我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-03-24 19:48:31 读后感 我要投稿





  法国作家让季奥诺写过一篇著名的小说。讲的是一个离群索居的牧羊人。通过近半个世纪坚持不懈地植树。证实了孤独者能够找到幸福 。 这位牧羊人。不知道1914年的战争。也不知道1939年的战争。他天天和树打交道。和树相依为命。他用心灵的语言和树谈心。默默地交流。过的是淡泊生活 。他通过亲身经历证实了孤独者找到了过得美满幸福的好办法——爱让生活多份阳光 。

  这位牧羊人几十年置身于荒无人烟的地域。他每种下一棵树。就感到在人世间就又多了一个亲人。他的事业是堪与上帝比美的事业 。由于充满了改造现实世界的强烈愿望和对树的极度热爱。这位牧羊人在实践中逐渐发现人与土地。人与自然相互依存的关系。他深深意识到人生的价值在于为他人。为后人造福。 幸福不是一种状态。而是一种心态。人生充满忙碌。但人们依然可以选择诗意地栖居在大地上生活繁琐而艰辛。但宁静的心灵和满腔热忱会弹奏出精彩的乐章!

  爱是人生之源。一个人的心中倘若没有爱的泉水。那也就不会有人生的绿荫。有了爱。纵然是满眼阴云。遍地荆棘。你都会对这个世界充满无限的迷恋和神往。爱造就人成为独一无二的动物。物质的贫缺只会导致人生的艰难。而爱的匮缺则会使人生空虚和灵魂孤独。 令人心痛的是。在这个越来越崇拜物质的年代。一些人变得急功近利和急于求成。物质左右着他们的心灵。其心灵世界犹如干涸的沙漠。心不乏则身不累。

  有人说。像蚂蚁一样工作。像蝴蝶一样生活。这样的人。其生命一定是阳光般灿烂炫美。成功学家拿破仑希尔曾经说过:人与人之间。只有很小的差异。但是这种很小的差异可以造成巨大的差异。很小的差异即积极的心态还是消极的心态。巨大的差异就是成功和失败。 爱能使人懂得忧伤与痛苦。同时也能使人摆脱忧伤与痛苦。令平凡的生活充满情趣与意义。英国著名诗人兰德暮年时在一首诗中写道:我不和谁争。和谁争我都不屑。我热爱大自然。其次就是艺术。我双手烤着生命之火取暖。火萎了。我也准备走了—— 兰德的这首小诗表现了一个走进暮色的老人通达从容。积极乐观的人生态度和宁静淡泊。铅华洗尽的人生境界。爱让生活多份阳光。种树的牧羊人不也正是如此吗?









  其实故事很平淡,讲述的就是一个男人在种树的故事。1913年我在普罗旺斯的一片荒漠中遇到了一个男人,这个男人五十五岁了,他在一片荒漠中种树,每天选出一百颗橡树子,然后种下去,每天如此,种了一年,种下了三万多棵橡树,其中有十分之一成活。然后他又种纵树,就这样一年一年,经历过第一次世界大战,经历过第二次世界大战,老人还在种树,老人种的树距离他住的石头房子越来越远,几十年过去了,我一次又一次去看这位老人,每次都发现这里的树变得越来越高,越来越多,环境在不断发生着变化,而老人也越来越老了,唯一不变的是老人一直在种树。最后一次见到植树的老人是一九四五年,和第一次相比,已经过去了三十多年,当年的荒原上,已经通了公共汽车,已经形成了一个城镇,已经有了泉水。而老人种树,已经要到距离这里四十公里以外了。这里被发现的这片森林,已经有了护林员来管理。人们在这片曾经的荒原上面幸福的生活。可是这一切和老人并没有什么关系,老人依旧在种树。在遥远的远方在种树。 这位种树的老人做到了只有上帝才能够做到的事情。上帝其实就在每个人的心里。 在平淡中开始,在平淡中结束,可是却在每一个听故事的人心中留下了巨大的震撼!



  The French writer has written a famous novel by diorino. It was about a solitary shepherd. We have been planting trees for nearly half a century. It proves that the loner can find happiness. This shepherd. I don't know the war of 1914. I don't know the war of 1939. He deals with trees every day. And the tree. He spoke with the language of the heart and the tree. Communicate quietly. The life is indifferent. He has confirmed that lonely people have found a good way to live a happy and happy life - love makes life more sunny.

  The shepherd had been in a deserted area for decades. He has every next tree. I feel that I have another family in the world. His career was a career that was comparable to god's. Because of the strong desire to transform the real world and the deep love of the tree. The shepherd gradually discovered man and land in practice. The interdependence of man and nature. He was deeply aware of the value of life in being for others. For the benefit of posterity. Happiness is not a state. It's a mindset. Life is busy. But people can still choose poetically to live in the land and life is tedious and difficult. But the serenity of the soul and the enthusiasm of the heart will play wonderful movements!

  Love is the source of life. If there is no fountain of love in one's heart. Then there will be no shade of life. There is a love. Even the clouds are full of eyes. Thorns are everywhere. You will have an infinite fascination and fascination with the world. Love makes man a unique animal. Material poverty can only lead to difficulties in life. The absence of love makes life empty and the soul alone. It's heartbreaking. In an age of increasing worship of matter. Some people become quick and quick and eager for success. Matter left their hearts. Its soul is like a dry desert. No shortage of heart, no tired.

  Some people say that. Work like an ant. Live like a butterfly. Such people. Its life must be bright and beautiful. The successful scientist napoleon hill once said: between people. Only a small difference. But this small difference can make a huge difference. A small difference is a positive attitude or a negative mindset. The big difference is success and failure. Love can make people understand sadness and pain. It can also free people from sadness and pain. Make ordinary life full of interest and meaning. "I don't fight with anyone," wrote the famous British poet, rand, in a poem in his late years. I don't care who I am. I love nature. The second is art. I warmed my hands with the fire of life. Fire away. I was ready to go, too -- the little poem by rand showed an old man walking into the twilight. Positive attitude and quiet indifference. Lead hua washes his life. Love makes the sun shine. Isn't that what the shepherds who plant the trees do?