我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-03-30 11:47:39 演讲稿 我要投稿




Students, teachers:

  How do you do! I am ping township KuangHongWei fifth grade students, the topic of my speech today is to cherish life, the classmates, crying when you are with a clear and crisp, leave the mother, a land of human life, this is mark and add a valuable asset to the world. It also brings great joy to the family. From this moment how many people pay attention to you, expecting you to grow up quickly and become an adult. You belong to the family, the parents, you belong to the society, the country. Therefore, it can be said that life is valuable and the price of life is higher. Only the existence of life can achieve higher life value. So cherish life, safety first, is our society eternal topic.

  Man's life is the most precious, only talent can create wealth, so that the world can be better. Only the laughter and laughter of the students can make our campus full of sunshine and vitality. But a man's life is very fragile, if we don't pay attention to safety awareness, depending on the security hidden danger, for security measures, prevent lax, not strong sense of responsibility, the life, so the consequences: traffic accident fierce as a tiger; Fires are frequent and the fire consumes much of the life and property; Food poisoning continues; The disease dyed the body; Swimming drowning; Play on the floor and so on, so we have a number of the killers who are lurking around at any time. It threatens your life at any time. One piece, a bloody story, a horrifying, one-act tragedy. Only because neglect the safety issue, one life such as flowers in a moment to die, bring to the society, the family, the family, the bereaved of the heart and soul and the heavy blow, the blood of the lesson. Once tragedy happens, all regret and disillusionment will be too late, and the love for life can only become a beautiful word. Because of the weak security consciousness, due to the lack of responsibility and the serious consequences of negligence, shouldn't we reflect on it

  Students, teachers, the lessons of blood cannot be repeated time and again, tragedy cannot be performed again, life is not a second time. We only understand a truth, nip in the bud, every step on the road of life is good, careful, always wary, alert mind, security alert everything everywhere think of "safe" two words, pay attention to the various security on campus and off, standard procedures, strict system. To this end, the school has submitted the following requirements to your classmates:

  1. Students should go up and down stairs in an orderly manner, not in a quick way up and down, so as to form a good habit of walking up and down the stairs to prevent the crowded stampede on campus. On rainy days, our teaching buildings and the building of the office building, the stairs will be very slippery, please be sure to walk slowly when walking. In addition, the students should pay attention to the rest of civilization, and the students will not be allowed to make noise.

  2. Get into the habit of not riding a bicycle on campus, although I have said it many times, but I still find that I have found my classmates especially when they are late. Also, be careful to ride your bike off campus, don't take people, follow the traffic rules, don't ride in the road. It is forbidden to stand tall on a bicycle, it is not safe and undignified.

  3. Pay attention to food safety. Don't buy "three without" food; Don't buy snacks from school gates and street vendors to prevent food poisoning. Learn to protect yourself, take care of yourself, be careful not to overeat, and eat less raw food.

  4. Pay attention to sports safety in all sports. Follow the arrangement of physical education teachers, prepare for physical education and extra-curricular activities, do not do dangerous sports, and be careful not to crash during sports, so as not to bump or fall.

  5. We encourage students to build sincere friendship between classmates. Every student should understand the serious consequences of puppy love. We believe that a self-made man, a rational man, a successful man, must be a man who can manage his emotions and not be a slave to his emotions! Any student should not gamble with his youth and future, because that would be you!


















