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时间:2022-10-12 18:50:04 演讲稿 我要投稿




  力量英文演讲稿 篇1

Dear teachers and dear classmates:

  Hello everyone! I am Zhang Yifei class three or four, the topic my speech today is "power of love".

  On my small bookshelf, there is one of my favorite books, which is a fantastic and interesting "adventure in the woods". This is a novel about unity, love and courage.

  Bagley grew up because of love that was pointing fish, and aroused him the potential of this thing, I know, love can eliminate fear, bring infinite strength. That's the spirit of small Bagley unremittingly impressed me deeply.

  I remember once, I went to a hanging bridge, at the beginning, I was standing on the back legs become weak, the children shouted: "hurry up! Hurry up! " The more I was worried, I gave up the challenge. Mother showed a disappointing expression, but continued to encourage me. I am very grieved but think again: "mother must hope that I become very brave, mother so love me, I must be a challenge for love!" With my mother's love, I stood on the single log bridge again, and I was not afraid of taking every step steadily. I finally succeeded in walking past. When I passed, I thought, actually, it is not very difficult.

  Love can increase courage, love can make me overcome the fear in my heart, and love can make me face life in the sun. I will always put it on the first floor of the bookshelf, and let it accompany me through a loving childhood.

  力量英文演讲稿 篇2

  Without dreams, life is desert and no life. Without dreams, life is like night, without light. Without dreams, life is like a labyrinth without direction. Because dream is an oasis in the desert, a light in the dark, a sign in the labyrinth, guiding us to go forward bravely.

  Since I entered junior high school, I had a strong interest in physics. It was like a magnet that attracted all my attention. I was very excited about every physics class, because before that, I had turned the book several times. From then on, a young seed sprouted in my heart - I must be a physicist.

  However, the ensuing wind and rain gave a heavy blow to the young embryo. Once, a student asked me a question, and I took the book blindly and began to "research". However, as time went on, my forehead was peaked with beans. It seems to be very simple, but I can hardly make a reason for my mind. Later, when the teacher told the question, it was Zhang Fei's bean sprouts - a piece of cake. I didn't mention how embarrassed it was. When I got to the physics exam, I got the test paper with confidence, but I handed it down in a dejected way. I have no opinion, and what "physical talent", and only see through the book is not enough, the losing streak like a pot of cold water extinguished the flames of my dreams.

  I wandered in the campus in a pale way. Suddenly, a tree seedling came into view. It stood upright between the brick joints, and the bricks on the sides should be warped on both sides. What a tenacious life, what a strong character! It is hard to imagine, after how the wind snow and rain to break through the darkness, brighter!

  I am suddenly clear: the realization of the dream is also a bet, just like an abyss, from the moment the jump down, it is doomed to no loop. Either, straight and A great hawk spreads its wings, spread on the bottom; or, go, no sound. Believe in the power of the dream, follow the faint ray of light to pursue the longing longing for a long time, can usher in a beautiful infinite spring!

  From then on, I began to fight for my dream. I would sort out every difficult problem and look at it. I do not listen to the conclusion, but to the mind. Whenever I have a disagreement with my teacher, I will ask the teacher for the first time. When I found a new way of making a problem, I was like Columbo who discovered the new world. Finally, the seedlings of the dream have thrived and fruit, and in recent physical exams and competitions, I have been among the best.

  Some people say, "the poor are not the penniless, but the people who have no dreams." But I have to say, "the poor are not people without dreams, but those who dare not fight for their dreams." With a dream, we have the direction of hard work and dream, to go far away.

  力量英文演讲稿 篇3

Dear teachers, dear classmates:

  Hello everyone! Today is the first day of class Xiaotong Kyrgyzstan, the topic my speech today is "power forward" by example.

  "The life of a man is limited, but it is unlimited to serve the people. I want to put the limited life into the service of the people." This is a word that uncle Lei Feng said. He carried out his promise in his short life. Uncle Lei Feng has long gone away from us, but his spirit of happiness and selfless dedication has always touched me. He is the hero of my mind. In fact, there are a lot of "Huo Leifeng" around us, their deeds, and let us move.

  In March this year, the teacher arranged a comprehensive practice homework - to interview the celebrities in his hometown. We were classmates went to interview the famous "stupid" Ji Chun he old man. When I learned that Grandpa Ji invested all his tens of millions of property in his hometown, greening barren hills, building schools and setting up an old people's activity center, his heart felt admiration. I asked curiously, "Grandpa, you have so much money, why don't you leave your offspring?" Kyrgyzstan grandpa answered generously: "because I am a temple is the first temple headman, this piece of land has raised me, I will return to my hometown, I want to make their home become more beautiful, let the hometown people live more happiness!" What simple words, but deeply touched our hearts. Isn't that the spirit of the selfless dedication of Grandpa Jill? Isn't it worth studying? He is our side side.

  Our Chinese teacher, teacher Yang Zhangping, once mentioned her, the students will have words that can not be finished. The first thing to think of is that she is always ill. She is always a word: "yes!" Never refuse. I remember once, the class Xing Wen Wei accidentally knocked a big eyes, swollen blackened, Yang teacher saw, distressed and asked: "why don't you care? Do you have any medicine to buy? " As soon as he heard of the medicine he said he didn't buy, he immediately gave him the money and asked him to buy medicine and put it in his own house. When he was taking medicine, he ordered himself and watched him eat it. When his mother came to pick him up on Friday, his eyes were much better and moved to speak. Teacher Yang is like his own child, and is more meticulous in his work. She is a good teacher in our heart.

  In our class, there are a group of such good students. "Shijinbumei good boy" Tian Lin picked up something, always hesitate to hand in politics, never too greedy little cheaper; "model class cadres" Xing Huiqiang, always give the class with a good head, the class management arranged in good order; "helpful Star" Kong Tingting, when students have difficulties, do not always want to want to lend a helping hand...... These people are good examples for us.

  It is these people that have been moving me, inspiring me, giving me strength, and encouraging me to move forward. Students, the example is around us, let us learn the spirit of their body, together to join hands, progress together to create a better future!

  My speech is finished, thank you.

  力量英文演讲稿 篇4

Dear every leader, every teacher,

  The title of my speech today is "the power of role models.

  This is the age of a role model and heroines. A variety of models,unconsciously become our idea of the coordinates. Once we learn to lei feng'sexample. Today many model, are also constantly emerging around us. Xu benyu wasa role model, he USES his own youth education of writing a roll of beautifulpictures; Liu xiang is an example, he ran flag and image will be the rise ofChina are branded deeply in the field of vision.

  French writer Rousseau once said: "model example!! No role model, you cannever teach children successfully to anything." Romain rolland said: "to spreadsunshine to others in the heart, always have sunshine in my heart." I think, weeach teacher's ethics as the "model" and "sunshine". As the saying goes, theletter its architect, to their faith; To its faith, follow the steps. Shoutbreak throat as to appearance, so the teacher is the banner, students followchased away; Teacher is a signpost, without hesitation, students follow thetag.

  The power of example is endless. Someone once said: "sow a thought reap anaction, reap a habit; sow a behavior sow a habit reap a character; sow acharacter reap a destiny. Sow a role model, we can always see the goal andreference. Model is a kind of upward force, it is a mirror, is a flag.

  There is no sunshine have boundless charm more than ethics, there is nomore so than ethics model for power. Go three feet platform, teaching; Down thethree feet platform, a teacher by worthy example. Teacher not only are thebuilders of the socialist spiritual civilization and the disseminator, but alsostudents' moral gene transfer.

  When we see his students with his familiar voice in said one student, howwill our inner feelings? Teacher, is a sacred name; Ethics, not simply preach,but a kind of spirit, is a kind of profound knowledge embodied the connotationand the cultural taste; Ethics, the need to develop, need education, have moreneed of, each teacher's self-improvement! Teachers need starts from the minormatter, starts from self, governs incorruptibly, leadership, infected peoplewith noble personality, with neat appearance influence people, treat people withfriendly attitude, with rich knowledge, mal, with broad mind to love a person.Only in this way can guarantee the effectiveness of teaching, students can "kissthe division, the letter the way", and "the tao".

  Finally I use jun-ping liu teacher a passage in the book end of today'slecture, I willing to dedicate the whole heart to child, lets the student lifehappiness, happy growth. At the same time I also in the development and growth,and happy. I am willing to foster honest love with honest love, with wisdom,wisdom, personality shaping the personality, in the light of my life was setablaze with fire in photograph reflect, to get the meaning of life andbrilliant, teachers and students, such as accompany to grow.

  力量英文演讲稿 篇5

Dear teachers and students,

  hello everyone.

  As we all know, in our daily study and work, the role of good examples isvery significant. They can play a good leading and exemplary role for us. Aroundus, there are many examples worth learning from.

  First of all, from these examples, it is not difficult for us to find theirvarious contributions to the collective. Here, I would like to introduce XieXinyi, the role model around me. Xie Xinyi is the health committee member of ourclass. After school every afternoon, she stayed with the students on duty tohelp them do their duty and carefully check the cleaning everywhere. She stayeduntil everyone came home and left very late. Originally, the teacher did not askthe cadres to stay for supervision after school, but she was very consciousevery day.

  In addition, there are many cadres around us, such as Xie Xinyi, whoperform their duties, stick to their posts and contribute to the class; Thereare also many ordinary students who are enthusiastic about helping people inneed around them. They are moral models worth learning from.

  To learn from these examples, we should not only learn from their behaviorof actively completing work or helping others, but also think about whatexcellent qualities we can find and learn from them. Let's take Xie Xinyi as anexample. It is said that after school, the most desired thing for each studentis to go home early, but she is willing to spend her rest time, seriously do herown job and even all her extra work, and be meticulous day after day. She nevercomplains about the late time, tired work or the idea of giving up, And willingto sacrifice their own spirit is not only the valuable spiritual quality worthyof our study, but also the best embodiment of professionalism. Similarly, from astudent who is willing to help, we can see that he is willing to devote himselfto helping others make progress; Including teachers, they also have many greatqualities, such as love and dedication, selfless dedication, caring for studentsand so on. These are the things that we can extract from the behavior ofexample, which are most worthy of thinking, learning, improving ourselves, andpracticing and spreading with our different actions.

  Therefore, students, let's use our good eyes to find good examples aroundus, and from their words and deeds, experience the spiritual qualities suitablefor our own learning, so as to improve ourselves, and use our different actionsto practice and carry forward these spiritual qualities of examples, so that thepower of examples can shock every heart around us!

  力量英文演讲稿 篇6

  As we all know, the development of language is one of the most intuitionistic performance process. A process is a new things. People in the process of communication with other nationalities, unceasingly will pass some of the new words. These words came in, often several aspects of meaning: the surface is show new things, new knowledge. As we now here with the microphone, "the microphone" is a new thing in China, foreign things without the original, you must use this word to describe it, it defined. So in the table below, and further level, is a kind of new knowledge. People under the microphone, why speak voice so big? Now sound, light, electricity prosperity to tell people how knowledge into electromagnetic waves, etc., it is a kind of new knowledge. Further, under the new things, new knowledge, and a more profound impact level, is a kind of new thoughts, new concepts, new value system, using modern words that new discourse system, which is more important! Incidentally, "" is the earliest, microphone, then switch to" receiver ", "the microphone" has almost from our language, but now more and more people began to use "the microphone," developed "headset," "promise", etc. Similarly, the bus "is a kind of car, and have been," bus ", "van" instead, but now he's "back", "coach", "round", "battier", and has established "the city bus company". From this kind of transliterated disappear to reproduce, if have deep into the social background behind.

  For example, some new: the introduction of modern "science" and "democracy" etc, the meaning from the traditional Chinese, is completely different words. We know, for example, the word "party" in Chinese traditional Chinese also have, but that is a very negative meanings, until today that negative meanings in language also entities, as we say "remains a gentleman does not commit one party", "buddies", "etc. However, the party in the word from foreign modem, after a considerable changes in Chinese traditional Chinese "party" the meaning of words. The word "party" has become almost entirely of modern political meaning of a word, in China's social influence. And if the employment, employee, the working class, labor sacred these words of modern China, politics, to inspire people to participate in social activities are plays very important role.

  I also say the word "revolution" in "revolution", because of this word is represented a drastic change of Chinese modern society is a burner.

  Liang qichao in 1902 specially written "interpretation", this article: he said "Revolution" of Chinese Revolution and the additional English contains two meanings: according to an additional is what some improvement, and improvement, such as British 1832 Revolution is actually additional. Revolution and the meaning is like a wheel, one thing is turned upside down, for example, the French Revolution is the 1789 Revolution. Liang qichao was in Japan, Japanese up these two words were translated into reform and innovation and revolution. The Japanese borrowed in Chinese, the word "revolution", but the Chinese revolution is mentioned in the yi dynasty, to name a new dynasty overthrew an old dynasty, so not modern revolution. In 1904, liang qichao and wrote the study of history of Chinese revolution, he put the revolution, a revolution in three levels, the broad and narrow generalized three levels: the generalized revolution refers to all society intangible thing tangible of big change, whether the concept, material, or a system of fundamental changes, Revolution means the generalized times by means of violence in a new era, an era replaced, The narrow revolution refers to the special forces to overthrow the government.

  Now already is a "revolution" common word, but just introduced to China, people don't understand, so what is the meaning of this word of liang qichao made many explain revolution.

  Just a few examples, the introduction of new, in fact, is a kind of new things, new things contains new knowledge, new knowledge under a new concept, breeds new value system, the new system. These new ideas, new words system will lead to social changes. Now our language "party" and the traditional "party" completely different, "revolution" and "traditional", "ShangWu soup revolution" revolution "of the revolution is totally different. Introducing new human interaction, in the process, the different language always in the mutual influence.

  力量英文演讲稿 篇7

  "The power of example is infinite," this is the old saying we often say. We have already proposed "to people as a mirror, can the true saying the advantages and disadvantages of such. One of the ten big China moved to Hua Yiwei, from the day when the doctor, the choice of Bethune as his model to motivate yourself to be a good doctor like Bethune, is described as an honest official. "". And Lei Feng's example, in the unwittingly, also from the ancient China, to the Western point of the United States. It can be said that any people in the world who continue to develop and keep forging ahead will not ignore the power of example.

  Someone once said, "sow an idea, harvest a behavior, sow a behavior, harvest a habit, sow a habit, harvest a character, sow a character, and harvest a destiny". As an example, we can always see the goals and objects of the struggle. Example is an upward force, a mirror, a flag.

  It can be imagined that if everyone is learning from Lei Feng, our society will have endless spiritual wealth, the relationship between people will be more harmonious, and the social environment of people's lives will be more harmonious. If everyone studies from Bill Gate, he will produce more inventions and create more material wealth for the society, and at the same time, promote the development of human society as a whole.

  Example is like the coordinate of life, the guide of success. It brings us endless spirit and vitality. It is the belief that we must win, and it is the source of eternal strength. Let us learn from example, to the example, we will be invincible, invincible!

  Thank you all.

  力量英文演讲稿 篇8

  Respected leaders and teachers:

  The title of my speech today is the power of example.

  This is an example of the era is rife. All kinds of examples, unwittingly become the coordinates of our minds. We used to study Lei Feng as an example. Now many examples are also emerging around us. Xu Benyu is an example. He writes a beautiful picture of education with his youth. Liu Xiang is an example. He uses the banner of running to make the image of China rising in the vision of the world.

  Rousseau, the French writer, said, "an example! Example! Without example, you can never succeed in teaching children anything. " Roman Roland also said: "to sow the sun in the heart of others, always have the sun in his own heart." I think that every teacher's morality is like the "example" and "sunshine" here. As the saying goes, believe its teacher, believe its way; believe its way, follow its steps. Shouting is not as good as making a voice. So teachers are the flag, students follow the shadow, teachers are signposts, and students go ahead without any hesitation.

  The power of example is infinite. Someone once said, "sow an idea, harvest a behavior, sow a behavior, harvest a habit, sow a habit, harvest a character, sow a character, and harvest a destiny". As an example, we can always see the goals and objects of the struggle. Example is an upward force, a mirror, a flag.

  There is nothing more attractive than the sun of the teacher's virtue, and nothing is more powerful than the example of a teacher's virtue. On the three feet platform, teaching and educating; down the three feet of the podium, teacher. The teacher is not only the builders and propagators of socialist spiritual civilization, it is a moral gene of students transfer.

  What do we feel in our hearts when we see that our students use their familiar tone to say a student? Teacher is a sacred term. Teachers' morality is not a simple sermon, but a mental embodiment, a profound knowledge connotation and cultural taste. Teachers' morality needs training and education, and what's more, every teacher's self-cultivation is needed. Teachers need to start small, start from the self, first, to set an example, infected people with noble personality, with neat appearance influence people, treat people with kindness, with rich knowledge guide, care for people with a broad mind. Only in this way can we guarantee the actual effect of teaching and educating people, and the students will "kiss their teachers, believe their ways", and then "music".

  Finally, I put an end to today's speech in a paragraph of Liu Junping's book: I would like to dedicate the whole soul to the children to make the students happy and grow up. At the same time, I am developing, growing and happy. I am willing to cultivate frank love with sincere love, enlighten wisdom with wisdom, mold personality with personality, and match the light of my life and kindled kindling, so that we can get the meaning and brilliance of life, and teachers and students grow together.

  力量英文演讲稿 篇9

  A group of frogs were traveling through the woods, and two of them fell into a deep pit. When the other frogs saw how deep the pit was, they told the two frogs that they were as good as dead. The two frogs ignored the comments and tried to jump up out of the pit with all their might. The other frogs kept telling them to stop, that they were as good as dead. Finally, one of the frogs took heed of what the other frogs were saying and gave up. He fell down and died.

  The other frog continued to jump as hard as he could. Once again, the crowd of frogs yelled at him to stop the pain and just die. He jumped even harder and finally made it out. When he got out, the other frogs said, "Did you not hear us?" The frog explained to them that he was a little deaf.

  He thought they were encouraging him the entire time.

  This story teaches us two lessons:

  1. There is power of life and death in the tongue. An encouraging word to someone who is down can lift them up and help them make it through the day.

  2. A destructive word to someone who is down can be what it takes to kill them.

  Be careful of what you say. Speak life to those who cross your path. The power of words is sometimes hard to understand that an encouraging word can go such a long way.

  Anyone can speak words that tend to rob another of the spirit to continue in difficult times. Special is the individual who will take the time to encourage another.









  1.pit[pit] n. 坑

  The children were playing in the sand pit.


  2.might[mait] n. 力量,威力

  Might overcomes right.


  力量英文演讲稿 篇10

  Everybody is good, the title of my speech today is our iron in front of the two words -- unity!

  "Unity is strength!" The lyrics well, it motivates us to do anything to unite as one, go forward, not only by one person. As the saying goes, a quarrel, because of the "face" has no power of unity, not to unite another slap. Like our people, disunity others alone, his contribution is negligible. So we are still in life, no matter in the collective solidarity, because the power of solidarity is more hard than iron, stronger than steel!

  Now we get the loudest slogan is: one world, one dream! One world, one dream. If we don't unity, which come in the same world, the more little one dream...

  Concentric mountain ChengYu, together to soil become gold! Success requires g hard spirit, reaching more need of unity and cooperation together! Only know the unity of people, can understand unity to oneself, to others, to the meaning of the collective. Will the unity as an own responsibility. Unity, unity, the regiment the knot! Let us more united, unity forever, let us always to send out the spot light of the bright and beautiful colorful rainbow!!!!!!

  My speech finished, thank you.

  力量英文演讲稿 篇11

  Hello, everyone, my name is fang she, nine years old this year. I want to share a fable story - the clumsy bear kind help.

  There was a rich man made friends with a bear.

  One day, a bear rich and come out for a walk. Bear on the rich said: "friend, you to rest under the shade. I will guarantee your safety."

  So, the rich to sleep peacefully. At this time, a fly falls to the rich on the nose. Bear found a big stone, on the fly slammed down.

  As a result, the fly fly away, the rich are smashed to death.

  This story to illustrate: sometimes, fool's help is more terrible than the enemy.

  My speech finished, thank you!

  力量英文演讲稿 篇12

  Father had a family, these children often squabble. He has no way to dissuade them, but to let them have a look not gregarious evils example. In order to achieve this goal, he one day told them to bring him a bundle of sticks to. When they haddone, he has placed the faggot in the hands of each of them, and ordered them to break it in pieces. They each tried with all their strength, and were not able to do.

  Then he untied the bundle of sticks, one by one, and again put them into their hands, thus, they easily broke. And he said to them:" the children! If all of you together, help each other, you will be as this faggot, can be your enemies; but if you are divided among yourselves, you will be and the sticks in general, not ninety percent off.









