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时间:2023-08-17 11:40:58 夏仙 读后感 我要投稿
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  彼得潘英文读后感 1

  Reading the Peter Pan Peter Pan This famous work,I benefited from,I know that every child will grow up in this truth.

  Many children do not want to grow up and do not want to go to school,just want to play every day. Peter Pan is the hero of the book,he is a always the boys do not want to grow up. He never lived in this rural paradise like the same place,where there is such as the bell sounds as beautiful fairy,a mermaid hair,Zhang Buda children,mystery,like the Indians,ferocious pirates and will issue a ticking Voice of the crocodile. However,the rich and colorful life,but not a substitute for the mother"s desire to Peter. Thus,an equally do not want to grow up,the girls never went to the rural based,on the children when the mother. They never started in the various rural singular adventure. However,the final text still choose Beattie grew up.

  She took the children from Nashan mother has for her to fly back to open the windows in the home. And that is always reluctant to grow up the boys,Peter,even though the world can have a happy,but can not enjoy from the warmth of a family. He can only be separated by windows,secretly Zhang Wang window within the stove,a smiling face and kinship. And then quietly walked away,and fairies to disappear in the night sky.

  Yes ah! Although the township never happy,it does not have the warmth of family,wonderful life. Everyone will grow up and grow into a tree shoring days,as long as our dreams have never townships,and also when they grow up will be very happy and live a more exciting.





  彼得潘英文读后感 2

  In the scorching sun of summer vacation,I read a book called "Peter Peterpan" a book which is about a day in the evening,Peter went to Wendys home,Wendy and his two brothers away,and they went to the adventure,but they cant fly,small Peter sprinkled some fairy dust on them,they imperceptibly fly,over the mountains,fields,streams and forests,the church. On the never Island,they heard all kinds of wild animals and human voices. We went underground for a while. In order not to be caught by enemy pirates,Hooke found a big mushroom on it. Peter Peter to the pirate ship captain Hooke challenge final:Peter defeated the pirate ship captain Hooke. Peter defeated the enemy with courage and wisdom.

  This made me understand that we should dare to face difficulties,create new miracles with our wisdom and courage,and let me know why Wendy didnt want to grow up,because he wanted to have a pure heart and didnt want to be polluted by others. So Wendy didnt want to grow up.



  彼得潘英文读后感 3

  Recently,I read the book "Peterpan" and I was deeply attracted by the plot of the book. This is the idea of the book:Darins three children,Wendy,John,and Mike,followed Peter to a fantastic and fantastic island. There,they were brave,smart,and United,and conquered the difficulties again and again. I envy them,they all fly and fly to where they want to go. What makes me more envious is that Peter will never grow up and live a carefree childhood.

  This book tells us to cherish the childhood,and to cherish the friendship between students,because the strength of friendship is strong.



  彼得潘英文读后感 4

  These days I read a book named "Peterpan Peter Pan",he is a famous British writer Jay Mbali.

  This book is about:this book is mainly about the night,Peterpan came to the little girl Wendys home,taught Wendy and her two brothers to fly in the air,and took them to a magical island called nihility island. As soon as they came to the island,the adventures continued. They met the Indians,the pirates and the mermaids. The pirate Hooke live,war broke out,the pirates silent day. Although the event should not be followed,Peterpan can always come up with a clever Daxian novices,rescue partners.

  I love the most is the one story,Wendys younger brother Mike Hooke they were caught in the dark castle,Wendy and Peter Pan to the dark castle,in order to divert their attention to Hooke,a. Wendy deliberately let Hooke find out on the balcony,Peter took the opportunity to enter the dark castle,they finally saved Mike,Peter Pan also kicked Hooke,let Wendy quickly escape.

  After reading I understand a person should not only be bold,but also the wisdom of a friend should be honest,to help them in trouble when a friend!





  彼得潘英文读后感 5

  Today,we have opened the book of Peterpan again!

  The main figures there are:Peterpan,Jane,Wendy,and his children,and Mr. Darin and Mrs. Darin,and Hooke. What I remember most is the fifteenth chapter -- to destroy Hooke,the specific content is that when Peter stealth across the island and he is ready to prepare with a knife in his hand,he sees the crocodile crawling from his side. At that time,he didnt feel anything different. But after a while,he remembered,the crocodile didnt make a sound. At first he thought it was a little strange,and then suddenly it was understood that the bells hair was finished.

  From this section,I understand,Peter is very clever,but he is still a little selfish,we have to learn his intelligence,can not learn his selfishness Oh! Also,it is unrealistic for Peter to never be willing to grow up,because only when I grow up can I realize his dream.




  彼得潘英文读后感 6

  An ordinary little girl,Wendy,followed a strange boy,Peterpan,to the island of Neverland to develop an amazing adventure.

  Peterpan,my first impression of him is a strange boy,never grow up nonsense,heartless. At first I thought I wanted to turn Wendy into the dreamland,and I didnt know anything. And Wendy,naive,honest,good,understood too much,rather than a happy little girl.

  But Peterpans adventurous spirit is worth learning. He bravely rescued tiger Lili,climbed into the cave of treasure,and the Pirates of wits...... I also think that proper adventures can increase our knowledge,cultivate our courage,make friends and overcome our fears.

  In the fourteenth chapter,Peter was desperate to save Wendy and the children from the pirate ship. I witnessed the deep friendship between them. Yes,the value of gold friendship,friendship is a kind of valuable spirit between person and person.

  We should cherish the friendship and cherish the good time of our childhood,so that our young years will not be wasted.






  彼得潘英文读后感 7

  I read a Book - "Peter Peterpan" is an American playwright James. A Book of fairy tales written by Barry. Here is a boy called Peterpan. He doesnt want to grow up. He is innocent and lively. He can fly,adventurous,intelligent and brave. He lives in a happy island.

  Wendy and two brothers have a dream that they can fly in the sky. Peterpan taught them to fly and take them to the island of never. In this fantastic Neverland,living mermaids,Indians,pirates,elf,Peterpan built a must give them down from the hollow tree,do the chimney with mushroom underground,Wendy when their mother,help their laundry,cooking,mending clothes,sometimes Wendy will say:"tired. The mother can be really hard ah! "My mom outdid her,but she never complained called tired,thank you mom!

  Children are happy to learn,play,sing and dance in the island forever. They fought with the pirates with Peterpan,the Indian Princess... They are here to live carefree and carefree. It seemed as if I was flying to never island and live with them.

  The book of fairy tales can be happy for me. I have to read more books to accumulate more knowledge and apply it to my study to make my study more up.





  彼得潘英文读后感 8

  All children have to grow up, with one exception - he is Peter Pan, the Little Flying Man. I have read the entire book Peter Pan, and the exciting storyline deeply attracted me.

  In this book, I personally like Peter Pan because he is both brave and intelligent. Pirate Captain Hook captured John and Michael. Peter Pan came up with a way to save them, imitating Hooks voice and saying to his subordinates, "Let those children go!" The confused subordinates let the children go. After pirate captain Hook returned, he asked where the child was? They are also happy to say that they have released the children according to your instructions. Hooke was very angry when he heard that he had been fooled by Peter Pan.

  I also envy Peter Pan for his ability to fly. He can fly freely in the sky and change his posture. Whats even funnier is that he can sleep in the clouds. How fun it is! Ah! I really want to go to Eternal Land in the book, see if Peter Pan is in, and see if Wendy is in?

  Ah, our childhood is as colorful as a dream!





  彼得潘英文读后感 9

  The book "Peter Pan" was recommended by Teacher Li for us, requiring us to read only one chapter every day and read each chapter twice, with good words and sentences highlighted, and annotations made. Therefore, every child in our class has read this book seriously. I have benefited immensely from it.

  It was written by James Barry of England. This book tells the story of; Peter Pan is a little boy who knows how to divide and never grows up. Innocent and lively, with a vengeance for evil, intelligent and brave, Chen Dalin and his wife were not at home. They flew together with the little girl Wendy and his two younger brothers to the never-ending island of fairies, mermaids, pirates, and Native Americans. Where did they start their fairy tale boat life

  I particularly like Peter Pans intelligence and bravery. The fierce pirate captain James Hook captured John and Michael. Peter came up with a good way to save them. Peter followed Hookes voice and said to his subordinates, "Let those children go!" The confused subordinates let the children go. After Hooke returned, he asked where the children were. They were also happy to say that they had been let go. Hooke was very angry when he heard this, and without saying a word, he killed them.

  Peter is a brave, intelligent, and joyful person; A child who will never grow up.





  彼得潘英文读后感 10

  I read the book "Peter Pan" under the guidance of my teacher this semester, and I think it is a very suitable book for our children to read. I wrote down my feelings and thoughts while reading there for all the children to appreciate. I also hope you can read more meaningful books.

  The protagonists of this book are Peter and Wendy. Peter wanted Wendy to be the little mother of the children. When Mrs. Darling went out, Peter taught Wendy and the children how to fly. They flew to Forever Land, but were attacked by pirate Hook. Peter led the children to defeat Hook together. Wendy and her brother were homesick, so soon they flew back home.

  Among them, I like Peter the most because he was stabbed by Hooks iron hook. Still fighting against Hooker with determination. His spirit of daring to challenge difficulties is worth learning from. I am very unwilling to participate in our schools Eagle Art Festival because I lack confidence. But with the encouragement of the teacher, I still participated and won the first place in the host competition.

  The person I dislike the most is Hook, because he made the children jump from the board into the deep sea. The person I envy the most is Peter, because he can fly freely in the sky. If it were me, I would also go to Yongwuxiang to see if Peter is there and Wendy is not!

  Our childhood is as colorful as a dream!






  彼得潘英文读后感 11

  I have read the book "Peter Pan" these days. Whenever I open this book, it feels like I have entered a fairy tale world. The never-ending island inside makes me yearn for it very much. Because there are stories of Peter Pan, who doesnt want to grow up, and the little elf Dingjingling Bell, as well as their wits and battles with the bad pirates led by Hook. And the plot of their interaction with the beasts deeply attracted me.

  After reading Peter Pan, a painting appeared in front of me. The lost child was searching for Peter, the pirates were searching for the lost child, the Native Americans came out to search for pirates, and the beasts came out to search for the Native Americans. They moved at the same speed, so no one could find anyone.

  Peter and his companions even change and change in their battles with the Native Americans, sometimes becoming Native Americans and sometimes the enemys side. The battle is not over yet, but suddenly it changes again. Those real Native Americans also found Peters idea quite creative and agreed to become those children. Otherwise, this battle would really not have been able to continue.

  Peters life, the life of a child, is a real game. Sometimes I imagine myself as Peter Pan, imagining what will happen next, imagining that time can turn back and be a child who will never grow up.

  I will always remember the name Peter Pan in my heart. Because it is so beautiful and pure in my mind, it gives me a feeling of being there.






  彼得潘英文读后感 12

  Recently, I read the famous work "Peter Pan" by the British writer James Barry, which left a deep impression on me because the stories in the book were so magical and beautiful. After reading it, I always thought of myself as Peter Pan, an embodiment of justice and a boy who would never grow up.

  This book mainly narrates the adventures of several children, including Peter Pan and Wendy, on Neverland. Peter Pan is a little boy living on Neverland Island, which is a magical island. There are also a group of lost children, fierce pirates, a special crocodile, and some Native Americans on the island... One day, Peter Pan came to the home of a little girl named Wendy, took her and her siblings, and went to Neverland Island. On the island, they fought against the pirates with their lost children and ultimately defeated them.

  After reading this book, I kept reminiscing about the wonderful scenes in the book. The most exciting part was the end of the story. Peter Pan led the children to rush towards the pirates, killing them in pieces. In the end, he engaged in a fierce and cunning duel with Captain Hook at the top of the mast and successfully defeated Hook, winning the victory. I admire Peter Pans bravery and bravery, his chivalry and righteousness. I dream of being taken by Peter Pan to the island and living a carefree and adventurous life with the children on the island. I also dream of having such a dream island not far away……




  彼得潘英文读后感 13

  I read a book called "Peter Pan". Since the story book is called "Peter Pan", should the protagonist of the story also be called Peter Pan? Thats right.

  This book tells the story of Peter Pan, Peter Pan, and Wendy, John, and Mike going to Neverland. On their way to Eternal Land, they encountered pirates and bravely defeated them. Finally, they successfully escaped danger. Arriving at Eternal Land, they encountered pirates again and used their wisdom to defeat them. Finally, Wendy, John, and Mike returned to their own homes. From then on, they grew up, matured, became strong, and became healthy.

  I like Wendy the most in this story. Because she is gentle and willing to help others. For example, after Wendy became a mother, she arranged the house in an orderly manner, asked Mike to sleep in a basket as a baby, and cooked various delicious foods every day. She was very busy but happy.

  The person I dislike the most is Ding Ding, because she is greedy and selfish. When she sees Peter Pan making friends with Wendy, she wants to cause destruction.

  I envy Peter Pan the most because he can fly. If only I could fly too! I want to invent a flying suit that allows people to fly freely. I also hope to have a mother like Wendy who is more gentle towards me, tolerant towards me, and allows me more. I want to learn from childrens manners and upbringing, and be a good child that people like.






  彼得潘英文读后感 14

  Peter Pan is a boy who will never grow up. He hates adults and grins when he sees them. Wendy is Peter Pans good friend, but who is Peter Pans mother? She is a lovely lady with romantic thoughts in her mind, and a sweet, mocking mouth. Her romantic thoughts come from the inexplicable East, and her name is Mrs. Lin········ Peter Pan came to a small island called Yongwuxiang. They not only became good friends with the Native Americans, but also engaged in battles with pirates led by Captain Hook, embarking on a real adventure. Yongwuxiang is a place, but it exists in the hearts of children - there is no preaching that dislikes adults, no constraints from adults, and they can play whatever they want. It is undoubtedly a paradise for children, Peter.

  Since Pan arrived on this island, he has become happy and lively, and many things have happened on this island, such as; Underground Home, Mermaids Lagoon, Neverless Island, Pirate Ship, and Hooks Struggle... and Hooks Struggle was so intense and cruel, but Peter Pan defeated Hook with his own wisdom. From this short article, I feel that Peter Pan is a resilient, hardworking, and fearless boy, so we also need to learn from him the spirit of enduring hardship and hard work. This book helped me thrive from it and also taught me about a boy who would never grow up.



  彼得潘英文读后感 15

  During the winter vacation, I finally finished reading the book "Peter Pan". I was deeply attracted by the storyline inside. He was a little boy who never grew up, always happy and happy. He was mischievous, mischievous, capable of flying, brave, gentlemanly, and somewhat arrogant, living on a lovely island called "Forever Island".

  One day, Peter Pans shadow was carried home by Nana, Wendys "dog nanny". In the evening, Peter Pan came to find his own shadow and met the little girl Wendy. Later, Peter Pan, the little fairy Ding Keling, and Wendy, along with her two younger brothers John and Michael, flew to Neverland and embarked on an adventurous journey. They read about the beautiful and lovely mermaid, Captain Hook of the treacherous pirate ship... Peter Pan and his friends engaged in a deadly duel with Captain Hook on Neverland Island, and ultimately Peter Pan won the victory.

  Every child wants to fly and also fantasizes about their own never-ending island. After reading this book, I repeatedly depicted my beloved Peter Pan in my imagination. I wish I could never grow up and be happy like him, but when I think about it carefully, its not good either. Peter Pans memory is very poor. Although he has lost a lot of troubles like that, he has also forgotten the beautiful memories, which is not good!




  彼得潘英文读后感 16

  Summer vacation has started, Im really happy. You can finish it to your hearts content. However, I still havent forgotten my main task - learning.

  These days, I read a book called "Peter Pan" at home. Among them, my favorite first article, Peter Pan broke into his home, has the following content; Long, long ago, there was a mansion where Mrs. Darling and Mr. Darling lived, as well as their three lovely children. They all had very difficult times sitting down. Mrs. Darling has a gentle personality, while Mr. Darling is a quick witted person who is very anxious when doing things; Three children have unique personalities.

  One day, their family was walking outside and saw a big dog. So they picked it up and named it "Nana". Just arrived home, Nana felt a bit uncomfortable with the new environment. After a while, Nana ran happily, and everyone loved it very much. However, Mr. Darling was different. He had a stern face and seemed very unwelcome to Nana. After everyones pleading, Mr. Darling was finally able to let the big dog Nana stay. However, Mr. Darling always does some bad things to Nana, which makes everyone very sad, including Nana.

  I know this story. You cant bully animals, because in that way, their personalities will deteriorate. Animals are like this, and humans are also like this. We should treat every friend and every animal well.





  彼得潘英文读后感 17

  In the past few days, we have read the book "Peter Pan". The protagonist in the book is Peter Pan. Peter Pan is a brave and just child, and his deeds are truly touching. Next, let me tell you the story of Peter Pan!

  Captain Hook was a fierce man who had always regarded Peter Pan as an enemy. When he thought of his severed hand, his eyes erupted with anger. Although this iron hook was now much more useful than a hand and could still do household chores, because Peter Pan fed his severed arm to the giant crocodile, Hook was chased by it day and night.

  I want to win in a fair situation! "This is Peter Pans principle and habit, and he has never known what unfair victory means. When Hook encountered difficulties, Peter reached out his hand to give him a hand. Just as his hand touched Hook, a sharp pain spread throughout his body, and he took a hook from Hook! Peter froze there, stunned.

  Through this story, I feel that Peter Pan is a very righteous and brave child, because after encountering bad people like Hook, he fought against Captain Hook for justice. But Hooker was really bad, and Peter Pan was actually harmed by Hooker when he tried to save him. Peter Pan is a kind child, he is a role model for us to learn from. In the future, we should learn more from Peter Pan!





  彼得潘英文读后感 18

  This week, we read Peter Pan.

  Peter Pan is a child who never wants to grow up. He is innocent, brave, intelligent, simple, kind, but a bit selfish. He can always crack Hooks conspiracy. His friend Wendy plays the role of a mother in this big family. She is similar to Peter Pan, but he has no flaws. She is tired of noise and doesnt like the invasion of pirates. She can always save the day. Like Peter, he is happy and lives on Neverland Island with his seven children, along with Peters father. Do you know Eternal Bird? She is the bird that saved Peter Pan, and he also lives on Neverland. You must also know Mrs. Darling. She is Wendy, John, and Michaels mother. She is a beautiful and lovely woman with a brain full of fantasies. Her infatuated, always upturned corners of her mouth always make a child want to kiss her every time they see her. Mr. Darling is Mrs. Darlings husband, who punished himself by tying up Nana in the first place. Now, Nana is dead, and Mr. Darling lives in the kennel until the children come back. Hook was a hated pirate who committed all sorts of crimes. Fortunately, he died. He used explosives to kill Peter and the others, but he himself died. And Dingding, his heart is very kind. Once, he even saved Peter Pan, but fortunately he didnt die. Do everyone want to live with them? Wendy let her child Jane become Peter Pans mother, and Janes daughter Margaret became Peter Pans mother, and so on and on.

  Everyone must also want to fly to Yongwu Island!




  彼得潘英文读后感 19

  With excitement, I opened Peter Pan, and the content of the book deeply captivated me, as if it had caught my soul.

  This book tells the story of Peter Pan, a child who will not grow up and lives in a place called Eternal Island with many lost children. Every day we embark on a new adventure: playing with mermaids and fighting pirates... One day, Peter brought back a girl and two younger brothers. The children treated Wendy as their mother because she told them stories and patched their socks every day. However, Wendy knew he was going to grow up, so he still decided to leave Everlasting Island, return to his parents, and return to society.

  Wendy and the children returned home smoothly, and the Darling couple adopted all the lost children, except for Peter. He returned to Neverland on his own, but promised to come and pick up Wendy for spring cleaning every year before leaving. But year after year passed, and the forgetful Peter always forgot his oath. Soon, Wendy grew up and became a true mother, but Peter suddenly appeared. Although Wendy can no longer fly, he still happily finds a new mother - Wendys youngest daughter Jane.

  The fact that we must grow up and Peters unwillingness to grow up have also been unified in the novel: as we grow up, as long as we still retain a pure heart, believe in Peter, believe in fairy tales, the island will always exist, and the fairy will also exist forever.





  彼得潘英文读后感 20

  Recently, I read a book called "Peter Pan". I am deeply in love with this book. The general meaning of the book is as follows: The Darling couple have three children, the eldest is kind Wendy, followed by John and Michael. Their arrival brought a lot of laughter to the family. The protagonist is Peter Pan, the little flying hero who doesnt want to grow up. One night, Wendy was lucky enough to meet Peter Pan. Peter said that the "Neverland Island" he lived in was a fun and exciting place. Finally, under Peters temptation, she and her brothers learned to fly and followed Peter to Neverland Island. This made Mrs. Darling very sad. She kept the window open, hoping that the children would fly back one day.

  In the past, their shadows could automatically stick on, but now why cant they stick on anymore? Peter Pan cried. At this moment, Wendy got up and helped Peter Pan sew on the shadow. Peter Pan also taught them how to fly. At this moment, Peter Pan remembered that Dinka Belle was locked in a drawer, so he quickly opened it. Dinka Belle was very angry. In the end, they also arrived at "Eternal Island", where there were wild beasts, reds, and pirates. The leader of the pirates is really bad, his name is Hook. Peter Pan was very controversial. He bravely fought against Hook, and in the fierce battle, Peter Pan cut off Hooks right arm.



  彼得潘英文读后感 21

  Peter Pan was created by James Barry from England for all of us. This book has brought a great shock to my soul. And I also have to admire James? Barrys rich imagination. When they outwitted the fierce Hulk shipowner, I put myself in their shoes and fought alongside them. While watching, I also provided advice for their escape. At the same time, they cheered and cheered for their victory.

  There is a place where every child can soar to, but only adults cannot find it; There is a reality that every life gradually grows old, only Peter Pan never grows up! There is a hope that every child can soar and fly to their own "Dream Island". After reading Peter Pan, my heart always yearns to have such a "Neverland" - free, happy, and free from regret.

  The story begins in this way: one night, four year old Wendy discovered a little boy wearing a green leaf coat in her room - Peter Pan. They introduced each other and became good friends. Under Peter Pans persuasion, Wendy took her two younger brothers and flew with him to the imaginary world of each child - Utopia. There they embarked on a memorable journey.

  Before that, I constantly didnt believe in the theory of immortality. But it was only after reading this book that I realized - I believe it will happen.

  I also really like Neverland, but I dont want to leave home and my mother. A child with a mother is like a treasure. "We have the love and care of our parents at home, and we are the happiest children.






  彼得潘英文读后感 22

  This holiday, I read "Peter Pan" by Barry from the UK. He is short in stature and cannot personally venture like an admired friend, so he can only write this desire for exploration in this book. Of course, this desire is possessed by every child.

  My favorite character among them is the protagonist "Peter Pan". He is witty and brave, but his shortcomings of being stubborn and arrogant are also very obvious.

  Once, the children were caught by pirates. Because "Peter Pan" knew that the pirate leader "Hook" was afraid of the crocodile that could make a ticking sound in his belly, even though the clock in the crocodiles belly had already finished winding and could no longer make a sound, the clever man calmly imitated the sound of the clock next to the crocodile, ticking non-stop. As a result, he took advantage of Hooks panic and secretly sneaked into the cabin, pretending to be a monster and killing three pirates. Finally, he showed his true appearance and successfully rescued the children.

  When Peter Pan first visited Wendys house, he accidentally left his shadow behind and was put in a drawer by Wendys mother, Mrs. Green. On his second visit, "Wendy" discovered that he was crying because the shadow couldnt stick on, so he patiently helped him sew the shadow onto him. Unexpectedly, while he was excited, he only said that "Wendy" had helped him a little, mainly due to his own credit. This is really embarrassing.

  Peter Pan is both righteous and evil, but he is sincere and lovely, which suits the hearts of us children. Therefore, he often appears in my mind and accompanies me in exploration and play.






  彼得潘英文读后感 23

  During the summer vacation, I read three books, one of which is called "Peter Pan". The author of this book is James Barry from the UK. Its romantic storyline and vivid portrayal all attract me. Peter is a very mischievous elf, and he can also shine! Peter is very brave and has boundless magic, and I am filled with curiosity about him.

  Since Peter met Wendy, John, and Michael, he has become a bit cunning. The second road on the right, keep going until dawn. Peter told Wendy that it was the way to Neverland Island, and it turned out that none of them could fly. Peter sprinkled some elf powder on them, and they unknowingly flew up. Fly over mountains, fields, churches, streams, and forests. When they arrived at Yongwu Island, they heard the voices of various wild animals and humans.

  We went to the underground world to play for a while, and in order not to be discovered by the enemy, a large mushroom was covered on it. Peter wanted to challenge the pirates, and in the end, Peter defeated the enemy.

  Peter defeated the enemy with courage and wisdom.

  Peter doesnt want to grow up, why? Because he wants to have a pure heart and doesnt want to be polluted by others. I dont want to grow up because I can play happily with children and live a happy life.

  The classic childrens work Peter Pan has profound social significance. This book still has a lot of knowledge, which makes me novel to read.







  彼得潘英文读后感 24

  During the winter vacation, I read the book "Peter Pan". The protagonist Peter Pan is a carefree little boy who never grows up and can fly. He took the little girl Wendy and her two younger brothers John and Michael to "Neverland", where they met six other little boys and embarked on their adventure. They fought against the pirates led by Hawk and ultimately won the victory. Later, Wendy and her brothers safely returned home and gradually grew into adults.

  In this book, I like Peter Pan the most because he not only knows how to fly, but also is very smart. He fought against pirates for hundreds of rounds, played the enemy around and saved everyone. Although he may be a bit arrogant, comparing these small problems with what he has done is not worth mentioning at all. I also envy Peter Pan for his ability to fly. If I can, then I must fly to "Neverland", adventure with the boys, do housework with Wendy, and play happily on the island.

  I also admire the fairy bell tinkling in Peter Pan. Although she was jealous of Wendy, she voluntarily drank poison to save Peter Pans life, and was eventually saved by Peter Pan. From this incident, I can see that Qingdingdang has the spirit of sacrificing himself for others, and can stand up when his friends are in danger. This is the so-called "adversity shows true love"!

  After reading this book, I am still full of ideas. The warm and happy scenes still flash in front of me from time to time, and I also yearn for the same experience as Wendy.





  彼得潘英文读后感 25

  I have read the book Peter Pan on this day. Whenever I open this book, it feels like I have entered a fairy tale kingdom. The never-ending island inside is something I yearn for very much. Because there are Peter Pan and the elves who dont want to grow up there, as well as their small stories of fighting against the bad pirates that started with Hook. The plot between them and the beast Zhou Xuan deeply attracted me.

  After reading Peter Pan, a painting flashed past. The lost child was searching for Peter, the pirates were searching for the lost child, the Native Americans went out to search for pirates, and the beasts went out to search for the Native Americans. They acted at the same speed, so there was no one who could find anyone.

  Peter and even in their battles with the Native Americans, they would come and go, sometimes becoming Native Americans, sometimes also becoming opponents. The battle is not yet over, and it suddenly changes again. These real Native Americans also felt that Peters ideas were quite creative and willing to become these children. Otherwise, this battle would really not be able to be won.

  Peters life, the life of a child, is a new beginning. Sometimes I can imagine myself as Peter Pan, imagine what will happen next, imagine that time will flow upstream and become a slowly growing child.

  I can always remember the name Peter Pan in my heart. Because it has such a beautiful and childlike atmosphere in my mind, it requires me to have a feeling of being there firsthand.






  彼得潘英文读后感 26

  After reading the book Peter Pan, I realized that to do anything, one must face it bravely and solve things intelligently.

  This book mainly describes the adventures of children such as Wendy and Peter Pan on Neverland, creating a fairy tale world that we yearn for - Neverland. The carefree fairies, mermaids, lost children, and "underground homes" using mushrooms as chimneys on the island are all the simplest calls for us, and Peter Pans thoughts and actions of "never wanting to grow up" are even more heartfelt.

  There are two stories in the book that I really like, the first one is "Mermaid Lagoon". This story depicts the mystery and dreams inside the lagoon, where children such as Peter Pan and Wendy enjoy the scenery carefree, play freely, and rest happily on the beach. We should also study happily, but when playing, we should be limited, and our lives will be happier. The second article is "The Wanderer Wants to Go Home". This story tells of Wendys mother, who always keeps the window open. When Wendys father was about to close the window, Wendy, her two younger brothers, and seven children returned, and she closed the window. Our parents are also like this, always caring, caring, and believing in us.

  The book "Peter Pan" has taught me a lot of lessons, so buy or borrow it for a look!





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  Peter Pan is a mischievous, brave, naive, arrogant, and flying little boy. We all want to never grow up and be able to fly, only Peter Pan has achieved it because he has a "Neverland", a childlike innocence, wisdom, hard work, courage, and a love for excitement. Peter Pan took Wendy and her two younger brothers to Neverland, where he used his intelligence and courage to fight against the cruel and treacherous pirate captain in a final battle. After countless adventures, the children won. Wendy liked the life of an ordinary person, and she took away the child who didnt want to stay on the island. Peter Pan stayed on Neverland because he wanted to never grow up, Live forever in the world of fairy tales.

  We need to learn from his strengths and make up for them. I am a 9-year-old boy who also has a certain amount of courage. I can accompany children to compete in other places without the company of my parents. I can climb and roll on the skating rink and now slide very well, but these are still far from Peter Penby. We children have many firsts in our growth process, such as going to kindergarten for the first time, going to school alone for the first time, being alone at home for the first time, skating for the first time... In fact, as long as we overcome our own psychology and take the first step bravely, we have already won.

  I believe that as long as we have the courage to try, with hard work, you will surely succeed.




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  All children will grow up, only one person will not.

  That person is Peter Pan, the Little Flying Man.

  The book "Peter Pan" was written by James Barry from the UK. This book mainly tells the magical story of Peter taking Wendy, Michael, and John to Neverland one night.

  Peter Pan is a playful child. He always smiles happily and flies carefree. In the real world, Wendy tells Peter fairy tales every night.

  Once, Peter and his team encountered pirates. At that time, Peter was very brave and defeated Hook.

  Some children dont want to grow up because they feel that the adult world has too many troubles, too much power, too many arguments, and emotional issues. I feel that the world of children is the happiest and purest time, and only the time of children is the most beautiful time.

  However, there are gains and losses. In the days when we dont grow up, we are also avoiding the lives and experiences of adults, so we have no understanding of the world and lack a mature mind.

  Although we face a complex world every day, everyone must have an island in their hearts. When they are troubled or lonely, they return to the island and fly for a while until their hearts are calm and when they return to the real world.









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  During winter vacation, I read a book called "Peter Pan, the Little Flying Man." This book mainly tells the story of one night when Peter Pan came to the little girl Wendys house, taught Wendy and her two younger brothers to fly in the air, and took them to a strange island called Nihily Island. Servant Peter Pan was a little boy who could fly and didnt want to grow up, but he defeated the pirate Hulk shipowner and lived on the island of nothingness.

  After reading this book, I realized my mistake; After reading this book, I have gained love; After reading this book, I learned to cherish friendship. This book has yielded me a lot.

  When my daughter and I read about Peter Pan and Wendy, as well as her two younger brothers Michael and John flying to Neverland, they lived happily on the island, saw various animals, experienced defeating the bad guy Hulk Shipowner, and together they built the "Underground Home". The underground home is a strange and magical place. If you want to fish, you can dig a hole; The colorful mushrooms growing on the ground can serve as stools to sit on; There is a tree that grows in the room with a dead face. It is sawn off every morning and grows two feet tall by breakfast time. The children use door boards on the trunk of the tree as a dining table, and after dinner, it is sawn off. The room is spacious and there is time to play games... My daughter asked me, "If only I could be like Peter Pan and never grow up. I comforted her and said, People grow up in cities, and as long as you grow up, you can do more. Peter Pan defeated the Huck shipowner who acted recklessly with extraordinary courage, adaptability, and intelligence. If you want to become like Peter Pan, you should study hard and acquire enough knowledge to help others with intelligence and courage like Peter Pan..




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  After reading the book Peter Pan, I imagined a beautiful picture: a group of cute children happily playing on the island of Eternal Void. There is no preaching from adults, no restraint from adults, and we can play as we please. It is a happy paradise for our children.

  Wendy, John, and Michael, the three children, followed Peter Pan and a beautiful fairy named Dinka Bell to Neverland. Wendy and the Native Americans not only became good friends, but also engaged in a real adventure by fighting with the pirates led by Captain Hook. Finally, evil thoughts cannot defeat justice, and Hook was eaten by a crocodile that had been pestering him. Peter Pan doesnt like growing up, but Wendy and his family have to grow up! Although Wendy and his companions have grown up and can no longer fly, their children, including other children, can fly with Peter Pan to Eternal Island, as long as they are happy and innocent.

  In this article, I like Peter Pan the most. He exudes youthful vitality, exudes a lively demeanor, and is free and carefree. He has always been a happy child with baby teeth and little growth. I am also growing up, possessing the wings of imagination and the ability to soar freely. But when I grow up, I will lose all of this, so I hope to never grow up like Peter Pan. But humans cannot help but grow up, and this is helpless. Peter Pans existence indicates that humans have a recurring and continuous childhood, as well as the eternal maternal love that accompanies it. People always have to grow up, which is unfortunate, but humans have hope, as long as children are happy, innocent, and heartless.




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  The author of the book Peter Pan is James Barry of England, a Scottish novelist, playwright, and essayist. Born into a family of workers, I have loved reading and writing since childhood. Many children do not want to grow up, do not want to go to school, and only want to play every day. Peter Pan is a boy who never wants to grow up. He lives in Eternal Land.

  Yongwuxiang is a place that every child has visited. Peter will tell you where it is: "Turn right at the second intersection and fly until dawn." In this book, one day, Mrs. Darling and Mr. Darling went to an important ball. On that day, Peter took Wendy, Mike, and John to Yongwuxiang, where Wendy became a mother to the children, Wendy told a story about Mrs. Darling and Mr. Darling, and made Wendy and the children prepare to go home. However, as soon as they came out, they were caught by pirates. Peter understood and went to prepare to fight against Hook. On the pirates side, Hook released the children and asked Wendy to stay. At that moment, the crocodile came and the children took a look, but were surprised to see Peter.

  Peter asked the children to remain silent, and he slipped into the cabin. Coincidentally, Jukes went down to pick up something in the cabin and was stabbed to death by Peter. Then, both Cheko and Starch were stabbed to death by Peter. Huck asked the children to go from the deck to the cabin. Peter unlocked the children and armed them. Peter hid the children and Wendy together. Peter put on his coat and stood in front of the mast. Peter called out the children, and there were a series of screams and drowning sounds on the ship.

  Peter and Hook were stabbing each other with their swords. Hook was stabbed by Peter and fought back weakly. In despair, Hook jumped into the sea, but to his surprise, the crocodile was waiting for him below. Finally, Wendy and the children returned home. After reading this book, I understand that being a person requires courage.





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  During the summer vacation, I read a good book called "Peter Pan".

  Peter Pan, a boy with baby teeth who refused to grow up, is not only a well-known figure in the Western world, but also known and loved by more and more people as his legendary story spreads.

  Peter Pan "was originally a fairy tale play by the famous British writer Jay M. Barry, which premiered in London in 1904 and caused a sensation and received widespread praise. Later, after Barry adapted it into a medium length fairy tale, it was translated into various languages and widely circulated around the world, receiving the attention of children and even adults from various countries. In addition, comic strips, commemorative books, and stamps featuring the story of Peter Pan have also become popular in Europe and America: every Christmas, Western countries stage this story as a gift for children.

  After reading this book, I think Peter Pan is a very brave little boy. He once ventured through the dense jungle and went to the reef of the mermaid to fight against the mermaid to the death. At a young age, he defeated the pirate Hook. Rescue Wendy, Michael, Tutu, John, Nibbs, Slytherin, Curly. Its even more mischievous. He once squeezed glue onto Wendys bed, making her unable to get up. He also made Tutu and Michael collide with each other.

  I think we should learn from Peter Pan in the text, his brave spirit, his spirit of helping each other, and his spirit of not afraid of death.

  As long as we believe in Peter Pan and the fairy, everyone will have a perfect childlike heart and become a child who will never grow up.







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  Today, I read a book called "Peter Pan, the Little Flying Man". The story depicts Peter Pan as a cute little boy with pearly baby teeth, dressed in clothes made of leaves and tree pulp, who doesnt want to grow up and will never grow up. He is innocent, lively, jealous of evil, brave and full of a sense of justice. Next, I will talk about his adventure.

  Peter Pan is a fairy, while Wendy is a little girl. In addition, Wendys mother also gave birth to John and Michael. Wendys mother always thought it was better to call it Peter, but Wendy said it was. Wendys mother also hired a dog nanny for them - Nana. One night, Peter Pan entered Wendys room. It turned out that he was looking for his own shadow with the little fairy - Dinka Belle. Dinka Belle found Peter Pans shadow. As soon as Peter Pan was excited, he forgot about Dinka Belle and casually closed the drawer.

  Whenever its still at night, Peter Pan would come to Wendys house and play to his hearts content. Until one day his shadow was pulled down by a dog, and because he couldnt fit it, he sat on the ground and cried. His crying woke Wendy up, and Wendy helped Peter Pan sew a shadow on it. Then he woke up Melk and John and Peter went to a place with only laughter and joy: Mysterious Island. They played mermaid lagoon on Mysterious Island, where they saw real mermaids. Some were swimming, some were playing in the water, and some were talking to Peter. However, one day the children were captured by the evil Blackbeard pirate Huck, and only Peter was not captured. Finally, Peter Pan killed Hook and saved everyone, becoming a hero in the tribe.

  After reading this book, I deeply feel how important justice and friendship are, and how hateful evil is. Lets develop our own positive energy to overwhelm negative energy. Lets uphold justice together. Lets make progress together and take further steps on the path of justice!





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  The book Peter Pan is really beautiful. In Peter Pan, the person I admire the most is the leader of the boy who wont grow up or get lost - Peter Pan.

  I admire him not because he is the leader, but because he has a righteous heart. Peter Pan once risked his life to rescue Princess Hulian, who was bound to a prisoners rock and could be drowned alive at any time by the rising tide of seawater. Peter Pan once used his own body as a bait to distract the pirates and rescue the lost boys and Wendy.

  I admire him because he has a tolerant heart. The little fairy directly resented Peter Pan for liking Wendy more and neglected herself, so she often tried her best to play tricks on Peter Pan. But when the little fairy was almost on her deathbed, she determined that Peter Pan would come to save her regardless of past grievances. She told Peter Pan the way to save herself - as long as the children believed in the little fairy, she could come back to life. Peter Pan thought to himself, How can the children answer when they are all asleep in the middle of the night?? However, Peter Pan felt that as long as there was hope, he could never give up, so he began to rescue the little fairy - he loudly asked the child who was falling asleep: Do you believe in the little fairy? Unexpectedly, every corner of the world answered in unison: Believe! In this way, the little fairy suddenly became full of vitality, full of vitality.

  I envy Peter Pan for being able to fly and never growing up, as well as for living a carefree and free life. However, I prefer Peter Pans spirit of jealousy, bravery, and sacrifice.

  Throughout the book, Peter is always a young child who can be free, mischievous, capricious, and play to his hearts content. He is also very domineering, but Peter is still a fair child king. Peter possesses skills that we all want but never acquire. He is eternal youth, he is Peter Pan, the child who will never grow up.






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  All children will grow up, except for one child, Peter Pan.

  Peter Pan can do whatever he wants, but excessive freedom is loneliness. He plays with other homeless children and becomes their captain. Every night, he listens to Wendy telling stories about Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, and Snow White. He has no parents or emotions. But he will never grow up, and his identity determines his loneliness. In the end, Wendy and the other children will leave him because they must grow up in the real world, and he can only fly alone in his worry free world and always be a child. Peter Pan has many joys that other children have never experienced, but there is one joy he will never have, which is the joy of growing up.

  Peter Pan always smiles happily, flies carefree, and bravely faces everything. I admire his bravery in the duel with pirate leader Hook on Eternal Island, and in the end, he successfully took off Hooks hand and defeated him.

  After reading the book Peter Pan, I have a deep impression. I want to learn from his love and care for friends, his bravery, his efforts to face all difficulties in life, his optimism, and the joy of living each day. Once, I woke up in the middle of the night and wanted to go to the bathroom, but the room was pitch black. I was so scared that I woke up my mother. Im really ashamed to think about it now. I wont be so timid again in the future. Although we have to face a complex world every day, as long as we are like Peter Pan, everyone has a "neverless island" in their hearts. When we have free time, fly back to our own "neverless island" for a while, let us live each day happily.





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  Every child will grow up, except for one named Peter Pan. I came to another city for my own shadow and met the kind and innocent little girl Wendy. We went to Neverland together, passed through space, and arrived at Neverland. The despicable school made Peters friends shoot Wendy down. After Wendy woke up, they asked Wendy to be their mother and embarked on an adventure. In order to save Wendys two younger brothers, they arrived at the Dark Castle again and engaged in a life and death struggle with the evil Tiger. At the critical moment, the crocodile that ate Tigers hand appeared and helped the children defeat Tiger. Unexpectedly, Hucks reappearance once again disrupted the tranquility of Neverland. At the last moment, Peter issued his final call: I believe there are elves! So people all over the world spoke this sentence.

  Finally, I lived a happy life. From this, it can be seen that although childhood is important, becoming a child who will never grow up will not mature, do not understand emotions, do not know the ups and downs of life, just a child. Although such children can live a happy and eternal childhood, they may not necessarily live well. Growing up is a kind of help for you, allowing you to experience the help of life, and letting you know the help of lifes difficulties. Growing up is a good thing. Let you be mature and sensible, so we should look forward to growing up and cherish everything we have now, because it is very likely to be lost at any time. Its difficult to think about it again. Among them, Wendy and Peter are very brave, fighting Tiger and never begging for mercy. We should also have the courage like them, be determined to become a brave child, become our own heroes, and worship ourselves. I hope everyone can also have courage.



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  The teacher just borrowed a book from everyone in our class called Peter Pan. As soon as the book was published, I eagerly read it and wished I could finish it immediately. The teacher also showed us the movie "Peter Pan," which was made from this book.

  The protagonist Peter Pan is a little boy who refuses to grow up and will never grow up. He leads a group of young boys who will not grow up like him to live on a small island without troubles and isolation from the world. On a summer night, Peter Pan flew to London and, taking advantage of Mrs. Darlings absence, lured her daughter, Wendy, who was particularly good at telling stories, back to Neverland with her two little brothers. Their adventure story began from then on. Everyone recommended Wendy as a mother, and from then on, she lived a wonderful fairy tale life, but there were also many crises hidden in her life. They did many brave things together, repeatedly competing with the cunning pirate leader Hook. In the end, they defeated the pirates with their wisdom and unity, causing Hook to fall into the crocodiles mouth……

  During her life on Neverland, Wendys two younger brothers gradually forgot everything about their family, including their mother who loved them deeply. However, Wendy always insisted on going home. After defeating the pirates, they finally returned home and met their parents who were eagerly waiting for them day and night. After they left, their mother was heartbroken and thought she was dreaming. She couldnt believe they had really returned, Wendy and she were also very happy to see their mother.

  After reading this story, I feel that even the most exciting outside world cannot be compared to the warmth of having a mother around. Children cannot leave their parents without permission for any reason, otherwise their parents will be very sad. Staying by their mothers side is the happiest thing.





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  The book "Peter Pan" weaves bizarre fantasies, fairy tales, thrilling plots, satirical humor, and adult life exclamations into a small fairy tale. The author has created some cute, lively, and thought-provoking images, and designed many ingenious plot ideas, which cannot help but marvel at the authors rich imagination.

  A boy who refuses to grow up (Peter Pan) takes real world children (Weng Ti, John, Michael) to Eternal Island to make friends with elves (Dinka Bell) and mermaids, and to fight resolutely against pirates (Hook, Chaik, Smee, Starch, Bill Jukes)

  After flying to Neverland Island, they met the elves, mermaids, and pirates, and made good friends with them. They were very happy

  However, once the children were caught by pirates while cheering, and only Dinka Bell and Peter Pan were not caught. The reason was that Peter Pan was sleeping soundly when the children were caught, and the pirate captain (Hook) poisoned Peter Pans medication cup. Peter Pan was awakened by a knock on the door, and he recognized that it was Dinka Bells voice and opened the door

  Peter Pan, after listening to Dinka Bells words (the children were caught by pirates), he immediately went to save them.

  Peter Pan imitated the sound of crocodiles - the most feared sound among the pirates was the ticking ticking ticking ticking ticking ticking ticking ticking ticking ticking ticking ticking. At that time, Peter Pan saved the children with his own wisdom and defeated the pirates with his united strength. Some of the pirates were drowned, some were killed, and some were eaten by the crocodiles.

  Among many characters, I like Peter Pan the most because he is kind, kind-hearted, brave, and tenacious.

  I have read this book and deeply understood a truth: in everything we do, we must unite and help each other, so that we can have good results.









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  Peter Pan "tells the story of a Peter Pan living on Neverland and a little girl named Wendy. I have benefited greatly from reading this book.

  Once, Peter Pan broke into Wendys house and, to his surprise, his own shadow was taken by nana, the nanny dog. One night, Peter Pan secretly retrieved his own shadow and met Wendy and her two younger brothers, taught them to fly, and took them to Neverland. Wendy acted as the mother of a group of children. Once, Wendy wanted to go home. Except for Peter Pan, all the other children were willing to go home with Wendy. They went out of the underground house, but the pirate Hawk was on top and caught them all. After Peter Pan understood, he rushed to the ship and used his wit to defeat Hawk. But Wendy still has to go back. She promised Peter Pan that she would come back for the spring cleaning. Wendy grew up, and her children took over her position, passing it down from generation to generation.

  After reading this book, I realized my own mistakes. I dont cherish friendship as much as they do, and only regret it when Im no longer a friend.

  My favorite characters are Peter Pan and Wendy. Although Peter Pan is proud and arrogant, he is a person who cherishes friendship very much and will not easily forget friends; Wendy is kind and has a pitiful heart for homeless creatures. She is willing to adopt wolf cubs and will not let them go.

  I feel similar to them. When I see poor beggars, I dont hide but care. When I see poor animals, I cant help but give them food.

  What I admire the most is the friendship between Peter Pan and Wendy. They were able to sacrifice for each other on the pirate ship, and Peter Pan desperately wanted to rescue Wendy. Isnt this enough to prove their deep friendship?

  After reading this book, I realized my mistake; After reading this book, I have gained love; After reading this book, I learned to cherish friendship. This book has greatly benefited me.








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  Peter Pan "is a story full of innocence. There are both beautiful fantasies and innocent bravery in children.

  The content of this book is as follows. Peter is a child who will never grow up, he is kind and brave. In a chance encounter, he met Wendy, John, and Michael, taught them to fly, and took them to a magical place - Neverland. On Eternal Island, there are only boys and no girls, so there is no one to take care of them. Since the arrival of Emperor Wen, their lives have been much enriched and happier. On Neverland Island, there are underground homes, mermaids in atolls, cute cabins, and cute fairies, pirates, and reds. Peter played with mermaids, made friends with reds, and even fought against pirates. Its really colorful. However, Wendy and his two younger brothers were homesick and returned to their homes. Peter could only remember when he took Wendy to play on Neverland Island. Many years later, Emperor Wen grew up and could no longer fly, but his daughter replaced her, and so on, passed down from generation to generation

  In the authors creation of stories, I think he must have a childlike innocence, full of childrens fantasies, otherwise he wouldnt be so close to our imagination. Shaped cute children with personalities like Peter. The entire story is vivid and I have to immerse myself in the authors unparalleled fantasy. I finished reading the story and thought, What wonderful story would happen if Peter also flew in from my window and took me to Eternal Island?? This story not only enriched my imagination a lot, but also taught me that in everything we do, we must unite and help each other, in order to achieve good results. The brave Peter and the kind Wendy are both good examples for me to learn from. I dont know when I can also visit Yongwu Island?




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  During my vacation, I read the world classic "Peter Pan". This book was written by the famous British writer James Barry. The book tells a story that happened to children and Peter Pan.

  One night, the children discovered Peter Pan and the fairy Little Dingdang, made friends with them, and followed them to Uyu Island. The wonderful journey to Utopia has broadened the childrens horizons. They lived with the children in the underground home of Uyu Island and used their courage and wisdom to defeat the pirates, making them very happy.

  Time flies like a shuttle, and after countless years of spring and autumn, the children have grown up. The kind-hearted and lovely little girl Wendy has also had her own daughter, named Jane Wendy. She has lost her beautiful childhood, no longer innocent and carefree. I can only tell my daughter the story of her childhood on Utopia, how he went to Utopia and defeated pirates. Spring has arrived, its time for a big cleaning on Uyu Island. Peter Pan took Jane with him, but Wendy cant go anymore. Many years later, Jane also matured and gave birth to a daughter named Margaret. Whenever Peter Pan remembered to do the spring cleaning, he would pick up Margaret, and later... and then

  After reading this book, I think it would be great if children were always innocent and innocent. I really hope to be a child forever; I hope there really is that Utopia in the world, there really is that Peter Pan; I hope I can also fly to Wuyu Island and live on that mysterious island forever! If all of this is true, I will also fly to Uyu Island, fight against pirates, tell stories to those unfortunate children who were born before, and be their mother. Let Wuyu Island always be filled with laughter and laughter!





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  Yesterday, I read a novel called "Peter Pan". The worry free island in the novel is too magical. If a child is abandoned for a month, they will be sent to worry free island. Children living on worry free island will never grow up. There are a group of children on Wuyou Island: elves, mermaids, Native Americans, as well as Captain Hook and his pirates. Peter is one of the children, he is a boy who doesnt want to grow up. Peter had been playing on Wuyou Island for several months, and when he returned home, he saw that his mother had already had a new child, and he couldnt tell at all that she missed Peter. Peter was extremely sad, and then he returned to Worry Free Island and never returned home again.

  How happy the days on Wuyou Island are! You can play with elves, sit on the tail of mermaids, and play hide and seek with birds in the clouds. Compared to the life on worry free island, our life is too monotonous! I have to run back and forth between school and home every day, and face a lot of homework. I also participate in Chinese, math, English tutoring classes, and various other interest classes in the evening and on weekends. However, living on Wuyou Island may be enjoyable, but I dont want to live on Wuyou Island. Because, first of all, I was not abandoned. More importantly, I have to go to school and work when I grow up. When my parents reach old age, I still have to take care of them. Moreover, my parents only have one child, and if I go to Wuyou Island, how much should they miss me!

  After reading this novel, I realized that a person should have their own dreams, but also face real life, see their own responsibilities, consider carefully raising their parents, and repay their kindness.




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  Peter Pan, a little boy who didnt want to grow up, had the ability to fly and had a good friend - Dingdingling.

  Ding Ding Lings body was exquisitely wrapped in a dry leaf, and her collar was cut square. She gained some weight, but her figure looked particularly beautiful against the backdrop of her clothes. Peter has all the thoughts and characteristics of a little boy: afraid of going to school, unwilling to grow up, fond of adventure, pure and flawless. One night, he flew into the bedroom of the three children of the Darling family, trying to find his own shadow. He once again brought Wendy, John, and Michael to Eternal Land. In Eternal Land, all the interesting, thrilling, and mysterious characters in the hearts of children reside: Native Americans, mermaids, pirates, crocodiles... Wendy and his companions live a carefree and adventurous life in Eternal Land. Peter Pan and Captain Hook are sworn enemies. One day, Wendy, John, Michael, and other children were captured by Captain Hook. He let the children walk on the springboard and drowned. Peter pretended to be a crocodile and saved Wendy and the others.

  Wendy, John, and Michael returned home and gradually grew up, forgetting everything that had happened. They no longer even believed it was true. But all of this doesnt seem to be over. Many years later, Wendy also became a mother. One spring night, the little boy with baby teeth came back. Wendy promised Peter to be Peters mother and not grow up, but Wendy couldnt change the fact. She still grew up and became an adult. Although Peter was very sad, Margaret could be his mother. Wendys daughter Margaret would have another daughter when she grew up, and she would become Peters mother again. Things went back and forth like this, constantly delaying.




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  Childlike innocence is something that everyone has had in their childhood. But everyone knows that it is not eternal. But after reading Peter Pan, written by British author Jim Barry, I found that childlike innocence is not afraid of time.

  Peter Pan took the little girl Wendy and her two younger brothers to Neverland Island, experiencing endless adventures. Whenever danger came, Peter Pan could come up with clever plans to rescue his companions. When I read this, I couldnt help but secretly applaud Peter Pans resourcefulness.

  People who have read this book will be puzzled and wonder why Peter Pan still doesnt live with everyone after Wendys mother repeatedly invites him? Doesnt he really want a mother? I am equally puzzled about this point. But after reading this book repeatedly, I understood. Because Peter Pan has a childlike innocence that is not afraid of the passage of time, this childlike innocence can make him always live a free and carefree life like a child, and he is unwilling to give up this happy life.

  In fact, as long as we can always maintain a happy and carefree state, our childlike innocence is not afraid of the passage of time. In daily life, we may experience learning pressure, which can make us impatient and irritable. If we handle this pressure with a happy mood, wouldnt we become happy and carefree? In this way, we have a childlike innocence that is not afraid of the passage of time!

  After reading this book, I have learned that as long as we use our hearts to make life happy and carefree, we will all have a childlike heart that is not afraid of the passage of time!






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  Peter Pan "is a fairy tale about growth, written by the famous British novelist and playwright Jay M. Barry.

  Perhaps humans living on Earth will never refuse the reality of growing up and dying of old age. The reason why I dont want to grow up is because there will be many things to worry about when I grow up.

  Not wanting to grow up is every childs wish. When we were still children, we all had a fairy tale character worth worshipping and liking in our hearts. In my heart, Little Peter is my idol. He can not only help us achieve our wish not to grow up, but also teach us flying skills, magic, and deal with the bad people who oppress the weak and seek wealth and life in society, so that children can grow up healthy and happy.

  Peter Pan is a boy who can fly and possesses magic, and is the ruler of the never-ending island. When he flies at night, his body emits a light the size of a fist. He is straightforward and mischievous, emitting a childish aura every moment. But when danger approached, his fearless spirit made me feel like she was a little adult. Peters chivalrous, optimistic, and adventurous spirit of freedom is something every child should learn.

  The three children in the text - Wendy, John, and Michael - live in an ordinary family. Their little nana is a good companion in their life. Accompany them to school every day and take care of them meticulously in life. In this book, what difficulties and dangers will Wendy, John, and Michael encounter while following Peter to the hard to find place of Eternal Island?

  At this moment, Peter and I set off to fly to Eternal Island, relieve all difficulties on the way, and taste the wonderful life on Eternal Island! I will be like him, a happy and brave good child.







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  Its natural that Peter Pan can fly, but its strange for three ordinary children to fly in the sky. Of course, its thanks to Peter Pan. He scattered some fairy dust at Wendy, John, and Michaels house, causing Wendy, John, and Michael to fly. However, the fairy "Little Dingdang" saw Peter Pan give Wendy a "thimble". Jealousy had already sprouted in her heart, and later on, jealousy had taken over her consciousness and even killed Wendy. But she loved Peter Pan so much that she helped him drink the poison and sacrificed herself. This spirit is precious.

  Many people on Neverland are very afraid of Captain Long Hook. But Captain Hook also has his own natural enemy: the alarm crocodile that ate Captain Hooks right hand. Speaking of Captain Hook, although he is terrifying, he is not very perfect. Although he has a terrifying iron hook, he also has his terrifying accusation. This is enough to prove his strength. Its funny that when Peter Pan kidnapped "Tiger Lily" at sea, he imitated Captain Hooks voice, and Captain Hook himself actually believed that the fake Captain Hook was Captain Hook. It is obvious that Captain Hook has lost confidence and fully believes in Captain Hook. Peter Pan successfully made Hook think he was a "cod". Here, it is enough to prove that Captain Hook has completely lost confidence.

  And next, Peter Pan was discovered and exposed due to his overconfidence. The two characters present a stark contrast: one is too confident, and the other is too insecure.

  Wendy, the co protagonist, is a heartless person, and the article also mentions not coming home for over a year. Surprisingly, she became a mother.

  Peter Pan finally learned that Wendy was in her twenties, married and had children. He will always go to Neverland with Wendys descendants.






  彼得潘英文读后感 47

  Peter Pan "tells the story of Wendy and her brothers adventure with Peter Pan on Neverland. But what attracts me to this book is not these great adventures of saving Native Americans, saving mermaids, and fighting pirates, but rather this series of childlike words and stories.

  In fact, there is a childlike innocence in everyones heart. This childlike innocence exists in old age, but some people no longer use it, while others have been using it all along.

  My mother-in-law, mother, and father all have a childlike innocence. Although she is old, she doesnt show any signs of age. She smiles happily all day and goes out for a walk and stroll when she has nothing to do. Even when she criticizes others, she pouts like a child. And parents usually argue and make trouble, and sometimes Dad likes to play pranks on Mom. Mom is the pistachio in our family. She said to me, "Child, you are the one who makes people laugh, I am the one who makes you laugh." Haha. In this way, our family is filled with laughter and laughter every day. This is the power of childlike innocence.

  In life, there are many things that cannot be done without childlike innocence. Can people create those beautiful animations without childlike innocence? Can people write those imaginative fairy tales without childlike innocence? Can people think of those relaxing jokes? The answer to these questions is - no! Its definitely not achievable. This shows the importance of childlike innocence.

  Childlike innocence is pure, wonderful, full of fantasy and hope. Childlike innocence, sometimes its not as big as a sesame seed, and sometimes its big enough to hold the universe. In the long journey of life, you must not throw away that childlike heart that belongs to you. Losing childlike innocence is equivalent to losing a precious treasure.






  彼得潘英文读后感 48

  This winter vacation, the teacher recommended us to read two books, one called "Peter Pan" and the other called "I Want to Be a Good Child". Among them, my favorite is the book Peter Pan, written by James Barry from the UK. Peter was a child who did not want to grow up and would never grow up. He lived on a small island called Yongwuxiang, which was a strange place where Native Americans, a group of pirates, various wild animals, mermaids, and fairies lived, as well as a group of children who were accidentally lost by adults.

  There are many story chapters in the book "Peter Pan", among which the most attractive one is the article "Never Bird". This article tells the story of Peter sitting on a small rock in the lagoon exhausted after fighting with the pirates. Suddenly, Peter noticed a nearby Never Bird approaching him, and it turned out that Never Bird was coming to save him. Eternal Bird tentatively placed the nest containing two bird eggs on a rock. Peter placed the eggs in his hat and carefully placed them in the lake water. The waterproof oilcloth high hat floated steadily on the water, and Eternal Bird landed on the hat and safely hatched the eggs. Then, Peter used the nest as a boat, found a wooden board to stand up as a mast, and hung his shirt on it as a sail. Eternal Bird moved ahead, Peter followed the bird to the shore and went home smoothly.

  After reading this article, I feel that Peter is a brave, caring, and diligent intelligent child. Usually, I feel scared when Im alone at home. Im half hearted, not serious enough, and even not caring enough. Compared to Peters excellent qualities, I feel really ashamed! From now on, I must study hard from Peter.




  彼得潘英文读后感 49

  Peter Pan is a boy who doesnt want to grow up. Wrapped in green leaves with veins, there was a little attendant who was a fairy named Ling Dingdang. He led a group of little boys to live on Neverland in a place that the children had imagined. Every childs Neverland is different. Their dream is a combination of all Neverland, although chaotic and magical, pirates can make a treaty with Native Americans, crocodiles can swallow a clock and still tell the time.

  There is a saying that a child with a mother is like a treasure. Peter and those children yearn for a mother and maternal love. Even if its a little girl. Peter and Bell Dingdang arrived at Neverland. Find a suitable mother for them. I think Peter is an arrogant guy who even sleeps cross legged. In the first search, Peter separated from the shadow. In desperation, he used soap to stick his shadow, but even cried when he couldnt stick it on. However, he was surprisingly brave, and as he was about to drown, he believed that dealing with death was the greatest adventure.

  I detest Peter because of his arrogance. She is like my unreasonable younger brother, as long as he is willing to brag to the skies, no Parallel universes can also work. Because of this, I increasingly admire him because his arrogance gave her the courage to resist the pirate Hawk, and then personally killed seventeen pirates, seventeen pirates who wanted to compete with the little boy for their mother.

  When the "mother" and the boys returned to their true home, Peter decided to return to Neverland because he didnt want to grow up. There, Peter could fulfill his wish and have a good time. I really want to go back to that innocent time and live in my own world like a child., In the fairy tale of not growing up.

  In fact, when I was a child, I thought about it the same way, but I quickly realized that as long as we have a childlike heart, as long as Peter Pan, the Little Flying Man, still lives in our hearts. Even if we cant live like Peter Pan. I will not lose joy, because Peter Pan told me that I am youth, I am joy, I am a newly hatched bird.






  彼得潘英文读后感 50

  Speaking of the name "Peter Pan", you must be very unfamiliar. Now let me tell you slowly!

  The name "Peter Pan" is a novel by British author James Barry, but Peter Pan didnt want to grow up and escaped from a window at seven days old, flying to Kensington Park. Peter felt that he was a bird, with the appearance of a bird. The fairies on the island were preparing breakfast, but Peter ignored them. He went to the weeping beech tree, picked a branch, and quickly fell asleep on it.

  It was dawn, and Peter Pan saw no one paying attention to him. He flew to Snake Lake Island to look for Solomon Crow. Solomon Crow heard Peters story and sighed, "Poor half man and half bird, you cant go back anymore." In order to make a living, Peter learned some bird habits from Solomon Crow. After a while, Peter saw that there were always children playing in the park and inexplicably fell into a deep thought: Mom, where are you? I miss you so much! I really want to have a mother!

  Later, at the adult dance of the Fairy Princess, Peter said to the Fairy Queen, "I want to go back to my mother." When he got home, Little Peter replaced Peter: Mom had forgotten Peter, and Peter had to return to the island and live a dangerous life……

  Yes, sometimes I get lost in thought for no reason: why does my younger brother always play pranks on me, while I dont dislike him at all. And this is family love, its family love, it reminds Peter of his mother, its family love, it makes me no longer disgusted with him. Family love, how many people are lost in contemplation because of you, how many people feel heartbroken that throwing a stack of money in front of their parents and then sending them to a nursing home would make them feel like filial children! It is you who let the world know: parents love their children 100%, and childrens love is not even a drop of water.

  We must cherish the love of our parents and not let them worry about us, because their love is the most beautiful thing in the world for us.















