortoise crawled around in the basin, didn't want to sleep at all, and seemed a little unhappy. Maybe he misses his home. He looks lonely.

  After a while I said to my mother, "Mom, I want to put this little turtle into the stream, because the stream is very clear and the scenery is very beautiful. The turtle will love it there. There are a lot of small fish, there are a lot of birds, there must be turtles, they can become friends, will be very happy, the little turtle will not be lonely." My mother nodded happily and said, "OK."

  Early the next morning, my parents and I set out. The air by the stream in the morning is so fresh. The little turtle will love it here. I put the turtle into the lake, the turtle immediately swam to the grass, swimming happily, as if back to their own home. It made me happy to see it so happy. Mother also let me remember it, I silently said to it in my heart: "Goodbye, little turtle!"

  At home, I always think about it. I hope he will not be caught again, and that he will grow up there quickly.

  英语童话故事:愚蠢的小鸡 篇7

  There are many chickens on the farm. They are fed by their master every day and live happily.

  One day, suddenly came a weasel, into the farm. The weasel had not eaten for days, and his stomach was growling with hunger. Now, the farm is full of chickens, and I may be full, thought the weasel. He saw that all over the farm there were big wolves guarding every henhouse. There must have been more than ten big wolves. It was not easy to steal a chicken to eat. But it wasn't too hard. It wasn't too late for me to start when it was dark and the big dogs were asleep. So the weasel thought to himself, and hid himself until it was dark.

  It was getting dark, and the weasel who had been waiting in the farm for a long time was so hungry that he could hardly walk. But when he thought of the chickens he would soon eat in abundance, his whole body gained strength. At this time, he was secretly watching the big Wolf dog guarding the yard. At this time, there is a figure, a closer look, the original is the owner of the chicken with food, in each coop busy feeding chickens! This is the last food for the chicks tonight, thought the weasel. After a while, the weasel saw the chicken owner finished feeding the chickens and left, the weasel was very happy. And looked at the big Wolf dogs at the door of the hen house, they all fell asleep one by one.

  Then the weasel went into a henhouse. Just into the hen house, weasel overjoyed: a lot of chickens! He was salivating, ready to strike. Because chicks are free-range, they're easy pickings. And at this time the chickens have just eaten enough food, some are squatting on the ground to fall asleep.

  The weasel saw this, the heart is very proud, ready to lay hands on the sleeping chick. This frightened the little chickens who were eating, for they had never seen a weasel before, and were all running about the house and twittering. The sleeping chickens woke up with a start, and were frightened to see a strange, huge thing burst into the house.

  The weasel was extremely hungry, and chased the chickens around the house. The chickens were running about the house, almost chasing one of them. At this moment of crisis, a bold and clever chicken stood out from the chickens and said to those chickens running around: "Brothers and sisters, you all don't be afraid! If we all work together, we will have more strength to defeat this evil creature who wants to eat us!"

  Then all the chickens that had been running about the house gathered together and came up to the weasel in a huff. At this time, the weasel is already tired, but it did not eat a chicken, the stomach is hungry, the whole body is running out of strength. When he saw the chickens all around him, he was very scared.

  Then the wise and bold chicken saw that the weasel was already sitting on the ground, and had no strength, and cried out, "Brothers and sisters, we will now peck away this wicked creature who is going to eat us!"

  When the frightened chicks heard this, they took heart, and together they went to the bad weasel, pecking at him with their sharp beaks. The weasel cried out in pain on the ground.

  The big Wolf dog outside the door was also awakened by bursts of noise. The big Wolf dog barked and woke up the chicken owner in the room. The chicken owner hurried to the side of the chicken house, only to see the big Wolf dog is still barking. When the owner first entered the chicken house, he was shocked to see the chickens gathered around something. When the chicken owner walked in, the chickens surrounded a weasel. By this time the weasel had been pecked by the chicks and was about to die. When the chicken owner saw this, he quickly caught the dying weasel. "When tomorrow morning comes, I will skin him and sell him for a few dollars!" "Thought the master, and went to bed again.

  At this time, the chickens are in Ji ji called, as if to praise the clever and brave chicken!

  英语童话故事:愚蠢的小鸡 篇8

  It was a fine day and there was no wind. The lamb asks the chicken to go to the mountains to play. They sing while walking. When the chicken is tired, the lamb carries him for a ride. It was not long before they reached the mountains.

  Streams trickle down from the hills and trees in different directions. Streams bright colorless, there are a few reflections of the sun, is really dazzling.

  Grass slope gentle, green grass, soft, very elastic. Kusama open yellow, white, red, blue, purple different colors of small flowers, like a bed of color in front of the carpet. Some big and small birds fly from the mountains to rest and play on this big carpet, and some fly from here to the mountains, it is really very lively.

  The surrounding mountains are tall and the woods are thick. The sun is like an irregular sieve slanting down, countless thin light some shine on the bottom of the thick trunk, some shine on the small branches, some shine on the twisted thick vine, some shine on the dense thin vine, some shine on the stone put on a layer of green clothes.

  Birds hop between these beams, serving as guides to chicks and lambs. Now they climbed up, now along the side of the hill, now down the river, each place more beautiful than the other.

  The beams of light were gone, the birds had gone home, and it was all dark. Then the chicken and the lamb thought it was time to go home, but they could not see the way they had come. The mountains were dark and silent. Chick chick cried: "I can't go home, I can't go back to mom and dad." The lamb also cried, "Why don't we go back early? Our parents must be worried and looking for us everywhere."

  They hugged each other and cried for a while, the lamb dried his tears and began to comfort the chicken: "Little brother, don't cry, don't be afraid, after a few hours the day after tomorrow will be bright, when the sun rises, we will find a way home, don't cry.

  By the glimmer of the stars, the lamb and the chick went to find shelter from the wind and the rain to rest. They found a narrow crack in the stone, which was covered with stones, just big enough for them to sit in.

  "Little brother, let us drag some thick branches to keep out," said the lamb to the chicken, "in case the Wolf and the eagle attack us." They were so busy sweating that they finally blocked the door. The lamb was holding the chicken and sitting in the crevices in the rocks. The wind howled in the mountains, and then it began to rain. The chicken is asleep, but the lamb is still not fully asleep, watching for enemies to attack.

  At dawn, the chicken and the lamb found their way home and returned to their parents.

  英语童话故事:愚蠢的小鸡 篇9

  In a sunny morning, mother chicken with a group of chickens came to the hillside to find food, mother chicken said to the chickens: "children, you do not run around, this will encounter danger." The chickens are very listen to good words, with the mother's side, together to find bugs. One of the chicks thought to himself, "I don't get bugs like my mother does." So the chick slipped away when his mother wasn't looking.

  The chick looked for the worm everywhere, but could not find it, so the chick went down the hill. It thought that there must be a lot of insects under the hillside, when the time to take the bugs back, mother chicken will boast that he is the most awesome, the most capable chick. At this time, a nasty cat hid in the grass, and planned to eat the chicken if the mother chicken did not follow her.

  After a while, the cat did not see the mother chicken from the grass swagger out, said to the chicken: "Chicken I take you to a good place." The chicken knew that the cat was going to eat him, so he cried desperately for help. As he cried, he ran. Mother chicken heard, quickly rushed over, the original cry for help is their own children, the cat is ready to eat the chicken, saw the mother chicken came, turned and ran away, because the cat is most afraid of mother chicken with his mouth in his face.

  The stray chick was finally able to be with his mother. He said to his mother, "Mother, I will never be smart enough to find food by myself again." Mother chicken smiled and said, "Silly boy, just admit your mistake." In this way, mother chicken and chickens happily walk on the way home, on the way home, they while looking for bugs, while singing happy songs. The flowers heard their beautiful songs, blooming sweet smiles, butterflies also jumped a beautiful dance.

  英语童话故事:愚蠢的小鸡 篇10

  Once upon a time there was a chicken and a half. It had only one chicken foot and one eye. He was proud and disobedient from an early age. One day and a half the chicken proposed to run away from home, the mother was surprised, said: "No, you are still young, can't leave my protection." Mother stop also stop, half the chicken ran and jumped out of the house.

  On the road half chicken saw a stream, there is a branch fast block the stream "life", stream saw the chicken said: "chicken, chicken quickly kick the branch away", "not that will delay my time!" Then the chicken hopped away again.

  After a while, the chicken saw a fire. Fire saw said: "chicken, chicken fast that a branch on my body, or I will die." The chicken says no, "No! No! I have something urgent to do!" The chicken has jumped away.

  Soon the chicken jumped into a kitchen, the cook saw the chicken into the pot to stew. The chicken said, "Keep the fire down! Water children!" Fire and water said, "What did you do when our lives were in danger..."

  英语童话故事:愚蠢的小鸡 篇11

  One day, a chicken saw a duckling playing on the road, the chicken went to the duck side and said: "You are too ugly, flat mouth, a pair of feet like a palm big, walk a swing of ugly dead, open your eyes to see me a golden feather, more spirit ah!" The duckling said, "I can't help it. I have been like this since I was a child. With that, the duckling walked away silently.

  A few days later, the chicken and the duckling met at the river again. The chicken and the duckling had to cross the bridge. The chicken said, "Ugly duckling, get away from me. Then the chicken proudly walked on the single-log bridge, walking because did not carefully look at the road, accidentally fell into the river, the chicken can not swim non-stop cry for help! Help!" The duckling jumped into the river to save the chicken, the chicken was saved, thank the duckling very much, said to the duckling: "Sorry, I should not have laughed at you before." "It doesn't matter!" said the duckling. The chicken blushed and lowered his head, thinking, "I will never laugh at others again.

  From then on, the chicken is no longer so proud, the chicken and the duckling became real good friends, they help each other, for people to do a lot of things!

  英语童话故事:愚蠢的小鸡 篇12

  On this day, in the blue sky, mother chicken with five chicks in the grass looking for insects to eat.

  At this time, there is a little yellow chicken saw a fat and thick worm, so it wanted to secretly run to catch the mother to eat. It walked, came to a dense forest, the forest is very quiet, it walked more afraid, thought: had known not to come. He did not know that a big wild cat was hiding in the grass and watching him secretly. The big wild cat had been hungry for a long time. He looked for a long time and saw that the little yellow chicken had come alone. So, it suddenly jumped out of the grass, tiptoe up PAWS ready to pounce on little yellow chicken. As the little yellow chicken walked along, it felt more and more wrong. It felt a gust of wind behind it. It turned its head and saw that the big wild cat was looking at it viciously. Little yellow chicken ran while Shouting: "Mom, help, mom, help..." At this time, the mother chicken appeared and rushed directly to protect the chicks. Without a word the big wild cat grabbed it and bit it. Mother chicken fell on the ground, the chickens beside Shouting: "mother, come on, mother, come on..." Even the grass around were moved, but also for the mother chicken refueling. At this time, the mother chicken withstood the pain and stood up, her eyes full of anger, flapping her wings and pounced on the big wild cat. The big wild cat was frightened by the momentum and fled.

  Mother chicken said to little yellow chicken: "Next time must remember not to run around alone." The little yellow chicken hung his head in shame.

  We don't want to run around like little yellow chicken, it will make mom and dad worried.

  英语童话故事:愚蠢的小鸡 篇13

  One morning, when there was no cloud, mother chicken took her chicks out to play. A chicken ran to play under the fence. The chicken thought to himself: It is better to play with his mother.

  There is a small cat saw, happily said: "This chicken white fat, must be very delicious." Then it put its head and feet into the fence, to the day before yesterday's little yellow chicken: "Let's make friends." The little cat is trying to trick the little yellow chicken.

  At this time, the distant mother chicken saw, immediately rushed to the past, with a sharp mouth to peck the cat's tail. The little cat ran and said, "Oh, I'm scared to death." The cat ran quickly out of the fence and said, "Remember, I will eat you all."

  Mother chicken said to her chick seriously. "You must not leave me, or the cat and some carnivores will eat you up." The chicken said, "I will never leave you again!"

  At last, the chickens and their mother went home happily.


  Guide Comments: The little author played a rich imagination, the picture of the story down, the sentence description is more rich, make the story more interesting.

  英语童话故事:愚蠢的小鸡 篇14

  Hot summer arrived, the green grass dotted with a few bright flowers: red, yellow, purple...... It looks great. Grass next to the lake with many big disc like lotus leaves, also in full bloom a few pink lotus, a breeze blowing, like a girl dancing. Two ducklings in the distance are swimming happily in the lake.

  At noon, big White Goose and little chick came to the lake for a walk. Chicken sister in the grass sometimes rolling, sometimes catching insects, play can be happy!

  At that moment, there were bursts of singing in the distance. The original is the big white goose jumped into the lake "splash, splash" to swim away. As it swims, it stretches its neck to the sky and sings: "I am a happy big white goose..." He swam a few laps and landed proudly. Majesty and awe fanned the wings, looked around, suddenly, see the chicken sister is resting under the shade of the tree, then walked over and asked: "chicken sister, why don't you go swimming?" Sister Chicken thought big white goose and her joke, he shook his head repeatedly and said: "Big white goose, you don't joke, I can't." "It won't matter. May I teach you?" "No, no..." Little Chick still shook her head. Big white goose or constantly advised: "The weather is so hot, to swim in the lake, it can relieve the summer!" Can not stand big white goose brother repeatedly persuade, chicken sister finally into the water......

  Once in the water, the chicken sister constantly beat wings, row feet, but it doesn't work, I saw its body gradually sinking, sinking. "Save... Save... Help..." Little Chick let out the last gut-wrenching sound.

  Slowly, the lake became calm again. The big white goose was staring into the middle of the lake, and it seemed to be chanting...

  英语童话故事:愚蠢的小鸡 篇15

  The chicken is sick. It feels very ill. It decides to see a doctor.

  The cunning fox heard of this, and thought it would be a good opportunity to eat the chicken. So he bought his medicine, his white coat and his medicine chest, dressed himself up, and went straight to the chicken's home.

  "Chicken, chicken heard that you are sick, I came to see a doctor for you, quick open the door!" "Cried the fox, knocking on the door.

  The chicken looked at the fox from the window and said, "You are a bad man. I don't want you to see a doctor."

  "You misunderstand me. Look, this is medicine for you." The fox shows the chicken the medicine cabinet.

  The chicken looked at the fox's dress and medicine box, and believed it, and opened the door for the fox.

  'Here, let me hear it! "Said the fox hypocritically.

  As soon as the chicken came to the fox, he heard the fox say, "Ha, ha, you have been cheated. See where you are going!" The naked fox pounced viciously on the chicken.

  "Ha, ha, ha, ha! Catch the fox from behind, Yellow Dog." "Cried the chicken calmly. Hearing this, the fox thought that the yellow dog was behind him. He was so frightened that he jumped out of the door without even taking the medicine box.

  Kuang shut the door quickly. Then the fox knew that he was really taken in this time. The chicken cured himself with the medicine brought by the fox.

  英语童话故事:愚蠢的小鸡 篇16

  Sunday, the little monkey and the chicken are playing, suddenly a fierce snake out of the haystack, evil cry: "Ha ha ha! You little ones! Come into my mouth!" "I'm not going in your mouth, your mouth stinks!" "Said the little monkey. "Then I'll eat you first!" "Hee hee! Come on!" The little monkey said, while the chicken made a fleeing look, the chicken understood, scattered feet and ran, the snake did not pay attention to, because, it has been chasing the little monkey eyes have been staring at the little monkey.

  Little monkey run, run, run, run, it has been tired, panting, but the snake has been chasing, running, running, it suddenly saw a very high tree, climbed up.

  "Ha ha! Ha ha! You fool." Monkey said: "I'm sending you a word! Monkeys are always good tree climbers!"

  The monkey covered his mouth, laughed and ran away. And the snake! He felt very, very regretful and thought, "I know the monkey is a good climber, but why did I chase him so hard?"

  英语童话故事:愚蠢的小鸡 篇17

  Far away, in the forest, there was a pictorial newspaper, where there was a contest to choose a picture, if the artist's picture can be chosen, will be on the magazine.

  When the animals heard this, they were all eager to try, but each animal knew that he was not good enough at drawing and that it was impossible for him to be chosen. But the chicken was ready to try. He went home, got a brush and paper, and began to paint at once. He finished it in a few minutes. The chicken excitedly took the picture to the pictorial office, walked up to the pictorial artist and said politely, "Hello! Illustrator, this is my picture. Please have a look at it." The artist took a quick look at it and said, "This picture is not good. It's terrible. Take it away!"

  After being hit by the artist, the chicken suddenly lost confidence. On the way back, he thought to himself, "Oh, my painting is really not good enough!" At this time, passing by the small white rabbit saw the chicken, asked: "chicken, what's wrong with you?" The chicken told the little White rabbit exactly what had happened. The little white rabbit listened, said to the chicken: "chicken, don't be sad, you can draw a picture! Hard work pays off. Paint a few pictures, and one of them will be liked!" After hearing the words of the little white rabbit, the chicken gained confidence and decided to draw another picture. He took the brush again and began to paint carefully. He painted a garden this time, when the chicken enjoyed the picture, accidentally, his foot slipped, stepped on the picture, he looked: garden grass left a dirty footprint, how to do? But then he thought, wouldn't the garden be more lively with footprints? Chicken suddenly had an idea. He stepped on the picture several times.

  When the chicken brought the picture to the artist, the artist was surprised by the picture and hurriedly said: "This picture is really wonderful!" Soon after, a picture of a chicken was published in a pictorial magazine.

  Originally, as long as you do not give up coupled with inspiration, there is a chance to succeed!

  英语童话故事:愚蠢的小鸡 篇18

  Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful and proud chicken in the forest. It thinks itself the most beautiful, capable, and intelligent in the world.

  One day the sun shone warm on the ground and the cool breeze caressed the trees. The proud chick sneaked out of the house and came to the river. A lovely duckling, in the water repeatedly practice mother taught it swimming skills, although the action is not too standard, but it is serious training. Looking at the duckling's posture, the chicken kept laughing. Little duck asked strangely: "Little chicken sister, why do you laugh at me?"

  "If you can't swim, you can pose and be ashamed, ha ha ha..."

  "Who says I can't," replied the duckling angrily, "We ducks are born to swim. Today, I just want to train the basic swimming posture, for when I grow up to play a good foundation. You have no right to laugh at me today, I can laugh at you this can't swim 'landlubber'!"

  Proud of the chicken does not admit defeat, refers to the high said: "who said we chicken will not, today I will show you both hands, you look at." Say that finish, the chicken will swagger to the shore, "Gu dong" sound, jump into the water.

  Just for a while, the duckling saw a small head when floating when sinking, from time to time came bursts of "help... Help..." ". Little duck know is chicken, quickly swim to the chicken behind, with a wing to the chicken's head out of the water, the other wing with feet, keep swimming to the shore. Finally, the dying chick was saved on the shore by the ducklings.

  Little duck patted chicken on the back, calmly said: "Chicken, can't swim, don't try to be brave, ultimately suffer or yourself!"

  The chicken lowered its proud head in shame.









