我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-03-31 12:12:29 演讲稿 我要投稿


  listening is an active skill. whereas hearing is passive, listening is something that we have to work at. its a


  relationship with sound. and yet its a skill that none of us are taught. for example, have you ever considered that there are listening positions, places you can listen fromhere are two of them. reductive listening is listening for. it reduces

  everything down to whats relevant and it discards everything thats not relevant. men typically listen reductively. so hes saying, ive got this problem. hes saying, heres your solution. thanks very much. next. thats the way we talk, right guysexpansive listening, on the other hand, is listening with, not listening for. its got no destination in mind. its just enjoying the journey. women typically listen expansively. if you look at these two, eye contact, facing each other,

  possibly both talking at the same time. men, if you get nothing else out of this talk, practice expansive listening, and you can transform your relationships.

  认真倾听是一种主动技能。普通地听是被动的,而倾听却是要花功夫的。倾听是处理声音与声音之间的关系。它也是一种与生俱来的能力。比如,你考虑过倾听也有不同的姿势,以便你接收声音吗?看以下两个例子。删减性的倾听是有“选择”的听。它会只关注你想要知道的东西,而忽略无关紧要的内容。男人通常会删减性的倾听。比如一个人说:“我有个问题。”另一个人说:“这是你的答案。多谢。下一位。”这就是我们谈话的方式,对吧,男士们? 而另外一种,扩展性的倾听是“无目的”,“无选择”的。听你脑海里并没有明确的目标而只是享受听的过程。女人通常会扩展性的倾听。看看这两位,面对面,保持眼神交流,可能两人同时都在说话。男士们,如果你们谈话时觉得索然无味,试试扩展性的倾听,或许可以改善你们的关系。

  第一大严重的健康问题,根据murray schafer的话说,就是“幻听”。这是一种错乱,使你看到的和听到的.并不一致。所以,我们的生活中,就多了一些不在我们身边的人发出的声音。我认为时时处于“幻听”中对健康十分不利。 与滥用耳机相伴而来的第二个问题是压缩音乐。我们压缩音乐,以便能装进口袋,然而也付出了代价。听听这个,是一段没有压缩的音乐。同样的一段音乐,但却少了98%的信息。我希望至少有一部分人能听出其中的差别。这就是压缩音乐的代价。为了补上丢失的信息,你很容易变得疲劳、烦躁。你需要通过想象来弥补这个空白。长期下去,会对健康不利。 滥用耳机带来的第三个问题是耳聋。


  and four modalities where you need to take some action and get involved. first of all, listen consciously. i hope that after this talk youll be doing that. its a whole new dimension to your life and its wonderful to have that dimension. secondly, get in touch with making some sound. create sound. the voiceis the instrument we all play, and yet how many of us are

  trained in using our voiceget trained. learn to sing. learn to play an instrument. musicians have bigger brains. its true. you can do this in groups as well. its a fantastic antidote to schizophonia. to make music and sound in a group of people,

  whichever style you enjoy particularly. and lets take a

  stewarding role for the sound around us. protect your earsyes, absolutely. design soundscapes to be beautiful around you at home and at work. and lets start to speak up when people are assailing us with the noise that i played you early on.










